149 research outputs found

    Thermal effects on the hydraulic conductivity of a granular geomaterial

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    Geotechnical challenges arising from thermal loading are associated with many engineering applications such as ground source energy systems (5℃-40℃) and nuclear waste disposal (in excess of 100℃). The effects of temperature on soils have been the subject of limited research, particularly in terms of the fundamental characterisation of the non-isothermal behaviour of granular geomaterials. This study describes challenges associated with determining the hydraulic conductivity (k_ℎ) of such materials at different temperatures using a bespoke temperature-controlled triaxial apparatus. A methodology is proposed for interpreting thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) tests on isotropically consolidated specimens and is applied to data obtained for a uniform sand. It is shown that the intrinsic head losses of the system need to be minimised in order to obtain reliable measurements; this requires a detailed calibration procedure. The developed approach is used to determine the hydraulic conductivity at ambient temperature and at 40℃, showing that the increase in k_ℎ with temperature is mostly due to the reduction in the viscosity of water. A detailed analysis of the volumetric response of the sample during heating is also carried out

    Study of the influence of the vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active" on the condition of the periodontal tissues of rats during the modeling of periodontitis

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    The purpose of the research was to study the effects of the vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon Active" on the condition of periodontal tissues of rats under the conditions of modeling periodontitis with the help of exogenous hyaluronidase.The experiment was carried out on 21 female rats 1 month old. age line Wistar, divided into 3 groups. The first group is intact (5 individuals). Rats of the 2nd group (control, 8 individuals) and group 3 modeled the periodontal pathology by inserting a lidase solution under the gums of the rats. In the third group (8 individuals), against the backdrop of modeling periodontitis, rats were given per os vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active". The duration of the experiment was 55 days.            Vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active", applied orally in rats under the conditions of parodontitis modeling, restored the structural and functional state of the connective tissue of periodontium of the rats disrupted during the modeling

    Coulomb exchange and pairing contributions in nuclear Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations with the Gogny force

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    We present exact Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations with the finite range density dependent Gogny force using a triaxial basis. For the first time, all contributions to the Pairing and Fock Fields arising from the Gogny and Coulomb interactions as well as the two-body correction of the kinetic energy have been calculated in this basis. We analyze the relevance of these terms in different regions of the periodic table at zero and high angular momentum. The validity of commonly used approximations that neglect different terms in the variational equations is also checked. We find a decrease of the proton pairing energies mainly due to a Coulomb antipairing effect.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. In press in Nucl. Physics

    Effects of periodontal therapy on white blood cell count and levels of transforming growth factor beta in serum of subjects with severe periodontitis

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on white blood cell (WBC) count and levels of transforming growth factor beta (TGF—β) in serum from subjects with severe periodontitis. Serum from 28 subjects with periodontitis (mean age: 34.36±6.24; 32% men) and 27 healthy controls (mean age: 33.18±6.42; 33% men) were collected prior to therapy. Blood samples were obtained from 23 subjects who completed therapy (9—12 months). A well—controlled periodontal treatment protocol was established in three stages: mechanical periodontal therapy (scaling and root planning), reinstrumentation of dental sites, and supportive periodontal therapy. Periodontal and systemic parameters such as the total number of WBCs and TGF—β levels, accessed by enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were included. After therapy, all clinical periodontal parameters decreased (

    Analgesia pós-operatória: Comparação entre Bloqueio Interpleural e Anestesia Peridural

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    Model: Prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trialPurpose: The main goal of this research was to compare the efficacy of the interpleural block and theepidural anesthesia, associated to general anesthesia, in the postoperative pain control of upper abdominal surgery.Methods: Eighty patients, allocated in eight groups (G) (n=10), of both genders, with ages varying from 18to 50 years, weight between 50 and 100kg, physical status ASA P1 and P2, submitted to subcostalcholecystectomy under interpleural block (I) or epidural anesthesia (P) associated to general anesthesiawere included in this study. They received levobupivacaine (L) 0,5% (100 mg) with adrenaline (5 µg.mL-1)or ropivacaine (R) 0,75% (150 mg), morphine (M) (3 mg) and clonidine (C) (3 µg.kg-1) or dextroketamine(K) (0,5 mg.kg-1), at the 7th intercostal space, in the mid axillary line, using a Tuohy 17G needle throughinterpleural route. The same medications were administered through epidural route, at the level of T12 - L1,using a Tuohy 17G needle. General anesthesia was induced with etomidate (0,2 mg.kg-1), alfentanil (30µg.kg-1) and rocuronium (0,6 mg.kg-1) and was maintained with oxygen and isoflurane (0,5 vol% at 3,0vol%).The postoperative analgesia was checked at six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four hours after thesurgical procedure according to the Pain Verbal Analogic Scale. Results: Until six hours after surgery, 14 patients undergoing interpleural block and 7 undergoing epidural anesthesia felt pain. From six to twelve hours, 32 patients undergoing interpleural block and 14undergoing epidural anesthesia presented pain. Between twelve and eighteen hours, 34 patients undergoing interpleural block and 21 undergoing epidural anesthesia felt pain. From eighteen to twenty-fourhours, 36 patients undergoing interpleural block and 25 undergoing epidural anesthesia presentedpain. A statistically significant difference was observed comparing the techniques at the period between6 -12h, 12-18h and 18-24h. Eight patients undergoing interpleural block and three undergoing epiduralanesthesia required opioid.Conclusions: It was observed a decrease in the intensity of the pain and in the use of postoperative painmedication, in both used techniques.Modelo: Pesquisa clínica, aleatorizada, prospectiva e duplo-encoberta. Objetivo: Essa pesquisa objetivoucomparar a eficácia do bloqueio interpleural e da anestesia peridural, associados à anestesia geral, nocontrole da dor pós - operatória de cirurgias de abdome superior. Metodologia: Participaram da pesquisa 80 pacientes alocados em 8 grupos(G) (n=10), de ambos os gêneros, idade variando de 18 a 50anos, peso entre 50 e 100 kg, estado físico ASA P1 e P2, submetidos à colecistectomia por via subcostal,sob bloqueios interpleural(I) ou peridural(P) associados à anestesia geral. Foram administradas:levobupivacaína (L) 0,5% (100 mg) com adrenalina (5 µg.mL-1) ou ropivacaína (R) 0,75% (150 mg),morfina (M) (3 mg) e clonidina (C) (3 µg.kg-1) ou dextrocetamina (K) (0,5 mg.kg-1), por via interpleural, aonível EIC7, na linha axilar média, com agulha de Tuohy 17G; os mesmos fármacos foram injetados, porvia peridural, ao nível T12-L1, com agulha de Tuohy 17G. A indução da anestesia geral foi realizada com aadministração de etomidato (0,2 mg.kg-1), alfentanil (30 µg.kg-1) e rocurônio (0,6 mg.kg-1) e a manuten-ção com oxigênio e isoflurano (0,5vol% a 3,0vol%). A analgesia pós-operatória, analisada pela EscalaVerbal Analógica de Dor, foi observada às 6h, 12h, 18h e 24h após o término do ato operatório.Resultados: Até 6 horas após o término do ato operatório, 14 pacientes sob bloqueio interpleural e 7 sobanestesia peridural apresentaram dor; no período entre 6 e 12 horas, 32 pacientes sob bloqueiointerpleural e 14 sob anestesia peridural apresentaram dor; no período entre 12 e 18 horas, 34 pacientes sob bloqueio interpleural e 21 sob anestesia peridural apresentaram dor; no período entre 18 e 24horas, 36 pacientes sob bloqueio interpleural e 25 sob anestesia peridural apresentaram dor. Observou-se diferença estatística significante entre as técnicas, nos tempos 6-12h, 12-18h e 18-24h. Oitopacientes sob bloqueio interpleural e três sob anestesia peridural necessitaram administração deopióide. Conclusões: Ocorreu diminuição na intensidade da dor e na solicitação de analgésicos nopós-operatório, com as técnicas utilizadas

    The effect of estrogen deficiency and its combination with chronic stress on the condition of periodontal in old rats

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of ovariectomy and its combination with stress (femoral fracture) on the periodontal condition in old rats. Materials and methods. A total of 24 white female rats were used in the experiment. The first group consisted of intact rats. Rats of the second group were subjected to an ovariectomy (OE) at the age of 2 months. Rats of the third group underwent a fracture of the one femur 1 month before they were euthanized. The animals were sacrificed at 15 months of age. Results. The level of LPO was increased in the liver, salivary glands and alveolar bone process after experimental ovariectomy; the recession defects on molars were significantly increased. Stress (femoral fracture) aggravated the intensification of peroxidation processes in the salivary glands and liver of rats. The levels of nucleic and higher polyene fatty acids in the liver lipids were decreased in the combination of ovariectomy and stress. The level of LPO in the alveolar bone process was not changed significantly. Histomorphometric study of periodontium in rats revealed a decrease in the upper margin of epithelial attachment. Conclusions. Experimental estrogen deficiency caused the most significant pathogenic effect on the periodontium in old rats. The obtained data demonstrate that female sex hormone deficiency is one of the mechanisms in periodontitis pathogenesis

    Associations of hemoglobin A1c with cognition reduced for long diabetes duration

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    IntroductionAssociations of some risk factors with poor cognition, identified prior to age 75, are reduced or reversed in very old age. The Protected Survivor Model predicts this interaction due to enhanced survival of those with extended risk factor duration. In a younger sample, this study examines the association of cognition with the mean hemoglobin A1c risk factor over the time at risk, according to its duration.MethodsThe interaction of mean hemoglobin A1c (averageâ =â 9.8%), evaluated over duration (averageâ =â 116.8â months), was examined for overall cognition and three cognitive domains in a sample of 150 â youngâ oldâ veterans (mean ageâ =â 70) with type 2 diabetes.ResultsThe predicted interactions were significant for overall cognition and attention, but not executive functions/language and memory.DiscussionFindings extend the Protected Survivor Model to a â youngâ oldâ sample, from the very old. This model suggests focusing on individuals with good cognition despite prolonged high risk when seeking protective factors.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/152553/1/trc2jtrci201911009.pd

    Developing Brain Vital Signs: Initial Framework for Monitoring Brain Function Changes over Time

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    Clinical assessment of brain function relies heavily on indirect behavior-based tests. Unfortunately, behavior-based assessments are subjective and therefore susceptible to several confounding factors. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs), derived from electroencephalography (EEG), are often used to provide objective, physiological measures of brain function. Historically, ERPs have been characterized extensively within research settings, with limited but growing clinical applications. Over the past 20 years, we have developed clinical ERP applications for the evaluation of functional status following serious injury and/or disease. This work has identified an important gap: the need for a clinically accessible framework to evaluate ERP measures. Crucially, this enables baseline measures before brain dysfunction occurs, and might enable the routine collection of brain function metrics in the future much like blood pressure measures today. Here, we propose such a framework for extracting specific ERPs as potential “brain vital signs.” This framework enabled the translation/transformation of complex ERP data into accessible metrics of brain function for wider clinical utilization. To formalize the framework, three essential ERPs were selected as initial indicators: (1) the auditory N100 (Auditory sensation); (2) the auditory oddball P300 (Basic attention); and (3) the auditory speech processing N400 (Cognitive processing). First step validation was conducted on healthy younger and older adults (age range: 22–82 years). Results confirmed specific ERPs at the individual level (86.81–98.96%), verified predictable age-related differences (P300 latency delays in older adults, p < 0.05), and demonstrated successful linear transformation into the proposed brain vital sign (BVS) framework (basic attention latency sub-component of BVS framework reflects delays in older adults, p < 0.05). The findings represent an initial critical step in developing, extracting, and characterizing ERPs as vital signs, critical for subsequent evaluation of dysfunction in conditions like concussion and/or dementia

    Performance of the test Mini-Mental State Examination y elderly without cognitive impairment

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    Objetivo: Establecer datos normativos de la prueba MMSE estratificada por edad y escolaridad en personas adultas mayores costarricenses sin deterioro cognitivo, identificar los ítems que presentan mayor dificultad en relación con esas dos variables y brindar recomendaciones desde la gerontología de evaluación e interpretación. Metodología: Se estudió las puntuaciones del MMSE de 649 sujetos entre 60 y 108 años con una calificación global de 0 en la escala de clasificación de demencia. Resultados: se creó una tabla por edad y escolaridad con datos normativos. Los ítems que presentan mayor dificultad en relación con la edad son: escritura, construcción visoespacial, orientación; en cuanto a la escolaridad son construcción visoespacial, escritura y atención. Conclusiones: se considera el primer reporte sobre datos normativos de MMSE, se propone alternativas sobre los ajustes durante la aplicación, se brinda recomendaciones para guiar un mejor tamizaje de la función cognitiva y se proponen elementos de comparaciónObjective: to establish the normative data of the test stratified by age and scholarship in Costa Ricans elderly adults without cognitive impairment, in the MMSE test, identify the items associated in relation to these two variables and provide recommendations from gerontology of evaluation and interpretation. Methodology: It is studied the MMSE results of 649 subjects between 60 and 108 years with a global score of 0 on the Dementia Classification Scale. Results: we created a table with normative data, by age and schooling. The items that are presented with greater frequency present in relation to age: writing, visual-spatial construction, orientation, while with schooling they are: visual-spatial construction, writing and attention. Conclusions: the first report on the normative data of the MMSE is considered, the alternatives on the adjustments for the effects of the application are proposed, a recommendation is offered for a better screening of the cognitive function and the elements of comparison has given.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Ciencias Sociales::Maestría Profesional en Psicología Clínica y de la Salu