45 research outputs found

    Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

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    Although attention to the local level of integration policymaking has increased recently, thus far, very few studies have focused on vertical ‘multi-level’ relations between policy levels and the implications these have for integration policies. This article asks how and why different configurations of relations between national and local governments affect the governance of migrant integration. To what extent, and if so, why do vertical relations trigger frame alignment or rather divergence? Following an embedded dissimilar case study design, the analysis focuses on the UK and the Netherlands as two countries with dissimilar governance structures in the field of integration, and two cities within each country that are known for their different integration approaches: London (boroughs Tower Hamlets and Enfield) and Glasgow and Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The analysis shows that there are no top-down coordination mechanisms that create frame alignment as conceptualized in the idea of national models. Yet, frame alignm

    GefĂ€ĂŸ, Schnabelkanne

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    Rand-, Hals- und Schulterfragment einer Schnabelkanne, Ansatz der Rundung des Henkel-QuerschnittsInnen: Tongrundig. Außen: Auf Tongrund am Hals dunkelbraune umlaufende Streifen. Schulter dunkelbraun

    Mainstreaming versus alienation: conceptualising the role of complexity in migration and diversity policymaking

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    Why do processes of policymaking on migration and (migration-related) diversity so often seem ‘out of control’? This article proposes a new conceptual framework for understanding the role of complexity in the governance of migration and diversity. Complexity literature argues that complex problems like migration and diversity require complex approaches. However, migration literature shows that policy processes in these areas often fail to capture complexity, for instance through ‘quick fixes’ in migration regulation or on a strong belief in state-led ‘immigrant integration.’ This results in what will be conceptualised as ‘alienation’ from issue developments in migration and diversity, which comes in various forms: problem, institutional, political and social alienation. Alternatively, ‘mainstreaming’ is conceptualised as a governance approach that does try to capture rather than deny complexity. This requires, however, a rethinking of migration and diversity governance as a generic approach that does not treat migration and diversity as ‘stand-alone’ topics, that is oriented at the whole (diverse) population, that involves complex actor networks and a contingent and emergent process rather than a one-size-fits-all policy model. By helping actors to understand and respond to complexity, researchers can contribute to reflexivity in policy processes and help to promote mainstreaming and prevent alienation

    The limitations of policy learning: A constructivist perspective on expertise and policy dynamics in Dutch migrant integration policies

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    This article zooms in on the role of policy learning in nonincremental policy change. Can policy learning contribute to ‘policy punctuations’ or ‘paradigmatic change’? This question is addressed from a constructivist angle. Within the constructivist approach debate rages on whether, and if so under what conditions, there could be a relationship between policy learning and policy change. The discourse coalition framework renounces the cognitivist concept of policy learning, whereas the critical frame analysis framework claims that critical reflection at the level of policy frames can lead to fundamental ‘frame shifts’. This article reviews these two constructivist frameworks for policy analysis in terms of how they conceptualize and theorize the relation between policy learning and policy change. Besides offering a discussion of the theoretical assumptions of the two constructivist approaches that have been selected, this article offers an empirical congruence analysis of learning and change. This congruence analysis will be applied to one specific case: migrant integration policy-making in the Netherlands (2000–2015). This involves a clear case study where various non-incremental policy changes have taken place, from an integrationist to an assimilationist approach, which makes it a revelatory case for an in-depth study of po

    Mainstreaming versus Alienation: Conceptualizing the role of complexity in migration and diversity policymaking

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    Why do processes of policymaking on migration and (migrationrelated) diversity so often seem ‘out of control’? This article proposes a new conceptual framework for understanding the role of complexity in the governance of migration and diversity. Complexity literature argues that complex problems like migration and diversity require complex approaches. However, migration literature shows that policy processes in these areas often fail to capture complexity

    Framing the Immigration Policy Agenda: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Media Effects on Dutch Immigration Policies

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    This study applies a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) design to examine how configurations of quantitative and qualitative aspects of media coverage associate with changes on the policy agenda. We analyze media coverage of sixteen focusing events related to Dutch immigration policies—an intractable policy controversy that is regularly under media scrutiny. In addition to the quantity of media attention, we take into account whether dominant framing in media coverage is contesting the current policy frame and whether the framing in the media is consonant. Our analysis indicates that frame contestation is a necessary condition for media effects. Quantity of media attention and frame consonance are relevant indicators of changes on the policy agenda only when the majority of media coverage is contesting the current policy frame. Furthermore, we found that in the case of intractable policy controversies, media f

    Mainstreaming van integratiebeleid: een beleidsreactie op superdiversiteit?

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    Waar modellen voor integratiebeleid van oudsher gebaseerd zijn op traditionele en duidelijk gemarkeerde migrantengroepen, verwijst de recente discussie rondom superdiversiteit (Vertovec, 2007) juist naar multidimensionale verschuivingen in migratiepatronen en de sterk toegenomen diversiteit tussen groepen onderling en van de samenleving als geheel (Vertovec, 2007; Meissner & Vertovec, 2015). Beschouwd vanuit deze superdiversiteitsleer wordt beleid gericht op traditionele migrantendoelgroepen gezien als een simplificatie van de diversiteit binnen en tussen migrantengroepen. Daarnaast roept de diversificatie van de samenleving als geheel vragen op over de richting en invulling van integratiebeleid gericht op bijvoorbeeld assimilatie, aangezien de samenleving zelf ook sterk verandert als gevolg van migratie (Crul, 2016). Hoe verhoudt deze oproep tot het in acht nemen van het multidimensionele karakter van diversiteit zich tot de platte praktijk van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van integratie en migratiediversiteit

    Building Bridges Across Frames? A Meta-Evaluation of Dutch Integration Policy

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    The integration of immigrants is an intractable policy controversy in Dutch politics: the Blok Committee was established by Parliament to offer a resolution. However, its evaluation study ‘ Building Bridges’, itself became controversial. This paper asks: Why did the policy evaluation of the Blok Committee become so fiercely contested? We argue that the debate on immigrant integration can be characterized by frame-conflict: there were fundamental differences in how immigrant integration was defined and normatively interpreted by ac