907 research outputs found

    Consumo, sentidos, usos e apropriações nas pesquisas de recepção : nem tão sinônimos, nem tão distantes

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    O artigo discute as aproximações e especificidades das noções de consumo, sentidos, usos e apropriações, conceitos tão caros para os estudos do chamado campo da recepção, principalmente da vertente latino-americana. Na reflexão são incluídas ainda, as distinções entre recepção e consumo midiático. Toma-se por base as proposições de García Canclini e Martín-Barbero, amparando-se ainda em definições de dicionários de filosofia e sociologia. A intenção é contribuir para o debate com algumas acepções, sobreposições e contradições destes termos para apresentar uma proposta que os distinga enquanto processo de aquisição simbólica de produtos midiáticos. Palavras-chaveThe article discusses the approaches and specificities of the meanings of consumption, senses, uses and appropriations, key concepts to the studies of the field called reception, especially the Latin American branch. Furthermore, addressed the differences between reception and media consumption. The proposals of García Canclini and Martín-Barbero are used as a basis, as well as definitions of philosophy and sociology dictionaries. The expected is to contribute to the debate with some meanings, overlaps and contradictions of these terms to present a proposal that distinguishes them as a process of symbolic acquisition of media products

    As Leitoras de Revista e as Apropriações dos Editoriais de Moda

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    A proposta deste texto é apresentar e discutir as apropriações dos editoriais de moda da revista Elle realizados por quatro leitoras residentes em Porto Alegre/RS. Os dados coletados fazem parte de uma pesquisa maior em que se intentava investigar os sentidos de feminilidade construídos na recepção de moda da revista. No processo de análise, atento para os potenciais de criação e reconfiguração dos conteúdos ofertados às leitoras por Elle, dentro da concepção de apropriação de Certeau (1994), assim como me alinho à perspectiva de recepção de Martín-Barbero (2003), privilegiando o olhar do receptor no processo comunicacional, tomando a cultura como um espaço de reflexão e compreensão deste. No texto apresento os dois tipos de consumo simbólico de moda encontrados: pessoal e profissional; e também as três principais formas de apropriação realizadas pelas leitoras: adaptação, cópia e recusa

    O processo de midiatização e o sonho de ser modelo

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    Tendo como base minha tese de doutorado Vivendo um projeto em família: consumo midiático, beleza feminina e o sonho juvenil de ser modelo profissional, que investigou a participação da mídia – e, igualmente, da família – na construção do desejo de ser modelo profissional, este artigo propõe uma discussão centrada na análise dos dados quantitativos sobre o consumo midiático das informantes, obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados on-line e presencialmente com 79 garotas entre 12 e 25 anos, que sonham em seguir essa profissão. O processo de midiatização é o contexto a partir do qual se busca compreender o empírico.Based on my doctoral thesis Living a project in family: media consumption, female beauty and the youthful dream of becoming a professional model, that investigates the participation of the media (and also family) in the construction of the desire to be a professional model. The discussion is centered on the analysis of quantitative data on the media consumption of the informants, built from questionnaires applied on-line and in person with 79 girls between 12 and 25 who dream of having this profession. The process of mediatization is the context from which we seek to understand the empirical

    Sujeitos juvenis e protagonismo social em Jesús Martín-Barbero

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    Embora não dedique nenhuma obra em especial à temática da juventude, a produção de Jesús Martín-Barbero acompanha e destaca a agência deste novo ator social que emerge a partir dos anos 1980. Seja nas discussões sobre identidade, sociabilidade, subjetividade, tecnologia, educação ou ainda na revolução midiática contemporânea, está atento ao protagonismo juvenil nos processos e mudanças sociais do nosso tempo. Assim, este artigo é um apanhado dos apontamentos e discussões que elencam o jovem ao papel de referência. Aos olhos do autor, compreender a cultura juvenil é adentrar uma lacuna que transcende o período temporal circunscrito entre a infância e a adultez, é espiar por uma fresta na qual se vislumbra um novo sensorium que de forma não linear conecta (e também rompe com) passado e futuro.Albeit Jesús Martín-Barbero does not dedicate any of his work exclusively to the topic of youth, he has been following and highlighting the agency of this new social actor emerging since the 1980s. He is attentive to youth protagonism in social processes and change within discussions that include identity, sociability, subjectivity, technology, education, contemporary media revolution and so on. This article is a summary of notes and discussions that assign a referential role to the youth. For the author, understanding youth culture means entering a gap that transcends the temporal period between childhood and adulthood; it means looking into the threshold through which a new sensorium might be envisaged — one which, in a non-linear fashion, connects to and also breaks from past and future

    Fibrin versus polyethylene glycol sealant: an experimental study in rabbits

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    Fibrin glue has been applied universally in general surgery as an adhesive, hemostatic, or embolizing agent. In reconstructive surgery, fibrin has been used mainly for nerve and microvascular repair or as a substitute for sutures in skin closure and skin grafting. Another area of increasing use is in face-lift surgery, where the goal is to improve hemostasis on the raw surfaces and to discourage the occurrence of major hematomas. However, as most components of the fibrin glue are derived from human or bovine plasma, they may cause allergic reactions and transmit infectious agents such as hepatitis or AIDS virus, or prions such as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease agent. With these risks in mind, we tested polyethylene glycol (PEG) sealant, a recently introduced and purely synthetic vascular sealant, as an alternative to fibrin glue. A 2 × 2cm subcutaneous pocket was created on the dorsal thighs of ten New Zealand White rabbits by an incision medial to the sciatic vein. The pockets were randomly filled with either 0.2ml of thawed fibrin glue or PEG sealant. After the operation, the thighs were inspected macroscopically for hematoma, seroma, or granuloma formation. Eleven weeks later, the animals were killed, and the fibrin and polyethylene glycol-filled pockets were harvested en bloc with the overlying skin and processed for histological examination. A swelling, viewed macroscopically, was visible at the experimental site in three thighs of the fibrin group, but in none of the PEG group. Only two specimens of the fibrin group and five specimens of the PEG group showed no signs of inflammation. All other specimens revealed signs of chronic or granulomatous inflammation, with no significant difference between the groups. This experimental study showed that 11weeks after application of either fibrin or PEG sealant, signs of chronic or even granulomatous inflammation were detectable in 2/3 of the specimens in the fibrin group and in approximately 50% of the specimens in the PEG group. Beyond the comparable potential of both sealants to induce inflammatory tissue reactions, PEG sealant has some notable advantages as it is purely synthetic and therefore carries no risk of transmission of viral pathogens or prions. The combination of this safety profile, the ease of application, and the consistently good reported hemostatic results obtained with PEG sealant makes it an interesting alternative to fibrin glue in plastic surger

    Teaching Tips – Gute Lehre ist kein Glücksfall!

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    Fragen wir die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer unserer hochschuldidaktischen Weiterbildungen nach ihren Erwartungen, so nennen sie an erster Stelle immer „konkrete Hilfestellungen für den Lehralltag“. Schauen wir genauer hin, wie diese Hilfestellungen aussehen könnten, so zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede in den Zielgruppen der Lehrenden. Stehen sie noch am Anfang ihrer Lehrkarriere, wünschen sie sich besonders Hilfestellungen, die den Einstieg in die Lehre erleichtern bzw. ihnen helfen, effektiv zu lehren und effiziente Lehrende zu werden. Für erfahrene Lehrende hingegen, die zudem mit Prüfungen betraut sind, stellt sich darüber hinaus oft die Frage nach der Auswahl von Prüfungsformen und die Bewertung von Prüfungsleistungen, vor allem da ihnen die Modulabschlussprüfungen eine größere Bandbreite an Formen alternativer Leistungsbewertung eröffnen. Beiden Zielgruppen gemein ist die Suche nach praktischer Hilfe bei der Professionalisierung ihres didaktischen Handelns. Mit Patentrezepten ist ihnen dabei nicht gedient. Das Interesse der Lehrenden an Methoden wird gleichwohl als ein legitimes Interesse gesehen, denn Methodenwissen spielt bei der Vermittlung von Wissen eine große Rolle. Besonders im Kontext von Medialisierung werden die Vermittlungsmethoden wichtiger. Die hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung will den Lehrenden bei der Entwicklung ihres individuellen und professionellen Lehrprofils theoretisch begründet, serviceorientiert zur Seite stehen. Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre ist die didaktische Ausbildung für die Lehre nicht mehr dem Zufall überlassen, ebenso wie es keine Notwendigkeit mehr ist, sich hochschuldidaktisches Wissen autodidaktisch anzueignen. Die Entwicklung der Hochschuldidaktik und damit einhergehend die Entwicklung von curriculumbasierten, modularisierten und systematisch aufgebauten Weiterbildungsprogrammen hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten nicht zuletzt dank verschiedener Programme und Initiativen (z.B. Länderprogramme „Qualität der Lehre“, „Exzellenzinitiative“, BMBF, Stifterverband) eine enorme Steigerung erfahren. Die Qualität der Lehre an Universitäten ist zu einem Wettbewerbsfaktor unter den Universitäten geworden und kann zu ihrer Profilbildung beitragen. Die Lehrkompetenz kann als Schlüssel für die Qualität der Lehre gesehen werden und ist ein Merkmal akademischer Personalentwicklung. Dieses Journal soll in kleinem Rahmen als praxisorientierter Ratgeber auftreten. Es soll darüber hinaus das Interesse an hochschuldidaktischer Weiterbildung wecken, Lust machen, sich mit der eigenen Lehre auseinanderzusetzen, sich den kollegialen Fragen der anderen Teilnehmer/inne/n in den Workshops zu stellen, gemeinsam mit ihnen und uns, den Hochschuldidaktikern und Hochschuldidaktikerinnen, mögliche Antworten aufzuspüren und so das eigene Lehrrepertoire zu erweitern

    Validation of Plasma and CSF Neurofilament Light Chain as an Early Marker for Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

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    9 Pág. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)Biomarkers are becoming increasingly important for the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous observations indicated neurofilament light chain (NfL) as a potential blood-based biomarker for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Here, we investigated the stability, inter-assay/intra-assay variation and the regulation of NfL levels in CSF and plasma in a large cohort of sCJD patients by using a single-molecule array (SIMOA). We defined cutoffs for an accurate diagnosis and measured plasma NfL level in prion-infected mice models at different time points to identify the potential dynamics throughout the disease. Our analyses confirmed CSF and plasma NfL as stable and consistent marker for sCJD. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed an AUC of 0.92-0.93 to distinguish sCJD from control groups. Newly defined cutoffs revealed good diagnostic accuracies of CSF and plasma NfL, indicated by a sensitivity of 80-83.5% and a specificity of 87.4-91%. Studies on two humanized prion-infected mice lines (Tg340-PRNP 129MM and Tg361-PRNP 129VV) revealed increased plasma NfL levels in a late pre-clinical or very early clinical stage between 120-150 days post-inoculation. In conclusion, our work supports the potential use of CSF and plasma NfL as a very early biomarker in sCJD diagnostic with good diagnostic accuracies.This article was funded by la Fundació La Marató de TV3 (Grants No. 201821–30 and 201821–31 to FL and JCE, respectively) and by Project PID2019-105837RB-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The project was supported by the Alzheimer Forschung Initiative (AFI) project 20026. This study was supported by grants from the Robert Koch Institute through funds of the Federal Ministry of Health (grant no 1369–341), by the CJD Foundation (grant title: “Implementation of a blood-based biomarker test for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob in clinical practice”). The study was further supported by the Beatriu de Pinos programm (2018-BP-00129) from the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia, co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programm under an MSCA grant agreement (801370).Peer reviewe

    Ykl-40 in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of neurodegenerative dementias

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    Background: YKL-40 (also known as Chitinase 3-like 1) is a glycoprotein produced by inflammatory, cancer and stem cells. Its physiological role is not completely understood but YKL-40 is elevated in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in several neurological and neurodegenerative diseases associated with inflammatory processes. Yet the precise characterization of YKL-40 in dementia cases is missing. Methods: In the present study, we comparatively analysed YKL-40 levels in the brain and CSF samples from neurodegenerative dementias of different aetiologies characterized by the presence of cortical pathology and disease-specific neuroinflammatory signatures. Results: YKL-40 was normally expressed in fibrillar astrocytes in the white matter. Additionally YKL-40 was highly and widely expressed in reactive protoplasmic cortical and perivascular astrocytes, and fibrillar astrocytes in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Elevated YKL-40 levels were also detected in Alzheimer's disease (AD) but not in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). In AD, YKL-40-positive astrocytes were commonly found in clusters, often around beta-amyloid plaques, and surrounding vessels with beta-amyloid angiopathy; they were also distributed randomly in the cerebral cortex and white matter. YKL-40 overexpression appeared as a pre-clinical event as demonstrated in experimental models of prion diseases and AD pathology. CSF YKL-40 levels were measured in a cohort of 288 individuals, including neurological controls (NC) and patients diagnosed with different types of dementia. Compared to NC, increased YKL-40 levels were detected in sCJD (p 0.05, AUC = 0.71) or in DLB/Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) (p > 0.05, AUC = 0.70). Further, two independent patient cohorts were used to validate the increased CSF YKL-40 levels in sCJD. Additionally, increased YKL-40 levels were found in genetic prion diseases associated with the PRNP-D178N (Fatal Familial Insomnia) and PRNP-E200K mutations. Conclusions: Our results unequivocally demonstrate that in neurodegenerative dementias, YKL-40 is a disease-specific marker of neuroinflammation showing its highest levels in prion diseases. Therefore, YKL-40 quantification might have a potential for application in the evaluation of therapeutic intervention in dementias with a neuroinflammatory component