7 research outputs found
A Fast Convergent Ordered-Subsets Algorithm with Subiteration-Dependent Preconditioners for PET Image Reconstruction
We investigated the imaging performance of a fast convergent ordered-subsets
algorithm with subiteration-dependent preconditioners (SDPs) for positron
emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction. In particular, we considered
the use of SDP with the block sequential regularized expectation maximization
(BSREM) approach with the relative difference prior (RDP) regularizer due to
its prior clinical adaptation by vendors. Because the RDP regularization
promotes smoothness in the reconstructed image, the directions of the gradients
in smooth areas more accurately point toward the objective function's minimizer
than those in variable areas. Motivated by this observation, two SDPs have been
designed to increase iteration step-sizes in the smooth areas and reduce
iteration step-sizes in the variable areas relative to a conventional
expectation maximization preconditioner. The momentum technique used for
convergence acceleration can be viewed as a special case of SDP. We have proved
the global convergence of SDP-BSREM algorithms by assuming certain
characteristics of the preconditioner. By means of numerical experiments using
both simulated and clinical PET data, we have shown that the SDP-BSREM
algorithms substantially improve the convergence rate, as compared to
conventional BSREM and a vendor's implementation as Q.Clear. Specifically,
SDP-BSREM algorithms converge 35\%-50\% faster in reaching the same objective
function value than conventional BSREM and commercial Q.Clear algorithms.
Moreover, we showed in phantoms with hot, cold and background regions that the
SDP-BSREM algorithms approached the values of a highly converged reference
image faster than conventional BSREM and commercial Q.Clear algorithms.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
A Deblurring/Denoising Corrected Scintigraphic Planar Image Reconstruction Model for Targeted Alpha Theory
Scintigraphy is a common nuclear medicine method to image molecular target’s bio-distribution and pharmacokinetics through the use of radiotracers and gamma cameras. The patient’s images are obtained by using a pair of opposing large flat gamma ray detectors equipped with parallel-hole lead or tungsten collimators that preferentially detect gamma-rays that are emitted perpendicular to the plane of the detector. The resulting images form an anterior/posterior (A/P) planar image pairs. The obtained images are contaminated by noise and contain artifacts caused by gamma-ray attenuation, collimator penetration, scatter and other detrimental factors. Post-filtering of the images can reduce the noise, but at the cost of spatial resolution loss, and cannot remove any of the aforementioned artifacts. In this study, we introduced a new image reconstruction-based method to recover a single corrected planar scintigraphic patient image corrected for attenuation, system spatial resolution and collimator penetration, using the A/P image pair (two conjugated views) as data. To accomplish this task, we used a system model based on the gamma camera detectors physical properties and applied regularization method based on sparse image representation to control noise while preserving spatial resolution. In this proof-of-concept study, we evaluated the proposed approach using simple numerical phantoms. The images were evaluated for simulated lesions images contrast and background variability. Our initial results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the conventional methods. We conclude, that the proposed approach is a promising methodology for improved planar scintigraphic image quality and warrants further exploration
Quantitative Modeling of Cerenkov Light Production Efficiency from Medical Radionuclides
There has been recent and growing interest in applying Cerenkov radiation (CR) for biological applications. Knowledge of the production efficiency and other characteristics of the CR produced by various radionuclides would help in accessing the feasibility of proposed applications and guide the choice of radionuclides. To generate this information we developed models of CR production efficiency based on the Frank-Tamm equation and models of CR distribution based on Monte-Carlo simulations of photon and β particle transport. All models were validated against direct measurements using multiple radionuclides and then applied to a number of radionuclides commonly used in biomedical applications. We show that two radionuclides, Ac-225 and In-111, which have been reported to produce CR in water, do not in fact produce CR directly. We also propose a simple means of using this information to calibrate high sensitivity luminescence imaging systems and show evidence suggesting that this calibration may be more accurate than methods in routine current use
FDG-PET/CT of non-small cell lung carcinoma under neo-adjuvant chemotherapy: background based adaptive volume metrics outperform TLG and MTV in predicting histopathological response
Assessment of tumor response after chemotherapy using FDG PET metrics is gaining acceptance. Several studies have suggested that the parameters metabolically active tumor volume (MTV) or total lesion glycolysis (TLG) are superior for measuring the tumor burden compared to the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax). However, the measurement of MTV and TLG is still controversial; the most commonly method uses an absolute threshold of 42% of SUVmax. Recently we implemented a background adaptive method to determine the background subtracted lesion activity (BSL) and the background subtracted volume (BSV). In this study we investigated the correlation between such PET metrics and histopathological response in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). PATIENTS AND METHODS Forty-four NSCLC patients were retrospectively identified. Their PET/CT data before and after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was analyzed regarding SUVmax, MTV, TLG, BSL, and BSV on both scans and the relative changes (delta = d) were calculated (dSUVmax, dMTV, dTLG, dBSL, and dBSV). The tumor regression grade (TRG) as an indicator of histopathological response was assessed on H&E stained sections of the surgical specimens using a 4-tiered scale (TRG1-TRG4). The TRG was correlated with the absolute PET metrics after chemotherapy and their relative changes, respectively, using Spearman's rank correlation tests. RESULTS Tumors that demonstrated a good response after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy had significantly lower FDG activity than non-responders (TRG3-4: SUVmax 4.2 (1.8-7.9) versus TRG1-2: SUVmax 8.1 (1.4-40.4), P = 0.001). The same was found for dSUVmax and TRG (P = 0.001). PET volume metrics based on a 42% fixed threshold of SUVmax did not correlate with TRG (TLG: P = 0.505 and MTV: P = 0.386). However, both background activity-based PET volume metrics BSL and BSV significantly correlated with TRG (p<0.001 each). CONCLUSION PET volume metrics based on background adaptive methods correlate better with histopathological TRG in NSCLC patients under neo-adjuvant chemotherapy than algorithms/methods using a fixed threshold (42% SUVmax)
Noise-Based Image Harmonization Significantly Increases Repeatability and Reproducibility of Radiomics Features in PET Images: A Phantom Study
For multicenter clinical studies, characterizing the robustness of image-derived radiomics features is essential. Features calculated on PET images have been shown to be very sensitive to image noise. The purpose of this work was to investigate the efficacy of a relatively simple harmonization strategy on feature robustness and agreement. A purpose-built texture pattern phantom was scanned on 10 different PET scanners in 7 institutions with various different image acquisition and reconstruction protocols. An image harmonization technique based on equalizing a contrast-to-noise ratio was employed to generate a “harmonized” alongside a “standard” dataset for a reproducibility study. In addition, a repeatability study was performed with images from a single PET scanner of variable image noise, varying the binning time of the reconstruction. Feature agreement was measured using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). In the repeatability study, 81/93 features had a lower ICC on the images with the highest image noise as compared to the images with the lowest image noise. Using the harmonized dataset significantly improved the feature agreement for five of the six investigated feature classes over the standard dataset. For three feature classes, high feature agreement corresponded with higher sensitivity to the different patterns, suggesting a way to select suitable features for predictive models
Validation of GATE Monte Carlo simulations of the GE Advance/Discovery LS PET scanners
The recently developed GATE (GEANT4 application for tomographic emission) Monte Carlo package, designed to simulate positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanners, provides the ability to model and account for the effects of photon noncollinearity, off-axis detector penetration, detector size and response, positron range, photon scatter, and patient motion on the resolution and quality of PET images. The objective of this study is to validate a model within GATE of the General Electric (GE) Advance/Discovery Light Speed (LS) PET scanner. Our three-dimensional PET simulation model of the scanner consists of 12 096 detectors grouped into blocks, which are grouped into modules as per the vendor's specifications. The GATE results are compared to experimental data obtained in accordance with the National Electrical Manufactures Association/Society of Nuclear Medicine (NEMA/SNM), NEMA NU 2-1994, and NEMA NU 2-2001 protocols. The respective phantoms are also accurately modeled thus allowing us to simulate the sensitivity, scatter fraction, count rate performance, and spatial resolution. In-house software was developed to produce and analyze sinograms from the simulated data. With our model of the GE Advance/Discovery LS PET scanner, the ratio of the sensitivities with sources radially offset 0 and 10 cm from the scanner's main axis are reproduced to within 1 of measurements. Similarly, the simulated scatter fraction for the NEMA NU 2-2001 phantom agrees to within less than 3 of measured values (the measured scatter fractions are 44.8 and 40.9±1.4 and the simulated scatter fraction is 43.5±0.3). The simulated count rate curves were made to match the experimental curves by using deadtimes as fit parameters. This resulted in deadtime values of 625 and 332 ns at the Block and Coincidence levels, respectively. The experimental peak true count rate of 139.0 kcps and the peak activity concentration of 21.5 kBq/cc were matched by the simulated results to within 0.5 and 0.1 respectively. The simulated count rate curves also resulted in a peak NECR of 35.2 kcps at 10.8 kBq/cc compared to 37.6 kcps at 10.0 kBq/cc from averaged experimental values. The spatial resolution of the simulated scanner matched the experimental results to within 0.2 mm. © 2006 American Association of Physicists in Medicine