313 research outputs found

    Gewalt durch Frauen in Familien- und Paarbeziehungen

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es zu beantworten, welche Faktoren dazu beitragen, dass Frauen in Familien- und Paarbeziehungen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten Gewalt ausüben. Hierzu sollen neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen und bestehende Erkenntnisse zu Gewalt von Frauen in heterosexuellen Paarbeziehungen, gegen Kinder und in der informellen Pflege verknüpft werden. Um die Forschungsfrage zu beantworten, wird die Gewalt durch Frauen übergeordnet betrachtet und anhand von Literaturanalysen und Expert*inneninterviews in den gewählten Kontexten untersucht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse aus beiden Erhebungsmethoden werden für die jeweiligen Kontexte zusammengefasst und anschließend in einer Synthese zusammengeführt. Die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Studie zeigen, dass die Ursachen von Gewalt durch Frauen multifaktoriell und Ebenen übergreifend sind. Die Gewalt kommt in sämtlichen Schichten und Formen vor. Sie kann als Reaktionsverhalten auftreten, durch Belastungen entstehen und ist abhängig von der Beziehung zum Gegenüber und der erlernten und erlebten Gewaltkultur. Das gesellschaftliche Rollenbild und die Vorstellung von Weiblichkeit konnten als weitere gewaltbedingende Ursache identifiziert werden, welche einen starken Einfluss auf die Art der Ausübung und den Umgang mit der Gewalt durch Frauen hat. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Faktoren von Gewalt durch Frauen in Familien- und Paarbeziehungen vielschichtig und komplex sind und genaue Entstehungszusammenhänge sowohl auf individueller als auch auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene untersucht werden müssen. Hierzu appelliert die Studie, dass tiefergehende Forschungen zu Ursachenzusammenhängen und zusätzlichen Gewaltkontexten durchgeführt werden müssen, um den Diskurs zu Gewalt durch Frauen zu enttabuisieren und zu entstigmatisieren. Nur durch ein prozesshaftes, wissenschaftlich fundiertes Vorgehen können passende Präventionsangebote und Unterstützungsleistungen für gewaltausübende Frauen entwickelt werden

    Non-consensus GLI binding sites in Hedgehog target gene regulation

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    BACKGROUND: The GLI transcription factors, mediators of the hedgehog signal bind with high affinity to the consensus sequence GACCACCCA. The affinity of variant single substitutions in GLI binding sites has been measured systematically, but the affinities of the variant binding sites appears low compared to the frequency of occurrence of variant sites in known GLI target gene promoters. RESULTS: We quantified transcriptional activation by GLI using PTCH1 promoter based luciferase reporters containing all single substitutions of the GLI consensus binding site. As expected variants with very low affinity did not activate the reporter. Many lower affinity binding sequences are, however, functional in the presence of moderate GLI concentration. Using two natural non-consensus GLI site promoters we showed that substitution of the variant sequences by consensus leads to comparable activity. CONCLUSIONS: Variant GLI binding sites with relatively low affinity can within natural promoters lead to strong transcriptional activation. This may facilitate the identification of additional direct GLI target genes.(VLID)218887

    A life span perspective on competencies for a healthy, physically active lifestyle: Findings of a data pooling initiative with over 7000 individuals.

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    Individuals are recommended to lead active lifestyles throughout the life course. The model of physical activity-related health competence (PAHCO) adopts a competence approach by integrating physical, cognitive, and motivational determinants for health-enhancing PA (movement competence, control competence, self-regulation competence). Drawing on a comprehensive dataset pooling, the goal of the present study was to model the idiosyncratic courses of 10 PAHCO indicators over the life span. We identified studies that empirically operationalized PAHCO, combining data of 7134 individuals (age range: 15-97 years; 61% female) from 18 different populations (prevention and rehabilitation sectors). We applied a stepwise multilevel analysis approach with disjunct sub-samples (n = 48) to examine linear and quadratic associations between age and PAHCO. Indicators of movement competence (i.e., manageability of endurance, strength, and balance demands; task-specific self-efficacy) congruently showed negative associations with age (0.054 ≤   ≤ 0.211). However, parameters of control competence remained stable across the life span (-0.066 ≤ β ≤ 0.028). The three indicators of self-regulation competence revealed an inconsistent relationship with age, though uncovering positive associations for self-control (β = 0.106) and emotional attitude toward PA (β = 0.088). The associations of some indicators varied significantly across sub-samples. The results suggest differential analyses for associations between PAHCO and age. While the physically determined PAHCO indicators (movement competence) probably decline across the life span, the ability to ensure regularity of PA (self-regulation competence) or align PAs with an individual's health (control competence) appear to remain constant or improve with increasing age. The findings reinforce a de-stigmatizing approach for PA promotion practices with considerable space for aligning activities with health also in the elderly

    Clinical effectiveness of hymenoptera venom immunotherapy

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    Treatment failure during venom immunotherapy (VIT) may be associated with a variety of risk factors. Our aim was to evaluate the association of baseline serum tryptase concentration (BTC) and of other parameters with the frequency of VIT failure during the maintenance phase. In this observational prospective multicenter study, we followed 357 patients with established honey bee or vespid venom allergy after the maintenance dose of VIT had been reached. In all patients, VIT effectiveness was either verified by sting challenge (n = 154) or patient self-reporting of the outcome of a field sting (n = 203). Data were collected on BTC, age, gender, preventive use of anti-allergic drugs (oral antihistamines and/or corticosteroids) right after a field sting, venom dose, antihypertensive medication, type of venom, side effects during VIT, severity of index sting reaction preceding VIT, and duration of VIT. Relative rates were calculated with generalized additive models. 22 patients (6.2%) developed generalized symptoms during sting challenge or after a field sting. A strong association between the frequency of VIT failure and BTC could be excluded. Due to wide confidence bands, however, weaker effects (odds ratios <3) of BTC were still possible, and were also suggested by a selective analysis of patients who had a sting challenge. The most important factor associated with VIT failure was a honey bee venom allergy. Preventive use of anti-allergic drugs may be associated with a higher protection rate. It is unlikely that an elevated BTC has a strong negative effect on the rate of treatment failures. The magnitude of the latter, however, may depend on the method of effectiveness assessment. Failure rate is higher in patients suffering from bee venom allergy

    How puzzles are shaping our understanding of biodiversity: A call for more research into biodiversity representation in educational games

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    Games as a didactic tool (e. g., puzzles) are gaining recognition in environmental education to promote skill development, but also to develop a specific understanding of the natural world. However, a children’s puzzle containing representations of nature may unwillingly lead to “misconceptions” of biodiversity themes and processes, and an over-simplification of the relationship between people and nature. To solve this problem, positive connotations of biodiversity may prompt a conceptual change to a more nuanced, multifaceted conception of biodiversity

    Second haploidentical stem cell transplantation (HAPLO-SCT2) after relapse from a first HAPLO-SCT in acute leukaemia — a study on behalf of the Acute Leukaemia Working Party (ALWP) of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)

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    For patients with acute myeloid and lymphoblastic leukaemia (AML/ALL) lacking a matched sibling or unrelated donor, haploidentical stem cell transplantation (HAPLO-SCT) is increasingly used. However, available data on the treatment of relapse after HAPLO-SCT, including feasibility and efficacy of a second HAPLO-SCT (HAPLO-SCT2), is scarce. Hence, adults with AML/ALL, that had undergone HAPLO-SCT2 without ex-vivo manipulation after haematologic relapse from HAPLO-SCT1 were selected for a retrospective registry analysis. Eighty-two patients (AML, n = 63, ALL, n = 19, median follow-up: 33 months) were identified. Engraftment rate was 87%. At day +180, cumulative incidences of acute GvHD II-IV°/chronic GvHD were 23.9%/22.6%, respectively. Two-year overall survival/leukaemia-free survival (OS/LFS) were 34.3%/25.4%; 2-year non-relapse mortality (NRM) and relapse incidence (RI) were 17.6% and 57%. Leukaemia was the most frequent cause of death. Separated by disease, 2-year OS/LFS/NRM/RI were 28.7%/22.3%/16.2%/61.6% in AML, and 55.3%/38.4%/23.5%/38.2% in ALL patients. In a risk-factor analysis among patients with AML, stage at HAPLO-SCT1 and HAPLO-SCT2, and interval from HAPLO-SCT1 to relapse significantly influenced outcome. Our data demonstrate that HAPLO-SCT2 is a viable option in acute leukaemia relapse after HAPLO-SCT1. Engraftment, toxicity, risk factors and long-term outcome are comparable to data reported after allo-SCT2 in a matched donor setting

    Nachgefragt: 25 Fragen und Antworten zum Stand des Wissens rund um Öko-Landbau und Bio-Lebensmittel - Argumentationsleitfaden zum Ökologischen Landbau für Multiplikatoren

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    „Ist Bio denn wirklich gesünder?“ Dies ist nur eine der vielen Fragen, die immer wieder gestellt werden, wenn es um Ökologischen Landbau und Bio-Lebensmittel geht. Und: Sie werden mit dem wachsenden Bio-Markt und der zunehmenden Beliebtheit seiner Produkte immer häufiger, immer kritischer und nach wie vor oftmals vorurteilsbeladen und polemisch gestellt. Dieser Argumentationsleitfaden will die Diskussion versachlichen. Auf dem Stand des Wissens stellt er die Vorzüglichkeit der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft sachlich, fundiert und übersichtlich dar und benennt ebenso Bereiche, bei denen noch Defizite und somit Handlungsbedarf besteht. Damit werden Fragestellungen aufgegriffen, die in der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung um die biologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft immer wieder zu Diskussionen und Auseinandersetzungen führen. Zu den Themenfeldern Grundlagen, Erzeugung, Verarbeitung, Vermarktung, Qualität, Umweltwirkungen sowie ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft und Gesellschaft werden 25 Fragen so beantwortet, dass die wichtigsten Gesichtspunkte zu der jeweiligen Frage „auf einen Blick“ in einer logischen Argumentationskette zur Verfügung stehen. Quellenverweise ermöglichen es, einzelne Sachverhalte zu vertiefen. Damit ist der Argumentationsleitfaden ein wichtiges Instrument für Journalisten und Politiker, die Fragen zur ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft haben, sich schnell und doch umfassend zu informieren. Ebenso soll der Leitfaden für die Multiplikatoren der Branche, wie Verbandsvertreter oder Ausbilder, eine Hilfe in der täglichen Arbeit sein. Sei es, um sich auf eine Podiumsdiskussion vorzubereiten, einem Pressevertreter weiterführende Quellen nennen zu können oder um bei der Verkäuferschulung Antworten auf häufig gestellte Kundenfragen besprechen zu können

    The Benchtop mesoSPIM: a next-generation open-source light-sheet microscope for large cleared samples

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    In 2015, we launched the mesoSPIM initiative (www.mesospim.org), an open-source project for making light-sheet microscopy of large cleared tissues more accessible. Meanwhile, the demand for imaging larger samples at higher speed and resolution has increased, requiring major improvements in the capabilities of light-sheet microscopy. Here, we introduce the next-generation mesoSPIM ("Benchtop") with significantly increased field of view, improved resolution, higher throughput, more affordable cost and simpler assembly compared to the original version. We developed a new method for testing objectives, enabling us to select detection objectives optimal for light-sheet imaging with large-sensor sCMOS cameras. The new mesoSPIM achieves high spatial resolution (1.5 μm laterally, 3.3 μm axially) across the entire field of view, a magnification up to 20x, and supports sample sizes ranging from sub-mm up to several centimetres, while being compatible with multiple clearing techniques. The new microscope serves a broad range of applications in neuroscience, developmental biology, and even physics

    Benchtop mesoSPIM: a next-generation open-source light-sheet microscope for cleared samples

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    In 2015, we launched the mesoSPIM initiative, an open-source project for making light-sheet microscopy of large cleared tissues more accessible. Meanwhile, the demand for imaging larger samples at higher speed and resolution has increased, requiring major improvements in the capabilities of such microscopes. Here, we introduce the next-generation mesoSPIM (“Benchtop”) with a significantly increased field of view, improved resolution, higher throughput, more affordable cost, and simpler assembly compared to the original version. We develop an optical method for testing detection objectives that enables us to select objectives optimal for light-sheet imaging with large-sensor cameras. The improved mesoSPIM achieves high spatial resolution (1.5 µm laterally, 3.3 µm axially) across the entire field of view, magnification up to 20×, and supports sample sizes ranging from sub-mm up to several centimeters while being compatible with multiple clearing techniques. The microscope serves a broad range of applications in neuroscience, developmental biology, pathology, and even physics