724 research outputs found

    The Generalized Hartle-Hawking Initial State: Quantum Field Theory on Einstein Conifolds

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    Recent arguments have indicated that the sum over histories formulation of quantum amplitudes for gravity should include sums over conifolds, a set of histories with more general topology than that of manifolds. This paper addresses the consequences of conifold histories in gravitational functional integrals that also include scalar fields. This study will be carried out explicitly for the generalized Hartle-Hawking initial state, that is the Hartle-Hawking initial state generalized to a sum over conifolds. In the perturbative limit of the semiclassical approximation to the generalized Hartle-Hawking state, one finds that quantum field theory on Einstein conifolds is recovered. In particular, the quantum field theory of a scalar field on de Sitter spacetime with RP3RP^3 spatial topology is derived from the generalized Hartle-Hawking initial state in this approximation. This derivation is carried out for a scalar field of arbitrary mass and scalar curvature coupling. Additionally, the generalized Hartle-Hawking boundary condition produces a state that is not identical to but corresponds to the Bunch-Davies vacuum on RP3RP^3 de Sitter spacetime. This result cannot be obtained from the original Hartle-Hawking state formulated as a sum over manifolds as there is no Einstein manifold with round RP3RP^3 boundary.Comment: Revtex 3, 31 pages, 4 epsf figure

    Factorization of Numbers with the temporal Talbot effect: Optical implementation by a sequence of shaped ultrashort pulses

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    We report on the successful operation of an analogue computer designed to factor numbers. Our device relies solely on the interference of classical light and brings together the field of ultrashort laser pulses with number theory. Indeed, the frequency component of the electric field corresponding to a sequence of appropriately shaped femtosecond pulses is determined by a Gauss sum which allows us to find the factors of a number

    Measuring microwave quantum states: tomogram and moments

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    Two measurable characteristics of microwave one-mode photon states are discussed: a rotated quadrature distribution (tomogram) and normally/antinormally ordered moments of photon creation and annihilation operators. Extraction of these characteristics from amplified microwave signal is presented. Relations between the tomogram and the moments are found and can be used as a cross check of experiments. Formalism of the ordered moments is developed. The state purity and generalized uncertainty relations are considered in terms of moments. Unitary and non-unitary time evolution of moments is obtained in the form of linear differential equations in contrast to partial differential equations for quasidistributions. Time evolution is specified for the cases of a harmonic oscillator and a damped harmonic oscillator, which describe noiseless and decoherence processes, respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum tunneling of semifluxons

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    We consider a system of two semifluxons of opposite polarity in a 0-pi-0 long Josephson junction, which classically can be in one of two degenerate states: up-down or down-up. When the distance aa between the 0-pi boundaries (semifluxon's centers) is a bit larger than the crossover distance aca_c, the system can switch from one state to the other due to thermal fluctuations or quantum tunneling. We map this problem to the dynamics of a single particle in a double well potential and estimate parameters for which quantum effects emerge. We also determine the classical-to-quantum crossover temperature as well as the tunneling rate (energy level splitting) between the states up-down and down-up.Comment: submitted to PRB, comments/questions are welcom

    Depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate by laser-iduced dipole-dipole interactions

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    We study a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate with laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions using the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory within the Popov approximation. The dipolar interactions introduce long-range atom-atom correlations, which manifest themselves as increased depletion at momenta similar to that of the laser wavelength, as well as a "roton" dip in the excitation spectrum. Surprisingly, the roton dip and the corresponding peak in the depletion are enhanced by raising the temperature above absolute zero.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    WKB Propagation of Gaussian Wavepackets

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    We analyze the semiclassical evolution of Gaussian wavepackets in chaotic systems. We prove that after some short time a Gaussian wavepacket becomes a primitive WKB state. From then on, the state can be propagated using the standard TDWKB scheme. Complex trajectories are not necessary to account for the long-time propagation. The Wigner function of the evolving state develops the structure of a classical filament plus quantum oscillations, with phase and amplitude being determined by geometric properties of a classical manifold.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; significant improvement

    A tunable macroscopic quantum system based on two fractional vortices

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    We propose a tunable macroscopic quantum system based on two fractional vortices. Our analysis shows that two coupled fractional vortices pinned at two artificially created \kappa\ discontinuities of the Josephson phase in a long Josephson junction can reach the quantum regime where coherent quantum oscillations arise. For this purpose we map the dynamics of this system to that of a single particle in a double-well potential. By tuning the \kappa\ discontinuities with injector currents we are able to control the parameters of the effective double-well potential as well as to prepare a desired state of the fractional vortex molecule. The values of the parameters derived from this model suggest that an experimental realisation of this tunable macroscopic quantum system is possible with today's technology.Comment: We updated our manuscript due to a change of the focus from qubit to macroscopic quantum effect

    Extending Hudson's theorem to mixed quantum states

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    According to Hudson's theorem, any pure quantum state with a positive Wigner function is necessarily a Gaussian state. Here, we make a step towards the extension of this theorem to mixed quantum states by finding upper and lower bounds on the degree of non-Gaussianity of states with positive Wigner functions. The bounds are expressed in the form of parametric functions relating the degree of non-Gaussianity of a state, its purity, and the purity of the Gaussian state characterized by the same covariance matrix. Although our bounds are not tight, they permit us to visualize the set of states with positive Wigner functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
