19 research outputs found

    Entropy of conformal perturbation defects

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    We consider perturbation defects obtained by perturbing a 2D conformal field theory (CFT) by a relevant operator on a half-plane. If the perturbed bulk theory flows to an infrared fixed point described by another CFT, the defect flows to a conformal defect between the ultraviolet and infrared fixed point CFTs. For short bulk renormalization group flows connecting two fixed points which are close in theory space we find a universal perturbative formula for the boundary entropy of the corresponding conformal perturbation defect. We compare the value of the boundary entropy that our formula gives for the flows between nearby Virasoro minimal models Mm with the boundary entropy of the defect constructed by Gaiotto in [1] and find a match at the first two orders in the 1/m expansion.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Double Trace Interfaces

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    We introduce and study renormalization group interfaces between two holographic conformal theories which are related by deformation by a scalar double trace operator. At leading order in the 1/N expansion, we derive expressions for the two point correlation functions of the scalar, as well as the spectrum of operators living on the interface. We also compute the interface contribution to the sphere partition function, which in two dimensions gives the boundary g factor. Checks of our proposal include reproducing the g factor and some defect overlap coefficients of Gaiotto's RG interfaces at large N, and the two-point correlation function whenever conformal perturbation theory is valid.Comment: 59 pages, 2 figure

    Precise lower bound on Monster brane boundary entropy

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    In this paper we develop further the linear functional method of deriving lower bounds on the boundary entropy of conformal boundary conditions in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs). We show here how to use detailed knowledge of the bulk CFT spectrum. Applying the method to the Monster CFT with c=\bar c=24 we derive a lower bound s > - 3.02 x 10^{-19} on the boundary entropy s=ln g, and find compelling evidence that the optimal bound is s>= 0. We show that all g=1 branes must have the same low-lying boundary spectrum, which matches the spectrum of the known g=1 branes, suggesting that the known examples comprise all possible g=1 branes, and also suggesting that the bound s>= 0 holds not just for critical boundary conditions but for all boundary conditions in the Monster CFT. The same analysis applied to a second bulk CFT -- a certain c=2 Gaussian model -- yields a less strict bound, suggesting that the precise linear functional bound on s for the Monster CFT is exceptional.Comment: 1+18 page

    Lower bound on the entropy of boundaries and junctions in 1+1d quantum critical systems

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    A lower bound is derived for the boundary entropy s = ln g of a 1+1d quantum critical system with boundary, under the conditions that the bulk conformal central charge c is >=1 and the most relevant bulk scaling dimension is >(c-1)/12. This is the first general restriction on the possible values of g for bulk critical systems with c >= 1.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, pdflate

    Tensor Product and Permutation Branes on the Torus

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    We consider B-type D-branes in the Gepner model consisting of two minimal models at k=2. This Gepner model is mirror to a torus theory. We establish the dictionary identifying the B-type D-branes of the Gepner model with A-type Neumann and Dirichlet branes on the torus.Comment: 26 page

    Bounds for State Degeneracies in 2D Conformal Field Theory

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    In this note we explore the application of modular invariance in 2-dimensional CFT to derive universal bounds for quantities describing certain state degeneracies, such as the thermodynamic entropy, or the number of marginal operators. We show that the entropy at inverse temperature 2 pi satisfies a universal lower bound, and we enumerate the principal obstacles to deriving upper bounds on entropies or quantum mechanical degeneracies for fully general CFTs. We then restrict our attention to infrared stable CFT with moderately low central charge, in addition to the usual assumptions of modular invariance, unitarity and discrete operator spectrum. For CFT in the range c_left + c_right < 48 with no relevant operators, we are able to prove an upper bound on the thermodynamic entropy at inverse temperature 2 pi. Under the same conditions we also prove that a CFT can have a number of marginal deformations no greater than ((c_left + c_right) / (48 - c_left - c_right)) e^(4 Pi) - 2.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, minor change