15 research outputs found

    Application of a novel method for subsequent evaluation of sinusoids and postsinusoidal venules after ischemia-reperfusion injury of rat liver

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    Although several intravital fluorescence microscopic studies demonstrated that microcirculatory derangement is induced during liver ischemia-reperfusion, these data were obtained from randomly selected microvascular areas and microvessels, Repeated observation of the identical microvessels has not been performed yet. Using a specially designed cover glass, it is now possible to relocate desired sites of observation repeatedly over the whole reperfusion time, The aim of this study was to determine the impact of reperfusion time on hepatic microvascular perfusion state. Twenty minutes of ischemia induced a significant decrease in sinusoidal perfusion rate (29.1 +/- 10.2%) as compared with baseline values (98.0 +/- 0.3%). At 30, 60, and 120 min of reperfusion, the percentage of perfused sinusoids recovered to 62.8 +/- 6.6, 67.5 +/- 5.7, and 77.2 +/- 5.4%. The number of stagnant leukocytes in the same sinusoids was 6.2 +/- 1.9/lobule at baseline and increased to 22.3 +/- 3.6/lobule at 120 min of reperfusion. The number of leukocytes adhering within postsinusoidal venules was 53.5 +/- 12.5/mm(2) before ischemia and increased to 414.2 +/- 62.5/mm(2) at 120 min of reperfusion. We have demonstrated that during 120 min of reperfusion, there was a steady increase in both sinusoidal and venular leukocyte adhesion along with an attenuation of the initially severely depressed sinusoidal perfusion. a no-reflow phenomenon at an early phase of reperfusion and subsequent reflow were proven

    Recent advances in minimally invasive colorectal cancer surgery

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    Laparoscopy has improved surgical treatment of various diseases due to its limited surgical trauma and has developed as an interesting therapeutic alternative for the resection of colorectal cancer. Despite numerous clinical advantages (faster recovery, less pain, fewer wound and systemic complications, faster return to work) the laparoscopic approach to colorectal cancer therapy has also resulted in unusual complications, i.e. ureteral and bladder injury which are rarely observed with open laparotomy. Moreover, pneumothorax, cardiac arrhythmia, impaired venous return, venous thrombosis as well as peripheral nerve injury have been associated with the increased intraabdominal pressure as well as patient's positioning during surgery. Furthermore, undetected small bowel injury caused by the grasping or cauterizing instruments may occur with laparoscopic surgery. In contrast to procedures performed for nonmalignant conditions, the benefits of laparoscopic resection of colorectal cancer must be weighed against the potential for poorer long-term outcomes of cancer patients that still has not been completely ruled out. In laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery, several important cancer control issues still are being evaluated, i.e. the extent of lymph node dissection, tumor implantation at port sites, adequacy of intraperitoneal staging as well as the distance between tumor site and resection margins. For the time being it can be assumed that there is no significant difference in lymph node harvest between laparoscopic and open colorectal cancer surgery if oncological principles of resection are followed. As far as the issue of port site recurrence is concerned, it appears to be less prevalent than first thought (range 0-2.5%), and the incidence apparently corresponds with wound recurrence rates observed after open procedures. Short-term (3-5 years) survival rates have been published by a number of investigators, and survival rates after laparoscopic surgery appears to compare well with data collected after conventional surgery for colorectal cancer. However, long-term results of prospective randomized trials are not available. The data published so far indicate that the oncological results of laparoscopic surgery compare well with the results of the conventional open approach. Nonetheless, the limited information available from prospective studies leads us to propose that minimally invasive surgery for colorectal cancer surgery should only be performed within prospective trials

    Enhanced release of elastase is not concomitant with increased secretion of granulocyte-activating cytokines in whole blood from patients with sepsis

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    Die Diskussion am Ende des Artikels wurde gelöscht (§137l UrhG).Background The proteolytic enzyme elastase released by granulocytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMN]) in high concentrations during sepsis causes degradation of essential plasma proteins, endothelial damage, and tissue edema. This may result in organ dysfunction and organ failure during sepsis, since increased elastase plasma levels correlate with the mortality rate of patients with sepsis. In vitro studies demonstrated a regulatory role of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-{alpha} [TNF-{alpha}], interleukin 1β [IL-1β], IL-8]) upregulatingprotease release by PMN. In this light, the interactions between cytokine release by macrophages and altered elastase secretion during sepsis remain to be determined. Methods An ex vivo model consisting of lipopolysaccharide stimulation of human whole blood as a relevant physiological milieu was used. Heparinized blood was obtained from 20 patients with sepsis syndrome (APACHE II [Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II] score 28.5±1.2 points [mean±SD]) on days 0 through 3, 5, 7, and 10 after sepsis diagnosis and from 20 control patients without infection. Blood was incubated with lipopolysaccharide (1 mg/L) for 8 hours. Plasma levels of elastase, TNF-{alpha}, IL-1β, and IL-8 were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or bioassay (TNF-{alpha}), respectively. Results Elastase plasma levels in whole blood from patients with sepsis were increased up to 188% (P<.01) above normal, while the release of TNF-{alpha} (-87%), IL-1 β (-91%), and IL-8 (-51%) was markedly (P<.01) decreased compared with control patients. Neutralization of TNF-{alpha} or IL-1β did not attenuate the increased release of elastase. Conclusions These data indicate an increased release of elastase by PMN despite a reduced secretion of PMNactivating cytokines. Although priming effects of TNF-{alpha}, IL-1β, and IL-8 on protease secretion in vivo cannot be excluded completely, other mediators or mechanisms may be involved in the upregulation of detrimental protease release during sepsis

    Immunocytochemical Phenotyping of Disseminated Tumor Cells in Bone Marrow by uPA Receptor and CK18: Investigation of Sensitivity and Specificity of an Immunogold/Alkaline Phosphatase Double Staining Protocol

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    Phenotyping of cytokeratin (CK) 18-positive cells in bone marrow is gaining increasing importance for future prognostic screening of carcinoma patients. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPA-R) is one example of a potential aggressive marker for those cells. However, a valid and reliable double staining method is needed. Using monoclonal antibodies against uPA-R and CK18, we modified an immunogold/alkaline phosphatase double staining protocol. UPA-R/CK18-positive tumor cell controls exhibited black uPA-R staining in 15–80 of cases and red CK18 staining in almost 100 of tumor cells. Isotype- and cross-matched controls were completely negative. Bone marrow from healthy donors was always CK18-negative. Reproducibility of CK18-positive cell detection was estimated in a series of specimens from 61 gastric cancer patients comparatively stained with the single alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) and our double staining method (106 bone marrow cells/patient). In four cases, double staining could not reproduce CK18-positive cells. In 34 cases it revealed fewer or equal numbers, and in 23 cases more CK18-positive cells than the APAAP method. Overall quantitative analysis of detected cell numbers (838 in APAAP, range 1–280 in 106; double staining 808, range 0–253) demonstrated relative reproducibility of APAAP results by double staining of 97. Correlation of results between both methods was significant (p<0.001, linear regression). Sensitivity of double staining tested in logarithmic tumor cell dilutions was one CK18-positive cell in 300,000. Specific uPA-R staining was seen on CK18-positive cells in bone marrow from 29 of 61 patients, and also on single surrounding bone marrow cells. To test the specificity of this staining, bone marrow cytospins from 10 patients without tumor disease were stained for uPA-R with the APAAP method. uPA-R expression was confirmed in all 10 cases, with a mean of 6.5 uPA-R-positive cells in 1000 bone marrow cells (SEM 1.2). These results suggest that our double staining protocol is a sensitive, reproducible, and specific method for routine uPA-R phenotyping of disseminated CK18-positive cells in bone marrow of carcinoma patients

    Computer-assisted ex vivo, normothermic small bowel perfusion

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    Background: In the present study, a technique for computer-assisted, normothermic, oxygenated, ex vivo, recirculating small bowel perfusion was established as a tool to investigate organ pretreatment protocols and ischemia/reperfusion phenomena. A prerequisite for the desired setup was an organ chamber for ex vivo perfusion and the use of syngeneic whole blood as perfusate. Methods: The entire small bowel was harvested from Lewis rats and perfused in an organ chamber ex vivo for at least 2 h. The temperature was kept at 37 degrees C in a water bath. Three experimental groups were explored, characterized by different perfusion solutions. The basic perfusate consisted of syngeneic whole blood diluted with either NaCl, Krebs' solution or Krebs' solution and norepinephrine to a hematocrit of 30%. In addition, in each group l-glutamine was administered intraluminally. The desired perfusion pressure was 100 mm Hg which was kept constant with a computer-assisted data acquisition software, which measured an-line pressure, oxygenation, flow, temperature and pH and adjusted the pressure by changing the flow via a peristaltic pump. The viability of the preparation was tested by measuring oxygen consumption and maltose absorption, which requires intact enzymes of the mucosal brush border to break down maltose into glucose. Results: Organ perfusion in group 1 (dilution with NaCl) revealed problems such as hypersecretion into the bowel lumen, low vascular resistance and no maltose uptake. In contrast a viable organ could be demonstrated using Krebs' solution as dilution solution. The addition of norepinephrine led to an improved perfusion over the entire perfusion period. Maltose absorption was comparable to tests conducted with native small bower. Oxygen consumption was stable during the 2-hour perfusion period. Conclusions: The ex vivo perfusion system established enables small bowel perfusion for at least 2 h. The viability of the graft could be demonstrated. The perfusion time achieved is sufficient to study leukocyte/lymphocyte interaction with the endothelium of the graft vessels. In addition, a viable small bowel, after 2 h of ex vivo perfusion, facilitates testing of pretreatment protocols for the reduction of the immunogenicity of small bowel allografts. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Improvement of lung preservation - From experiment to clinical practice

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    Background. Reperfusion injury represents a severe early complication following lung transplantation. Among the pathogenetic factors, the high potassium content of Euro-Collins(R) solution is discussed. Material and Methods: In a pig model of orthotopic left-sided lung transplantation we investigated the effect of Euro-Collins solution (EC: n=6) versus low potassium dextran (LPD: Perfadex(R): n = 6). Sham-operated (n = 6) animals served as control. Transplant function, cellular energy metabolism and endothelial morphology served as parameters. In a clinical investigation, 124 patients were evaluated following single (EC: n = 31; LPD n = 37) or double (EC: n = 17; LPD n = 39) lung transplantation, whose organs where preserved with EC (n = 48) or LPD (n = 76). Duration of ischemia, duration of ventilation and stay on ICU were registered. Primary transplant function was evaluated according to AaDO(2) values. Cause of early death (30 days) was declared. Results: Experimental results: After flush with EC and 18 h ischemia, a reduction of tissue ATP content (p < 0.01 vs inital value and LPD) was noted. Endothelial damage after ischemia was severe (p < 0.05 vs control), paO(2) was significantly decreased. Clinical results: In the LPD group, duration of ischemia was longer for the grafts transplanted first (SLTx and DLTx: p = 0.0009) as well as second (2. organ DLTx: p = 0.045). Primary transplant function was improved (day 0: SLTx: p = 0.0015; DLTx: p = 0.0095, both vs EC). Duration of ventilation and stay on ICU were shorter (n.s.). Reperfusion injury-associated death was reduced from 8% (EC) to 0 (LPD). Conclusion: In experimental lung preservation, LPD lead to an improved graft function. These results were confirmed in clinical lung transplantation. Clinical lung preservation, therefore, should be carried out by use of LPD. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Prognostic relevance of MMP-2 (72-kD collagenase IV) in gastric cancer

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    The association of MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2, 72-kD collagenase IV) with invasive and metastatic capacity of tumor cells has implicated a potential role in the prognosis for cancer patients. However, no larger study has been done to prove this hypothesis. The present study was therefore designed to investigate the prognostic impact of MMP-2 in a prospective series of 203 gastric cancer patients. MMP-2 expression was measured immunohistochemically and scored semiquantitatively (score 0-3) in carcinoma cells, and results were correlated with clinicopathological tumor parameters and parameters of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system. Survival analyses were done using the Kaplan-Meier method (log-rank statistics) and multivariate Cox analysis. Significant correlations were found for MMP-2 and Lauren's classification, M stage and proteases/inhibitors of the uPA system in the primary tumor. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed an association of increasing MMP-2 expression with worse prognosis. This was especially seen in patients with a parallel high expression of uPA receptor. However, differences in survival probabilities between low and high MMP-2 levels were not significant. In a separate analysis of diffuse-type cancers, MMP-2 was significantly associated with disease-free (p = 0.0056) and overall survival (p = 0.0426). Multivariately, MMP-2 was not an independent parameter. Our results demonstrate that there is an association of immunohistochemical detection of MMP-2 with prognosis of cancer patients. For diffuse gastric cancers, it is a significant prognostic parameter, however, not of independent impact. The study further suggests that consideration of interrelated tumor-associated proteases like uPA receptor in combination with MMP-2 may improve its prognostic power

    Liver transplantation in primary biliary cirrhosis: Risk assessment and 11-year follow-up

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    Background/Aims: Liver transplantation (LTx) is the only established treatment in patients with end-stage primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Although short-term survival after LTx in this group of patients is usually good, few data exist on the long-term survival. The optimal timing of transplantation is difficult. Thus, the aims of this study were to assess the long-term survival of patients with PBC after LTx and to identify potential predictive factors for a positive outcome. Methods: Survival of 28 patients with PBC who underwent LTx between 1985 and July 1999 in a single center was studied by Kaplan-Meier analysis and was compared to predicted survival without LTx using established prognostic models for PBC, the Mayo and European risk scores. Potential prognostic parameters obtained before LTx were tested for correlation to survival. Rates of bone fractures as markers of hepatic osteodystrophy were compared before and after LTx. Results: Median follow-up after LTx was 90 months with a maximum of 140 months. Actuarial survival of patients with PBC was 89% after 1, 5, and 10 years and was significantly better than estimated survival without LTx after 1-7 years as calculated by the Mayo and European risk scores. Of several parameters tested, only serum bilirubin and the prognostic scores, but no other liver function tests obtained immediately prior to transplantation were significantly correlated with survival after LTx. The duration of intensive care after LTx was not associated with any parameters obtained before LTx. Bone fractures were diagnosed in 43% of patients of whom the vast majority were osteopenic before LTx as determined by osteodensitometry. Conclusion: Longterm survival of a well-defined group of patients with PBC was excellent after LTx and was inversely correlated with preoperative serum bilirubin levels as well as Mayo and European risk scores. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG. Basel

    L-arginine: A unique amino acid for improving depressed wound immune function following hemorrhage

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    Objective: To determine whether L-arginine has any salutary effects on wound immune cell function following trauma-hemorrhage. Background. Depressed wound immune function contributes to an increased incidence of wound infections following hemorrhage. Although administration of L-arginine has been shown to restore depressed cell-mediated immune responses following hemorrhage potentially by maintaining organ blood flow, it remains unknown whether Larginine has any salutary effects on the depressed local immune response at the wound site. Methods: Male mice were subjected to a midline laparotomy and polyvinyl sponges were implanted subcutaneously in the abdominal wound prior to hemorrhage (35 +/- 5 mm Hg for 90 min and resuscitation) or sham operation. During resuscitation mice received 300 mg/kg body weight L-arginine or saline (vehicle). Sponges were harvested 24 h thereafter, wound fluid collected and wound immune cells cultured for 24 h in the presence of LPS. Pro- (IL-1beta, IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines were determined in the supernatants and the wound fluid. In addition, wounds were stained for IL-6 immunohistochemically. In a separate set of animals, skin and muscle blood flow was determined by microspheres. Results: The capacity of wound immune cells to release IL-1beta and IL-6 in vitro was significantly depressed in hemorrhaged mice receiving vehicle. Administration of L-arginine, however, improved wound immune cell function. In contrast, in vivo the increased IL-6 release at the wound site was decreased in L-arginine-treated mice following hemorrhage. Moreover, IL-10 levels were significantly increased in the wound fluid in hemorrhaged animals receiving L-arginine compared to vehicle-treated mice. In addition, the depressed skin and muscle blood flow after hemorrhage was restored by L-arginine. Conclusions: Thus, L-arginine might improve local wound cell function by decreasing the inflammatory response at the wound site. Since L-arginine protected wound immune cell function this amino acid might represent a novel and useful adjunct to fluid resuscitation for decreasing wound complications following hemorrhage. Copyright beta 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel