25 research outputs found
La Administración europea por las Agencias europeas
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A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuais
A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuai
A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuais
A jurisdição administrativa na Alemanha: Entre tarefas clássicas e desafios atuai
Das Demokratieprinzip
This essay demonstrates some fragilities regarding the theoretical treatment and insertion of the democratic principle in the general theory of administrative Law in Germany nowadays and proposes a systematic for the treatment of the mentioned principle by the doctrine.Este artigo demonstra a precariedade do tratamento do princípio democrático nas obras gerais de direito administrativo alemão da atualidade e propõe uma sistemática para o tratamento do princípio no campo doutrinário
International Administrative Law: the constitution of a concept in the mirror of a changed Statehood
Characteristic legal concepts do not only have an ordering function. Behind them, there are conceptions, which at the same time show observation relationships and define research perspectives. This paper seeks to demonstrate these roles in relation to the concept of international administrative Law (Internationalen Verwaltungsrechts), which is discussed here with three variants for the purpose of scientific clarification, once it is relevant to demonstrate the structures that underlie legal concepts and the preconceptions they carry. The conceptual variations analyzed are: international administrative Law as Collision Law (Internationales Verwaltungsrecht als Kollisionsrecht), as global administrative Law and as Action, Determination and Cooperation Law based on international law (im Völkerrecht begründetes Aktions-, Determinations- und Kooperationsrecht)Os conceitos característicos da ciência jurídica não desempenham apenas função ordenadora. Por trás deles estão concepções, que ao mesmo tempo mostram relações de observação e definem perspectivas de pesquisas. Neste artigo, busca-se demonstrar esses papeis em relação ao conceito de direito administrativo internacional (Internationalen Verwaltungsrechts), aqui abordado com três variantes para fins de esclarecimento científico, já que é revelante demonstrar as estruturas que estão subjacentes aos conceitos jurídicos e as pré-concepções que eles carregam. As variações conceituais analisadas são: o direito administrativo internacional como um direito de colisão (Internationales Verwaltungsrecht als Kollisionsrecht), como direito administrativo global (Global Administrative Law) e como um direito de ação, determinação e cooperação fundado no direito internacional (im Völkerrecht begründetes Aktions-, Determinations- und Kooperationsrecht)
Spatial development policy in the European Constitutional Treaty: position paper from the ARL, Hanover
As the implementation of the European single market has continued, it has become increasingly clear that a more closely integrated Europe cannot simply have an exclusively economic dimension. For a harmonious overall development, a large number of other policy areas clearly have to be included. One of these is spatial policy (spatial development policy), which aims to contribute to a more balanced spatial development. In the view of the ARL, the time has now come to initiate the institutional steps which have thus far emerged from the Europe-wide debate. The "territorial cohesion" of the Union cannot be achieved until we have clear legal foundations and definitions, which must also apply to spatial development policy in Europe. For that reason, the constitutional aspects of a European spatial development policy must form part of the agenda of the European Constitutional Convention.Mit der fortschreitenden Verwirklichung des Europäischen Binnenmarktes ist im Laufe der Zeit immer deutlicher geworden, dass das zusammenwachsende Europa nicht lediglich eine ökonomische Dimension haben kann, sondern dass für eine harmonische Gesamtentwicklung zahlreiche weitere Politikfelder einbezogen werden müssen. Dazu gehört auch die Raumpolitik (Raumentwicklungspolitik) mit dem Ziel einer ausgewogenen räumlichen Entwicklung. Nach Auffassung der Akademie ist es an der Zeit, aus dem bisherigen europaweiten Diskussionsstand endlich institutionelle Konsequenzen zu ziehen. Der "territoriale Zusammenhalt" der Union kann nicht gesichert werden, solange es keine klaren rechtlichen Grundlagen und Abgrenzungen auch für die Raumentwicklungspolitik in Europa gibt. Deshalb gehören die konstitutionellen Fragen einer europäischen Raumentwicklungspolitik auf die Agenda des Europäischen Verfassungskonvents.L'achèvement progressif du Grand marché intérieur de l'Union européenne a fait ressortir de plus en plus clairement au fil du temps que l'Europe, en s'intégrant, ne doit pas se limiter à la seule dimension économique. Son évolution harmonieuse globale requiert plutôt une approche qui englobe de nombreux autres champs politiques comme par exemple la politique spatiale (politique de développement de l'espace) envisageant un développement spatial équilibré. De l'avis de l'ARL, il est temps de tirer enfin des conclusions d'ordre institutionnel de l'état d'avancement des discussions en Europe. Il ne sera pas possible d'assurer la "cohésion territoriale" de l'Union européenne sans avoir créé des bases et des délimitations juridiques claires pour la politique du développement de l'espace européen. C'est pourquoi il appartient à la Convention européenne de traiter les questions constitutionnelles relatives à la politique européenne de développement de l'espace
Empfehlungen zur Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publikationssystems
Ash M, Carrier M, Dössel O, et al. Empfehlungen zur Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publikationssystems. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften; 2015