35 research outputs found

    Regionale Variation und historische Entwicklung von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Bildungsverhalten und Bildungserfolg

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    Dieser Forschungsbericht liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über die relevanten theoretischen Debatten zur Erklärung geschlechtsspezifischer Bildungsungleichheiten und fragt, welche Schlüsse sich aus diesen für die Fragestellung nach der regionalen Variation und der historischen Entwicklung von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Bildungsverhalten und Bildungserfolg in Deutschland ergeben. Aus diesen Überlegungen werden forschungsleitende Hypothesen abgeleitet und mit den vorliegenden empirischen Evidenzen aus der nationalen und internationalen Forschungsliteratur abgeglichen

    Software Verification with Integrated Data Type Refinement for Integer Arithmetic

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    We present an approach to integrating the refinement relation between infinite integer types (used in specification languages) and finite integer types (used in programming languages) into software verification calculi. Since integer types in programming languages have finite ranges, in general they are not a correct data refinement of the mathematical integers usually used in specification languages. Ensuring the correctness of such a refinement requires generating and verifying additional proof obligations. We tackle this problem considering Java and UML/OCL as example. We present a sequent calculus for Java integer arithmetic with integrated generation of refinement proof obligations. Thus, there is no explicit..

    Under consideration for publication in Formal Aspects of Computing Refinement and Retrenchment for Programming Language Data Types

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    Abstract. Refinement is a well-established and accepted technique for the systematic development of correct software systems. However, for the step from already refined specification to implementation, a correct refinement is often not possible because the data types used in the specification resp. the implementation language differ. In this paper, we discuss this problem and its consequences, using the integer data types of Java as an example, which do not correctly refine the mathematical integers Z. We present a solution, which can be seen as a generalisation of refinement and a variant of retrenchment. It has successfully been implemented as part of the KeY software verification system

    Supporting Confidentiality in UML: A Profile for the Decentralized Label Model

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    We present a way of incorporating a decentralized labelmodel into the UML by defining a profile which is thebuilt-in extension mechanism of the UML. Our profile permits specifying the confidentiality of data in UML by offering annotations for classes, attributes, operations, values of objects, and parameters ofoperations. Furthermore, the profile supports the creation of Jif (Java information flow) code. The Jifcompiler guarantees that the specified confidentialityconstraints are not violated. Our approachis appealing in the sense that it offers the possibility to consider confidentiality in UML and that the obtainedcode is guaranteed to behave correctly

    To appear in Formal Aspects of Computing Refinement and Retrenchment for Programming Language Data Types

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    Abstract. Refinement is a well-established and accepted technique for the systematic development of correct software systems. However, for the step from already refined specification to implementation, a correct refinement is often not possible because the data types used in the specification respectively the implementation language differ. In this paper, we discuss this problem and its consequences, using the integer data types of Java as an example, which do not correctly refine the mathematical integers Z. We present a solution, which can be seen as a generalisation of refinement and a variant of retrenchment. It has successfully been implemented as part of the KeY software verification system

    Book Title Book Editors IOS Press, 2003 Verification of JCSP Programs

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    Abstract. We describe the first proof system for concurrent programs based on Communicating Sequential Processes for Java (JCSP). The system extends a complete calculus for the JavaCard Dynamic Logic with support for JCSP, which is modeled in terms of the CSP process algebra. Together with a novel efficient calculu