931 research outputs found
Iterations of V and the core model
Answering a question which was around for some while we prove that if \pi : V
-> M is such that M is transitive and closed under \omega-sequences then the
core model of M is an iterate of the core model of V.Comment: 3 page
Coding into K by reasonable forcing
Assuming that there is no inner model with a strong cardinal, the following
is shown: any subset of \omega_1 can be made \Delta^1_3 (in the codes) by a
reasonable set-forcing; there is a reasonable set-generic extension with a
\Delta^1_3 well-ordering of its reals; 2-step \Sigma^1_4 absoluteness fails
w.r.t. set-sized reasonable forcings
A note on an alleged proof of the relative consistency of P=NP with PA
We indicate that an argument of da Costa and Doria in fact proves P=NP. This
observation makes their argument appear dubious. We isolate a weak version of
one of their lemmas which would already prove P=NP. We point out that even this
weak version is probably false. In fact, a generalized form of this weak
version is provably false.Comment: 4 page
Core models in the presence of Woodin cardinals
It is shown that if there is a measurable cardinal above n Woodin cardinals
and M_{n+1}^# doesn't exist then K exists. K is not fully iterable, though, but
only iterable with respect to stacks of certain trees living between the Woodin
cardinals. However, it is still true that if M is an omega-closed iterate of V
then K^M is an iterate of K.Comment: 6 page
Weak covering and the tree property
Suppose that there's no transitive model of ZFC + there's a strong cardinal,
and let K denote the core model. It is shown that if \delta has the tree
property then \delta^{+K} = \delta^+ and \delta is weakly compact in K
Cardinal arithmetic and Woodin cardinals
Suppose that there is a measurable cardinal. If \aleph_\omega is a strong
limit cardinal, but the power of \aleph_\omega is bigger than
\aleph_{\omega_1}, then there is an inner model with a Woodin cardinal. Modulo
the need of the measurable cardinal this answers a question of Gitik and
Mitchell.Comment: 6 page
A universal weasel without large cardinals in V
We prove in the theory "ZFC + there is no inner model with a Woodin cardinal"
that there is a universal weasel. This shows in particular that one doesn't
have to assume the existence of large cardinals in V to prove the existence of
some such weasel.Comment: 8 page
A simple proof of \Sigma^1_3 correctness of K
We present a simple and purely combinatorial proof of Steel's result
according to which the core model is \Sigma^1_3 correct under the appropriate
hypotheses.Comment: 5 page
More on mutual stationarity
Extending a result of Foreman and Magidor we prove that in the core model for
almost linear iterations the following holds. There is a sequence (S^n_\alpha :
n0) such that each individual S^n_\alpha is a stationary subset
of \aleph_{\alpha+1} consisting of points of cofinality \omega_1, and for all
limits \lambda and for all f:\lambda -> \omega do we have that
(S^{f(\alpha)}_\alpha : \alpha<\lambda) is mutually stationary if and only if
the range of f is finite.Comment: 7 page
L(R) absoluteness under proper forcings
We isolate a new large cardinal concept, "remarkability." Consistencywise,
remarkable cardinals are between ineffable and omega-Erdos cardinals. They are
characterized by the existence of "0^sharp-like" embeddings; however, they
relativize down to L.
It turns out that the existence of a remarkable cardinal is equiconsistent
with L(R) absoluteness under proper forcings. In particular, said absoluteness
does not imply Pi^1_1 determinacy.Comment: 15 page
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