6 research outputs found

    Quantum Simulation of Open Quantum Systems Using Density-Matrix Purification

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    Electronic structure and transport in realistically-sized systems often require an open quantum system (OQS) treatment, where the system is defined in the context of an environment. As OQS evolution is non-unitary, implementation on quantum computers -- limited to unitary operations -- is challenging. We present a general framework for OQSs where the system's d×dd \times d density matrix is recast as a d2d^{2} wavefunction which can be evolved by unitary transformations. This theory has two significant advantages over conventional approaches: (i) the wavefunction requires only an nn-qubit, compared to 2n2n-qubit, bath for an nn-qubit system and (ii) the purification includes dynamics of any pure-state universe. We demonstrate this method on a two-level system in a zero temperature amplitude damping channel and a two-site quantum Ising model. Quantum simulation and experimental-device results agree with classical calculations, showing promise in simulating non-unitary operations on NISQ quantum devices