14 research outputs found

    The prediction of the success of first-year MBA candidates: One business school as a case study

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    AbstractThe focus of this study was to determine the best predictors of academic success of first-year MBA students. Selection criteria and variables are tested for the reliable prediction of successful completion of the first year of an MBA programme (MBAI). A longitudinal quantitative research design is followed using data of students from a South African business school, enrolled between the years 2006 and 2013. The study population consisted of a total of N=777 students enrolled on the MBA programme for this period. Numerical- and verbal cognitive ability assessments gathered as part of enrolment assessment were used and compared to MBAI examination results. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the significance of different variables to predict MBA first-year success, defined here as the successful completion of all first-year MBA modules within the first academic year. Results indicate that cognitive ability is related to MBA first-year success. The numerical was a better predictor than the verbal cognitive assessment. Type of undergraduate education was found to play a role in MBA first-year success. Language of delivery proved to have an influence on academic performance and Younger students performed better than their older counterparts did. Determining the best predictors MBA first-year success has practical implications on selection processes and throughput

    Estagiamento de embriões de Macrobrachium olfersi (Wiegman) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) através de critérios morfológicos nos dias embrionários Macrobrachium olfersi (Wiegman) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) embryo staging through morphological landmarks identified in each embryonic day

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    Em embriões de Macrobrachium olfersi (Wiegman, 1836) foram analisadas as características morfológicas bem como o dia do desenvolvimento em que estas características surgiram. Machos e fêmeas de M. olfersi foram coletados na Ilha de Santa Catarina e colocados em aquários de água doce, na temperatura de 26&deg;C e ciclo escuro e claro de 10:14 horas. Fêmeas ovígeras foram monitoradas diariamente para retirada de uma amostra de 20 ovos da câmara incubadora. O desenvolvimento embrionário foi caracterizado através do sistema de estagiamento diário. Embriões vivos e fixados foram analisados (48x) em intervalos de 24 horas (dia embrionário). O índice do olho foi calculado em cada dia embrionário, a partir do aparecimento da pigmentação no olho. O desenvolvimento de M. olfersi foi caracterizado em 14 dias embrionários (E), onde entre E1 a E4 ocorreu a clivagem, gastrulação, disco germinativo e organização do nauplius embrionizado. Nos dias subseqüentes foi caracterizado o crescimento do nauplius embrionizado bem como a formação e encurvamento do pós-nauplius. Em E7 observou-se a pigmentação no olho, seguida do início dos batimentos cardíacos em E8. Entre E9 e E14, ocorreu de forma mais intensa o processo de organogênese, principalmente dos sistemas nervoso, cardiovascular e digestivo. O estagiamento diário do desenvolvimento de M. olfersi permitiu o reconhecimento de diferentes formas embrionárias, bem como de ritmos de crescimento e diferenciação do embrião, os quais são essenciais à formação gradual do plano do corpo.<br>Morphological landmarks of Macrobrachium olfersi embryos were examined and their appearance times were related to each embryonic day. Males and females of M. olfersi (Wiegman, 1836) were captured in Santa Catarina Island and kept in freshwater small tanks at 26ºC and 10:14 dark: light cycle. Ovigerous females were monitored daily to remove samples of 20 eggs from brood pouch. The embryonic development was characterized through daily staging system. Living and fixed embryos were analyzed (48x) in intervals of 24 hours (embryonic day). The eye index was calculated in each embryonic day from the appearance of the eye pigmentation. The development of M. olfersi was described in 14 embryonic days (E), where the cleavage, gastrulation, germinal disk and egg nauplius are developed from E1 to E4. The subsequent days were characterized by the growth of the egg nauplius, as well by the formation and the bent of the post-nauplius. At E7, the eye pigmentation appeared and was followed by the beginning of heartbeats at E8. From E9 to E14, more intensive organogenesis processes occurred, mainly on the nervous, cardiac and digestive systems. The daily staging of development of M. olfersi development enabled the recognition of different embryonic forms, as well as growth and differentiation rhythms of embryo, which were fundamental to the gradual formation of the body plan

    Embryonic development of four species of palaemonid prawns (Crustacea, Decapoda): pre-naupliar, naupliar and post-naupliar periods

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    The embryonic development of four species of the family Palaemonidae was studied under laboratory conditions. Adults of Macrobrachium olfersi (Wiegman, 1836), Macrobrachium potiuna (Müller, 1880), Palaemon pandaliformis (Stimpson, 1871) and Palaemonetes argentinus (Nobili, 1901) were collected in Santa Catarina Island, Santa Catarina, Brazil and maintained at 26ºC. The following embryonic characters were analyzed: egg shape, yolk organization and cleavage plane, naupliar and post-naupliar appendages, stomodeum, optical lobes, eyes, telson, embryo curvature and the space occupied by the embryo in the egg. Different rates of development were observed for the four species, with M. potiuna showing the longest time of embryogenesis. The species studied followed the pattern of embryogenesis of centrolecithal eggs, enabling the identification of similar features of the development, and the establishment of eight common embryonic stages.<br>Foi estudado o desenvolvimento embrionário de quatro espécies de Palaemonidae em condições controladas de laboratório. Adultos de Macrobrachium olfersi (Wiegman, 1836), Macrobrachium potiuna (Müller, 1880), Palaemon pandaliformis (Stimpson, 1871) e Palaemonetes argentinus (Nobili, 1901) foram coletados na Ilha de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil e mantidos à temperatura de 26ºC. Foram analisadas as seguintes características embrionárias: forma do ovo, organização do vitelo e planos de clivagem, apêndices naupliares e pós-naupliares, estomodeo, lobos ópticos, olhos, telson, curvatura do embrião e o espaço ocupado pelo embrião no ovo. Diferentes ritmos de desenvolvimento foram observados espécies, sendo que M. potiuna mostrou o maior tempo de embriogênese. As espécies seguem o padrão de embriogênese de ovos centrolécitos, sendo identificadas características similares do desenvolvimento, possibilitando o estabelecimento de oito estágios embrionários, comuns as quatro espécies