17 research outputs found

    Influence of hydroxyethyl starch (6% HES 130/0.4) administration on hematology and clinical chemistry parameters

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    Background: The chemical inertness of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) might cause interferences of the colloid with a variety of laboratory tests. We aimed to evaluate potential influences of HES 130/0.4, the newest HES type, on several common hematology and clinical chemistry parameters. Methods and results: A convenient sample of 25 patients scheduled for rheological therapy with 500 mL 6% HES 130/0.4 was evaluated. Blood samples were drawn before and after colloid application. Comparing pre- and post-infusion values of a battery of laboratory tests (i.e., hematology and hemostasis parameters, electrolytes, enzymes, kidney and metabolic parameters, lipids, etc.) in time course, a median difference greater than the reference change value for a specific parameter was considered clinically relevant. Among all parameters tested, only serum amylase activity displayed a clinically relevant difference between pre- and post-infusion values (median increase of 85% due to HES administration). By applying in vitro experiments, we demonstrated that serum amylase values obtained in the samples diluted in a 1:1 ratio with HES 130/0.4 and in samples diluted in a 1:1 ratio with 0.9% NaCl displayed a negligible median difference of 3%. Conclusions: The in vivo effect of HES 130/0.4 administration on serum amylase activity observed in our study was pharmacological (real) in nature. With the exception of the influence of HES 130/0.4 on amylase activity, the effects of HES 130/0.4 on other parameters tested in this study can be interpreted as having no clinical relevance

    Antioxidant supplementation attenuates oxidative stress in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

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    Ischemia-reperfusion has been reported to be associated with augmented oxidative stress in the course of surgery, which might be causally involved in the onset of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common arrhythmia after cardiac surgery. We hypothesized that supplementation of antioxidants and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) might lower the incidence of AF following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. In the present study, by monitoring oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery, we analyzed the efficacy of vitamins (ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol) and/or n-3 PUFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). Subjects (n = 75) were divided into 4 subgroups: control, vitamins, n-3 PUFAs, and a combination of vitamins and n-3 PUFAs. Fluorescent techniques were used to measure the antioxidative capacity, i.e. ability to inhibit oxidation. Total peroxides, endogenous peroxidase activity, and antibodies against oxidized LDL (oLAb) were used as serum oxidative stress biomarkers. Post-operative increase in oxidative stress was associated with the consumption of antioxidants and a simultaneous onset of AF. This was confirmed through an increased peroxide level and a decreased oLAb titer in control and n-3 PUFAs groups, indicating the binding of antibodies to oxidative modified epitopes. In both subgroups that were supplemented with vitamins, total peroxides decreased, and the maintenance of a constant IgG antibody titer was facilitated. However, treatment with vitamins or n-3 PUFAs was inefficient with respect to AF onset and its duration. We conclude that the administration of vitamins attenuates post-operative oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery

    Antioxidant Supplementation Attenuates Oxidative Stress in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

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    Ischemia-reperfusion has been reported to be associated with augmented oxidative stress in the course of surgery, which might be causally involved in the onset of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common arrhythmia after cardiac surgery. We hypothesized that supplementation of antioxidants and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) might lower the incidence of AF following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. In the present study, by monitoring oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery, we analyzed the efficacy of vitamins (ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol) and/or n-3 PUFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). Subjects (n = 75) were divided into 4 subgroups: control, vitamins, n-3 PUFAs, and a combination of vitamins and n-3 PUFAs. Fluorescent techniques were used to measure the antioxidative capacity, i.e. ability to inhibit oxidation. Total peroxides, endogenous peroxidase activity, and antibodies against oxidized LDL (oLAb) were used as serum oxidative stress biomarkers. Post-operative increase in oxidative stress was associated with the consumption of antioxidants and a simultaneous onset of AF. This was confirmed through an increased peroxide level and a decreased oLAb titer in control and n-3 PUFAs groups, indicating the binding of antibodies to oxidative modified epitopes. In both subgroups that were supplemented with vitamins, total peroxides decreased, and the maintenance of a constant IgG antibody titer was facilitated. However, treatment with vitamins or n-3 PUFAs was inefficient with respect to AF onset and its duration. We conclude that the administration of vitamins attenuates post-operative oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery

    Clinical Outcome after Colonic Resection in Women with Endometriosis

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    Background. In severe forms of endometriosis, the colon or rectum may be involved. This study evaluated the functional results and long-term outcome after laparoscopic colonic resection for endometriosis. Patients and Methods. Questionnaire survey with 24 women who had experienced typical symptoms, including pelvic pain, infertility, and endometriotic lesions in the bowel and undergone laparoscopic surgery, including low anterior resection, from 2009 to 2012, was conducted. Results. Information about the postoperative outcome was obtained from 22 women and was analyzed statistically. Twenty-one had undergone low anterior resection; one patient required a primary Hartmann procedure due to a rectovaginal fistula. The conversion rate was 4.5%. Major complications occurred in one patient, including an anastomotic leakage, and a Hartmann procedure was carried out subsequently in this patient. The symptoms of pain during defecation, pelvic pain, dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, and hematochezia showed clear improvement one year after the operation and at the time of the questionnaire. Conclusion. Laparoscopic low anterior resection for deeply infiltrative endometriosis is technically demanding but feasible and safe, and it improves the clinical symptoms of endometriosis in the bowel

    Endometriosis Patients in the Postmenopausal Period: Pre- and Postmenopausal Factors Influencing Postmenopausal Health

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    Objective. To evaluate patients’ health status and the course of endometriosis from the premenopausal to the postmenopausal period and evaluate influencing factors that may be relevant. Methods. Questionnaire completed by 35 postmenopausal women in whom endometriosis had been histologically confirmed premenopausally. Correlation and regression analyses were carried out to identify factors relevant to their postmenopausal health status. Results. Overall, there was clear improvement in typical endometriosis symptoms and sexual life. Clear associations (P<0.005) were observed between premenopausal factors like physical limitations caused by the disease, impaired social contacts and psychological problems, and postmenopausal pain and impairment of sexual life. Three statistical models for assessing pain and impairment of sexual life in the postmenopausal period were calculated on the basis of clinical symptoms in the premenopausal period, with a very high degree of accuracy (P<0.001; R2 = 0.833/0.857/0.931). Conclusions. The results of the survey strongly suggest that physical fitness and freedom from physical restrictions, a good social environment, and psychological care in both the premenopausal and postmenopausal periods lead to marked improvements in the postmenopausal period with regard to pain, dyspareunia, and influence on sexual life in endometriosis patients

    Delivery after Operation for Deeply Infiltrating Endometriosis

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    Background. It has been suggested that, during pregnancy, endometriosis can cause a variety of disease-related complications. Objectives. The purpose of the study was to find out if women with histologically confirmed endometriosis do have a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcome and if they suffer from a higher rate of complications during labor. Study Design. 51 women who underwent surgery because of deeply infiltrating endometriosis in the General Hospital Linz and the Women’s General Hospital Linz and who gave birth in the Women’s General Hospital Linz after the surgery were included in our survey. Results. 31 women (60.8%) had a spontaneous delivery and in 20 women (39.2%) a caesarean section was performed. There were no cases of third- and fourth-degree perineal lacerations. Collectively there were 4 cases (7.8%) of preterm delivery and one case (2.0%) of premature rupture of membranes. In two women (6.5%) a retained placenta was diagnosed. Conclusions. Our study is the first description on delivery modes after surgery for deeply infiltrating endometriosis. We did not find an elevated risk for perineal or vaginal laceration in women with a history of surgery for deeply infiltrating endometriosis, even when a resection of the rectum or of the posterior vaginal wall had been performed