1,581 research outputs found

    Interferometric near-field characterization of plasmonic slot waveguides in single- and poly-crystalline gold films

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    Plasmonic waveguides are a promising platform for integrated nanophotonic circuits and nanoscale quantum optics. Their use is however often hampered by the limited propagation length of the guided surface plasmon modes. A detailed understanding of the influence of the material quality and the waveguide geometry on the complex mode index is therefore crucial. In this letter, we present interferometric near-field measurements at telecommunication wavelength on plasmonic slot waveguides fabricated by focused ion beam milling in single- and poly-crystalline gold films. We observe a significantly better performance of the slot waveguides in the single-crystalline gold film for slot widths below 100 nm100\,\mathrm{nm}. In contrast for larger slot widths, both gold films give rise to comparable mode propagation lengths. Our experimental observations indicate that the nature of the dominant loss channel changes with increasing gap size from Ohmic to leakage radiation. Our experimental findings are reproduced by three dimensional numerical calculations.Comment: 4 figure

    The Effect of N-Terminal Cyclization on the Function of the HIV Entry Inhibitor 5P12-RANTES.

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    Despite effective treatment for those living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), there are still two million new infections each year. Protein-based HIV entry inhibitors, being highly effective and specific, could be used to protect people from initial infection. One of the most promising of these for clinical use is 5P12-RANTES, a variant of the chemokine RANTES/CCL5. The N-terminal amino acid of 5P12-RANTES is glutamine (Gln; called Q0), a residue that is prone to spontaneous cyclization when at the N-terminus of a protein. It is not known how this cyclization affects the potency of the inhibitor or whether cyclization is necessary for the function of the protein, although the N-terminal region of RANTES has been shown to be critical for receptor interactions, with even small changes having a large effect. We have studied the kinetics of cyclization of 5P12-RANTES as well as N-terminal variations of the protein that either produce an identical cyclized terminus (Glu0) or that cannot similarly cyclize (Asn0, Phe0, Ile0, and Leu0). We find that the half life for N-terminal cyclization of Gln is roughly 20 h at pH 7.3 at 37 °C. However, our results show that cyclization is not necessary for the potency of this protein and that several replacement terminal amino acids produce nearly-equally potent HIV inhibitors while remaining CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) antagonists. This work has ramifications for the production of active 5P12-RANTES for use in the clinic, while also opening the possibility of developing other inhibitors by varying the N-terminus of the protein

    Cutting the Gordian Knot:Investment Dispute Settlement à la Carte

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    Market and regional segmentation and risk premia in the first era of financial globalization

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    We study market segmentation effects using data on U.S. railroads that list their bonds in New York and London between 1873 and 1913. This sample provides a unique setting for such analysis because of the precision offered by bond yields in cost of capital estimation, the geography-specific nature of railroad assets, and ongoing substantial technological change. We document a significant reduction in market segmentation over time. Whilst New York bond yields exceeded those in London in the 1870s, this premium disappeared by the early 1900s. However, the segmentation premium persisted in the more remote regions of the United States.Chambers acknowledges financial support from his Keynes Fellowship, the Newton Centre for Endowment Asset Management and the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance, Sarkissian acknowledges financial support from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Schill acknowledges financial support from the Darden School Foundation
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