6 research outputs found
Discharges in High-Power CW CO2 Lasers
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study
Low-pressure fractionation of strongly undersaturated alkaline ultrabasic magma: the olivine-melilite-nephelinite at Moiliili, Oahu, Hawaii
- Author
- A Johannsen
- AJ Irving
- BC King
- CE Tilley
- D Taylor
- D Velde
- D Velde
- D Velde
- DK Bailey
- DK Bailey
- DS Coombs
- EB Watson
- EP Saggerson
- F Seifert
- G Brey
- GA Macdonald
- GA Macdonald
- GG Goles
- H Nagasawa
- H Winchell
- HH Schock
- HS Yoder
- HS Yoder
- HS Yoder
- HS Yoder
- I Kushiro
- ISE Carmichael
- ISE Carmichael
- ISE Carmichael
- JA Pearce
- JB Wright
- JB Wright
- JC Stormer
- JF Schairer
- JF Schairer
- JF Schairer
- JFG Wilkinson
- JFG Wilkinson
- JJ Papike
- JR McIver
- K Norrish
- K Onuma
- K Onuma
- K Onuma
- K Yagi
- K Yagi
- K Yagi
- K Yagi
- KC Dunham
- LAJ Williams
- M Grutzeck
- M Prévot
- MA Lanphere
- MJ Bas Le
- MK Sood
- NG Ware
- NL Bowen
- NL Bowen
- PL Roeder
- PL Roeder
- RD Warner
- RG Platt
- RW Maitre Le
- RW Taylor
- SR Nockolds
- SY Wass
- T Simkin
- TFD Nielsen
- ThG Sahama
- ThG Sahama
- ThG Sahama
- WA Deer
- WP Leeman
- WP Leeman
- WP Nash
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Allgemeines Schrifttum
- Author
- A Faber
- A Faber
- A Faber
- A Gini
- A Hasenbein
- A Heinrich
- A Kollmar
- A Kollmar
- AJ Terlinden
- D Zuilen Van
- D Zuilen Van
- E BĂĽrchler
- E Engelberg
- E Jacobi
- E Nähring
- E Schmidt
- E Schumacher
- E Sprenger
- E Strempel
- EFM Held Van Der
- EFM Held Van Der
- EP Wirth
- F Brinkwerth
- F Bruckmayer
- F Heft
- F Pannier
- G Bartling
- G Brause
- G Maschlanka
- G Seelmeyer
- H Behrens
- H Bössow
- H Gröber
- H Gröber
- H Happel
- H Heid
- H Kamm
- H Kamm
- H Krause
- H Kuhrasch
- H Kämper
- H Kämper
- H Lier
- H Lier
- H Schock
- H Schubert
- H Thiesenhusen
- H Werneburg
- H Zemlin
- H Zemlin
- HU Todt
- J Körting
- J Meystrik
- J Meystrik
- J Schmitz
- J Schmitz
- JG Voogd De
- JS Cammerer
- JS Cammerer
- K Ludwig
- K Ludwig
- K Schimmel
- K Schultze
- K Schultze
- K Schultze
- Kraus St., U. J. Meystrik
- L Kopp
- L Neussel
- LL Mulder
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Hottinger
- M Jungbluth
- M Jungbluth
- M Jungbluth
- M Kraus
- M Szombathy
- M Willner
- O Fröhlich
- O Fröhlich
- O Krischer
- O Krischer
- O Krischer
- O Krischer
- O Leppin
- O Lufft
- R Kaldenhoff
- R SchĂĽler
- W Krasnitzky
- W Kuhnert
- W KĂĽstner
- W Liese
- W Mehl
- W Raiss
- W Raiss
- W Raiss
- W Raiss
- W Rauper
- W Rybacek
- W Sackermann
- W Schule
- W Spillhagen
- W Zimmermann
- WD Matschinsky
- ZD Lastooka
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1954
- Field of study
Sulfonamides and Sulfones in Dermatologic Therapy
- Author
- Alexander J
- Allday EJ
- Altman J
- Andrews GC
- Arnold HL
- Ayres S
- Bargen JA
- Bargen JA
- Belmont A
- Browne SG
- Burns RE
- Buttle GAH
- Cochrane RG
- Cornbleet T
- Cornbleet T
- Cornbleet T
- Costello MJ
- Costello MJ
- Costello MJ
- Costello MK
- DeGowin RL
- Deutsch M
- Dharmenda L
- Doull JA
- Doull JA
- Ellis FA
- Esteves J
- Faget CH
- Feingold DS
- Feldman WH
- Forsgen A
- Fourneau E
- Fromm E
- Furst C
- Gelber R
- Goldman L
- Gonzalez Ochoa A
- Graham WR
- Granroth T
- Greenbaum CH
- Greengard P
- Hall AF
- Halmekoski J
- Hopper A
- Jefferson J
- Jelliffe DB
- Katz SI
- Katz St
- Kubba KK
- Kunin CM
- Lehr D
- Lehrer RI
- Lever WF
- Levine PH
- Linn HW
- Loewenthal LJA
- Lorincz AL
- Lorincz AL
- Lowe J
- MacMillan AL
- Manfredi G
- Mattila MJ
- Mayer K
- Mc Kenna WB
- Mohajern AH
- Moser RH
- Ognibene AJ
- Pengelly CDR
- Perry HO
- Perry HO
- Piamphongsant T
- Popper H
- Potter B
- Riches DJ
- Ridgway HB
- Schock EP
- Shepard CC
- Shoenfeld RJ
- Skog E
- Sneddon IB
- Stendahl O
- Sulzberger MB
- Thompson DM
- Thompson DM
- Tolman MM
- Vickers FHR
- Volden G
- Vollum OC
- Weinstein I
- Weinstein L
- Williams K
- Winkelmann RK
- Woods DD
- Wyatt EJ
- Zarafonetis CJD
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Purinergic signalling and disorders of the central nervous system
- Author
- A Bauer
- A Ekonomou
- A Lämmer
- A Melani
- A Slézia
- A Tarditi
- A Wieraszko
- A Witting
- B Johansson
- B Sperlágh
- B Sperlágh
- B Sperlágh
- BG Frenguelli
- BK Yee
- BT Ho
- C Agresti
- C Guo
- C Heine
- C Hohoff
- C Matute
- C Volonté
- C Waeber
- CB Shields
- CC Chen
- CD Bonan
- CE Stout
- CG Dulla
- CJ Zou
- D Davalos
- D Ferrari
- D Fields
- D Jun
- D Moore
- D Rampe
- D Van Calker
- DA Judelson
- DB Arthur
- DJ Cox
- DL Davies
- DL Donnelly-Roberts
- DR Lara
- DR Lara
- DS Kim
- E Angulo
- E Braganhol
- E Cakir
- E Fabbretti
- E Tumini
- ED MartĂn
- EL Pedrazza
- EL Pedrazza
- EP Vianna
- EP Vianna
- ER Vinadé
- F Bianco
- F Calon
- F Cavaliere
- F Cavaliere
- F Di Virgilio
- F Florenzano
- F Florenzano
- F Marchand
- F Martinon
- F Pedata
- F Trudeau
- FB Morrone
- FM Ross
- G Borsellino
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Burnstock
- G Chang
- G Dell'Antonio
- G Dorn
- G Moalem
- Geoffrey Burnstock
- GF Tian
- H Aihara
- H Franke
- H Franke
- H Franke
- H Franke
- H Franke
- H Kittner
- H Kittner
- H Kittner
- H Zimmermann
- HH Chen
- HJ McQuay
- HQ Liu
- HZ Ruan
- I Lemaire
- I Morales
- I Ushijima
- IP Chessell
- IP Chessell
- J Briede
- J Brockhaus
- J Deckert
- J Gever
- J Mojsilovic-Petrovic
- J Scholz
- J Xu
- JA Coull
- JA Ribeiro
- JA Wagner
- JF Chen
- JG McLarnon
- JG McLarnon
- JL Short
- JM Camden
- JM Duarte
- JP Hughes
- JP Oses
- JT Neary
- JT Neary
- JT Neary
- JT Neary
- JV Busnello
- K Fuxe
- K Färber
- K Inoue
- K Inoue
- K Inoue
- K Inoue
- K Inoue
- K Morita
- K Nasu-Tada
- K Ohsawa
- K Wirkner
- K Wirkner
- KA Jacobson
- KB Washburn
- KP Corodimas
- L Chen
- L Köles
- L Narcisse
- L Patti
- LC Wilot
- LH Guo
- LH Guo
- LH Guo
- LJS Knutsen
- LK Parvathenani
- M Andries
- M D'Arco
- M Diez-Zaera
- M Dragunow
- M Fumagalli
- M O'Neill
- M Okada
- M Synowitz
- M Tsuda
- M Tsuda
- M Tsuda
- M Williams
- M Zeraati
- MA Schwarzschild
- MD Tran
- MI Martinez-Mir
- MJ Bours
- MJ Wall
- MP Abbracchio
- MP Abbracchio
- MP Abbracchio
- MP Kaster
- MP Rathbone
- N Barden
- N Braun
- N Hosseinmardi
- N Ismayilova
- NE Chorna
- NR Selden
- P Bodin
- P Honore
- P Honore
- P Lam
- P Popoli
- P Popoli
- PM Rappold
- PPA Humphrey
- R Akkari
- R Ambalavanar
- R Bardoni
- R Barraco
- R Basheer
- R Brambilla
- R Machado-Vieira
- R Nicolaidis
- R Raouf
- RA Le Feuvre
- RA North
- RE Shapiro
- RJ Rodrigues
- RM Kassa
- RM Spanevello
- RN Kalaria
- RP Ward
- S Alesci
- S Koizumi
- S Lucae
- S McGaraughty
- S McGaraughty
- S McGaraughty
- S Ueno
- S Watanabe
- SC Schock
- SE Haynes
- SH Kafka
- SJ Tsai
- SK Mishra
- SM Lucas
- T Fellin
- T Nakagawa
- T Ogata
- T Suzuki
- T Takenouchi
- T Takenouchi
- T Trang
- TB Reece
- U KrĂĽgel
- V Montana
- V Ralevic
- W Panenka
- WM Purcell
- X Wang
- Y Chen
- Y Lin
- Y Pankratov
- Y Wang
- Y Zhang
- YD Potucek
- YH Jo
- YV Pankratov
- Z Gerevich
- Z Gerevich
- Z Xiang
- Z Zhang
- Z Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- 14.—16. 7. 195O. Ref. Zbl
- A Belle
- A Boquet
- A Breton
- A Dttske
- A Du
- A DéRivéS
- A Fleckenstein
- A Guiducci
- A Jores
- A Kraushaar
- A KĂśRtest
- A LĂśTzenkirchen
- A Massenberg
- A Nilzen
- A NilzÉN
- A Philipp
- A review of antihistamine drugs. Quart
- A Sjoerdsma
- A slow reacting substance in anaphylaxis SRS-A
- A study of comparative antihistaminic activity of six compounds. J
- A Substances
- A technique for minimizing severe and constitutional reactions when administering allergenic extracts subcutaneously
- A Tickner
- A Tzanck
- A Tzanck
- A Tzanck
- A Tzanck
- A UtéRine
- A Weder
- A Wiedmann
- A Wiedmann
- A Windaus
- A Wiskemann
- AA Krueger
- AB Loveman
- AC Curtis
- Action histaminopexique du sérum humain et son pouvoir protecteur à l’égard
- AE Light
- AF Essellier
- AG Kochs
- AG Macgregor
- AG Pratt
- AJ Glazko
- AL Grossberg
- AL Maietta
- Allergie 3
- Allergiestudien
- Allergiestudien
- AM Cahan
- AM Fuchs
- AM Staub
- AM Staub
- an appraisal of their clinical value. J. Allergy 19 313 (1948).— WALDRIFF, G. A., J. DAVIS and G. M. LEWIS
- Ann
- antihistaminic compound (pyribenzamine) in certain cutaneous disorders. Arch
- Antihistaminiques
- AO Lima
- AR Judd
- AR Rich
- Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) 283 244
- AS Friedlaender
- AS Friedlaender
- AV Schlichtegroll
- AW Hilker
- AW Weston
- AYRESIII. S., and S. AYRES jr.
- B Campbell
- B Diamant
- B Idson
- B Kreis
- B Leiber
- B Rose
- B Rose
- B Steinmann
- B Zenner
- BA Bradlow
- BA Levitan
- BB Brodie
- BB Brown
- BB Schoenkermann
- Bildung und Schicksal des Histamins im Organismus
- BL Martinez
- BM Guirard
- BM Kesten
- BM PavkoviÓ
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BN Halpern
- BR Garat
- C Bernstein
- C Mar
- C Schirren
- C Stritzler
- C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris) 140 297
- CA Ashford
- CA Dragstedt
- CA Winter
- CC Winter
- CE Arbesman
- CE Arbesman
- CE Arbesman
- CE Arbesman
- CF Code
- CH Best
- CH Best
- CH Ide
- CH Kellaway
- Chemie der Antihistamine
- Chemische Konstitution und pharmakologische Wirkung in einer neuen Reihe von y-substituierten Piperidinderivaten mit Antihistamin-Eigenschaften
- CJ Duca
- CJ Malloy
- CL Huriez
- CM Bancroft
- CM Jenkins
- Committee on Therapy of the American Academy of Allergy Report
- Comparison of the vascular and neural effects of antihistamine and local anaesthetic drugs on the skin
- Contribution â l’étude des anti-histaminiques
- Correlation of blood histamine release and skin test response to multiple antigens
- Correlation of experimental data with clinical behavior of synthetic antihistaminic drugs
- CP Huttrer
- CuciNOTTA U.
- CWM Wilson
- D Ackermann
- D Ackermann
- D Bovet
- D Bovet
- D Bovet
- D Bovet
- D Bovet
- D Danielopolu
- D Hunter
- D Kopel
- D Kopel
- DA Swobo
- Das Problem der allergischen Reaktionsmechanismen. Int
- DB Frankel
- DB Frankel
- DB Frankel
- DB Tyler
- Der gegenwärtige Stand der medikamentösen Behandlung der Allergien
- Dermatitis due to antihistaminic agents
- desensitization by injection
- DF Elliott
- DF Hawkins
- Die Wirkung verschieden incorpo- rierten Antihistamins auf lymphagoge Reaktionen der Haut. Z
- Diskussionsbemerkung. Ciba Foundation Symposium on Histamine
- DL Hearin
- Drug allergy
- DW Cowan
- E Bleuler
- E Calas
- E Drassinower
- E Epstein
- E Frey
- E Friedman
- E Gilg
- E Huth
- E Kuhn
- E Lindner
- E Perlman
- E Rajka
- E Rajka
- E Rothlin
- E Sidi
- E Sidi
- E Werle
- E Werle
- E Werle
- E Werle
- EA Brown
- EA Brown
- EA Zeller
- EB Brown
- EB Brown
- Editorial Note
- EE Fischel
- EE Hammerschmidt
- EE Kruizinga
- Effect of antigen and organic bases on intracellular histamine in guinea pig lung
- Effect of temperature on the anaphylactic reaction
- Effect of various drugs on experimental asthma produced in guinea pigs by exposure to atomized histamine. J
- Effects of rutin in horse serum anaphylaxis in the rabbit
- EJ Luippold
- EJ Moynahan
- EJ Moynahan
- EL Komrad
- EL Perry
- EL Way
- EM Boyd
- EM Boyd
- EM Glaser
- EP Benditt
- EP Gelvin
- EP Gelvin
- ER Loew
- ER Loew
- ER Loew
- ER Loew
- ER Loew
- EW Neuhoff
- Experimental histamine pruritus. III. Influence of drugs on the itch threshold. Arch
- Experimental research on
- Experimente zum Fettstoffwechsel
- Experimentelle Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung des allergischen Kontaktekzems mit Antergan. Yortr. Sitzg der Ges. der Ă„rzte ZĂĽrich 1. 6.1944
- Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen ĂĽber die Wirkung des Thephorins. Int
- Experiments on histamine-refractoriness. II
- Experiments on histamine-refractoriness. III
- F Bloom
- F Diener
- F Ellinger
- F Fischer
- F Gebauer
- F Hahn
- F Hahn
- F Heim
- F Hildebrandt
- F Kail
- F Kalz
- F Labhardt
- F Leonard
- F Linneweh
- F Mietzsch
- F Ormea
- F Reubi
- F Staib
- F Voss
- F Walthert
- F Wortmann
- FA Ellis
- FA Kyser
- FC Combes
- FC Combes
- FC Lowell
- FC Macintosh
- FC Macintosh
- FC Mcintire
- FC Mcintire
- FC Mcintire
- FC Mcintire
- FDE Ritts
- FE Cormia
- FE Cormia
- FF Yonkman
- FJ Bandelin
- FJ Farrerons
- FK Hansel
- FM Rakeman
- Formation and binding of histamine by free mast cells of rat peritoneal fluid. Amer
- Formation and binding of histamine in vitro
- Foundation Symposium on Histamine
- FW Ellis
- FW Lynch
- FW Wittich
- G Barger
- G Brehmer
- G Chen
- G Claijser
- G Fatzer
- G Filipp
- G Hagerman
- G Hagerman
- G Heidelmann
- G Hub
- G Kahlson
- G Katz
- G Katz
- G Lehmann
- G Lehmann
- G Lehmann
- G Mackmull
- G Ojers
- G Polemann
- G Rajka
- G Reid
- G Richet
- G Rodney
- G StĂśTtgen
- G StĂśTtgen
- G Ungar
- G Viehweger
- G Zetler
- G Zetler
- GA Hallenbeck
- GA Rost
- GB West
- GD Baldridge
- GE Gaillard
- GJ Dammin
- GK Spearman
- GL Waldbott
- GP Lewis
- GS Barsoum
- GS Coffin
- GV Anrep
- H Arnold
- H Auterhoff
- H BirkhÄTjser
- H Blaschko
- H Bock
- H Elias
- H Fischer
- H Friderich
- H Friebel
- H Friebel
- H Friebel
- H Gatzek
- H Geske
- H Goethe
- H Goethe
- H GĂ–Tz
- H Haas
- H Haas
- H Haas
- H Habs
- H Hautreizung
- H Haxthausen
- H Herxheimer
- H Herzog
- H Hill
- H HĂśLlstrttng
- H Ippen
- H JahrmÄRker
- H Kalk
- H Kltjpp
- H MĂśCkter
- H Pelzer
- H Penicillin
- H Richter
- H Rieth
- H Schild
- H Schreiner
- H Schulten
- H Sous
- H Staub
- H Steinberg
- H Sternberg
- H Tabor
- H Walther
- H Warembourg
- H Weissbach
- H ZĂśRn
- H. B. and B.C. SEEGAL
- HA Abramson
- Hautreizung
- HB Btjrchell
- HB Lovejoy
- HC Morris
- HD Beale
- HD Dundy
- HE Bock
- HE Essex
- HE Prince
- Herausgebernote
- HG Murray
- HG Wells
- HH Blaschke
- HH Dale
- HH Dale
- Histaminase (Torantil) bei schweren Verbrennungen
- Histamine and gastric secretion
- Histamine and mast cells
- Histamine and other mediators in hypersensitivity reactions. III. Internat. Kongr. fĂĽr Allergologie Paris
- Histamine azoprotein in the treatment of allergy
- Histamine in blood
- Histamine in nerves
- Histamine levels in human skin
- Histamine metabolism. III. Internat. Kongr. fĂĽr Allergologie Paris
- Histamine release in allergic skin reaction. Proc
- Histidine decarboxylase of rat stomach and other mammalian tissues. Amer
- HJ Chinn
- HJ Chinn
- HK Beecher
- HL Rogers
- HM Lee
- HM Lee
- HO Loos
- HO Schild
- HS Diehl
- HS Mitchell
- HSF Scheffler
- HT Graham
- HT Graham
- HTH Schreus
- HTH Schreus
- HW Spier
- Hypoallergic penicillin. Chlor-trimeton-penicillin
- Hypoallergic penicillin. Pyribenzamine penicillin
- Hyposensitization by combined antigen-chlor-trimeton injection
- I Experimentales
- I Mota
- IA Fond
- IH Gaddtjm
- IH Gaddum
- IH Gaddum
- IL Bernstein
- Inactivation of histamine
- Inactivation of the antihistaminic drugs in the liver and the gastrointestinal tract
- Inhibition of histamine release in anaphylaxis
- Inhibition of the anaphylactic reaction
- Int. Physiol.-Kongr. Abstr. BrĂĽssel
- Interpretation of the inefficacy of antihistaminics upon the secretion of gastric juice
- IST White
- IW Ellis
- IW Schiller
- J Alberty
- J Alberty
- J Brand
- J Bronfenbrenner
- J Churchill
- J Crtjmbley
- J Davis
- J Decourt
- J Gate
- J Johnson
- J Kimmig
- J Kimmig
- J KĂ„Llqyist
- J Lecomte
- J London
- J Martland
- J Pellerat
- J Pellerat
- J Pellerat
- J Prochazka
- J Ripps
- J Schmid
- J Singleton
- J Strickland
- J Tappeiner
- J Vonkennel
- JA Loon
- JA Wells
- JA Wells
- JA Wells
- JB Bawnik
- JB Botjrqtjin
- JB Wyngaarden
- JC Castillo
- JC Krantz
- JC Peterson
- JD Geiser
- JDP Graham
- JE Botjrque
- JE Jorpes
- JE Rothschild
- JF Ackroyd
- JF Madden
- JF Riley
- JF Riley
- JH Copenhaver
- JH Humphrey
- JJ Arminio
- JJ Barrock
- JJ Reuse
- JJ Sievers
- JL Broadbent
- JL Guerrant
- JL Mongar
- JL Mongar
- JL Parrot
- JL Parrot
- JL Werther
- JM Brewster
- JM Rose
- JM Sheldon
- JM Sheldon
- JN Moss
- JR Frey
- JR Parrat
- JW Beeler
- JW Jobling
- K Btjcher
- K Bucher
- K BĂ–Hm
- K Credner
- K Credner
- K Fuhrmann
- K Hansen
- K KĂ–Rber
- K Soehring
- K Soehring
- K Wulf
- KA Rasmussen
- KF Urbach
- KH Schijlz
- KH Schulz
- KH Schulz
- KH Schulz
- KL Unna
- KP Mathews
- KP Mathews
- L Alonso
- L Farmer
- L Farmer
- L Kerp
- L Maslansky
- L Meyler
- L Olivetti
- L Sternberg
- LE Carson
- LE Hollister
- LG Abood
- LH Criep
- LH Criep
- LN Gay
- LP Kyrides
- LW Roth
- LW Roth
- LW Shaffer
- L’antagonisme exercée par la N-p-méthoxybenzyl-N- dimethylaminoéthyl-a-aminopyridin sur l’hypotension et la vasodilatation. C. R
- M AllgĂ–Wer
- M Cell
- M Chessin
- M Coleman
- M Fabinyi
- M Fischer
- M Gaida
- M Graub
- M Histaminique
- M Korbo
- M Oppenheim
- M Reactions
- M Schachter
- M Siess
- M Silva
- M Zeller
- MA Green
- MB Cohen
- MB Sulzberger
- MB Sulzberger
- MD Leavitt
- Measurement of histamine-releasing activity
- Mechanism of anaphylaxis. III. Internat. Kongr. fĂĽr Allergologie Paris
- Mechanism of histamine release
- MH Mothersill
- MH Rosenberg
- Microtoxicology. VI. Identification and differentiation of newer antihistaminic drugs unrelated to benadryl pyribenzamine and antergan. J. Amer, pharmaceut
- MJ Birkeland
- MJ Costello
- MJ Woerdemann
- MM Peshkin
- MR Last
- MR Lichstenstein
- N Brock
- N Fell
- N Fell
- N Schaffer
- N Schaffer
- N Shure
- N Simon
- NE Silbert
- nes on the tuberculin reaction in man
- NG Emmelin
- NK Dutta
- NN Ercoli
- NW Clein
- O Arunlakshana
- O Braun
- O Fenner
- O Gonzales
- O Grxjtz
- O KäLteschäDigung
- O Nachweis
- O Nieschulz
- O Nieschulz
- O Olsson
- O Schindler
- O’LEARY P. A., and E. M. FÄRBER
- P Bigliardi
- P Dtjrel
- P FranÇOis
- P Guggenheim
- P Hagen
- P Hensen
- P Holtz
- P Holtz
- P Holtz
- P Holtz
- P Kallos
- P KallĂ–S
- P Marquardt
- P Martini
- P Martini
- P Naranjo
- P Payot
- P Tislow
- P Viaud
- P Zierz
- P Zierz
- PB Dews
- PDE Graciansky
- PH Getzoff
- PH Nexmand
- Pharmacology and functions of the mast cells
- Photoallergische Ekzeme durch Sulfanilamidsalben
- PM Gottlieb
- Prévention
- PV Forni
- Pyribenzamine in experimental non-allergic and allergic dermatitis
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- R Bartosch
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- R Brett
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- R Polimeni
- R Preuner
- R Schubert
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- RA Boissonnas
- RA Pasteur
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- RC Roberts
- Recent advances in the domain of the anti-histamine substances
- Recherches sur quelques bases synthétiques antagonistes
- Release of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) from platelets by antigen-antibody reactions (in vitro)
- Release of histamine from skin by neoarsphen- amine and bile salt
- Remarks on the location of histamine in mammalian tissue
- Report of the Committee on Drugs of the Research Council of the American Academy of Allergy
- Review article on some physiological aspects of histamine
- RH Browning
- RH Dreisbach
- RHO Donald
- RJ Hoagland
- RJ Raiman
- RL Baer
- RL Baer
- RL Baer
- RL Mayer
- RL Mayer
- RL Mayer
- RL Mayer
- RM Bohnstedt
- RM Gunnar
- RM Mulligan
- RO Noojin
- Roos
- RR Soicher
- RS Lackenbacher
- RW Sarber
- RW Schayer
- RW Schayer
- RW Schayer
- S Edlbacher
- S Friedlaender
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- S Friedlaender
- S Glanzmann
- S Hebald
- S Histamine
- S Malkiel
- S Monash
- S Peck
- S Pharmacological
- S Processus
- S Rocha
- S Rocha
- S Rocha
- S Sevitt
- S TĂ–Rnqvist
- S Warren
- SB Crepea
- SC Btjkantz
- Science 108 162
- SE Lindell
- Side effects of drugs
- SK Elster
- SM Feinberg
- SM Feinberg
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- SM Feinberg
- SM Feinberg
- Source in blood of histamine-like constituent
- SR Friesen
- SR Rosenthal
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- SR Rosenthal
- ST Epstein
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- ST Epstein
- ST Karady
- STH Jaros
- Studien ĂĽber die Antihistaminwirkung an der menschlichen Haut
- Sulla eventuale influenza degli antistaminici sintetici nella formazione degli anticorpi umorali provocati in alcune dermatosi. G. ital. Derm. Sif. 89 746
- Sur le mécanisme d’action des antihistaminiques
- SW Jeannes
- SW Landau
- SW Simon
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- T Gordonoff
- T Greiner
- T Krajewski
- T Milech
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- TB Dannenberg
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- TG Drake
- TH Aaron
- TH Aaron
- TH Dimmling
- TH Friis
- TH Inderbitzin
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- TH Lewis
- TH Mcgavack
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- TH Nasemann
- TH Sternberg
- The action of histamine antagonists on the histamine wheal and the eczema test (patch test). Acta derm.- venereol. (Stockh.) 30 1 (1950). —NOELPP-ESCHENHAGEN, I., u. B. NOELPP
- The activity of Pyribenzamine and related compounds with special reference to their mode of action. Ann. N.Y
- The combined injection of massive doses of pollen extract and antihistamines
- The fate of histamine in the body with particular reference to the enzymology of histamine oxidation
- The location of histamine in the body
- The mechanism of histamine release
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- TJ Haley
- TP Waalkes
- TW Mcelin
- U Gerlach
- U HĂ–Rlein
- U HĂ–Rlein
- U Serafini
- U Serafini
- U Serafini
- UW Jaques
- V Friedberg
- V Geschl
- V Menkin
- V Pasteur
- V Pasteur
- Verh. dtsch
- W Benstz
- W Bestian
- W Bfrckhardt
- W Blanton
- W Brack
- W Burckhardt
- W Demmler
- W Doepfner
- W Feldberg
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- W Hetjbner
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- W Lindemayr
- W Lutz
- W Marx
- W Parker
- W Ramanamanjary
- W Rosenblatt
- W Schmidt
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- W Schulemann
- W Schulemann
- W SchĂ–Nfeld
- W Stoll
- W ThĂśEr
- W Wilbrandt
- W. D. M. PATON
- WA Bain
- WB Guy
- WB Shelley
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- WB Sherman
- WC Spain
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- WDM Paton
- WE Brocklehurst
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- WE Wooldridge
- Weitere Untersuchungen über die Entstehung des Lichterythems. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. exp
- WFP Phillips
- WH Feinstone
- WJ Fahlberg
- WJ Weiss
- WS Btjrrage
- WS Symmers
- WT Beraldo
- WT Strauss
- WW Douglas
- WW Winternitz
- YA Frandsen
- yĂź-imidazolylethylamine a de-pressor constituent of intestinal mucosa
- Z Ovary
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- Zur Frage der anaphylaktischen Cytopenien
- Zur Kenntnis der Aminosäure-decarboxylasen und der Histaminase
- Zur Kenntnis der Beziehung des Histamins zum anaphylaktischen Schock
- Zur Pathogenese des urticariell-entzĂĽndlichen Juckens. II. Mitt
- Ăśber das Vorkommen von Diamin- oxydase und Histidin-Decarboxylase in Mikroorganismen
- Über die beschleunigende Wirkung des Histamins auf die Blutgerinnung und ihre Beeinflussung durch Antihistaminica. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. exp
- Über die Freisetzung von Histamin durch chemisch bekannte Substanzen. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. exp
- Über die histaminzerstörende Fähigkeit von Bakterien
- Ăśber Pervitin als Antallergicum und ĂĽber kombinierte Pervitin-Anti- histamin- (Antistin-) Behandlung
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1961
- Field of study