27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Scar Quality after Treatment of Superficial Burns with Dressilk® and Suprathel®—In an Intraindividual Clinical Setting

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    Background: Various synthetic and biological wound dressings are available for the treatment of superficial burns, and standard care differs among hospitals. Nevertheless, the search for an ideal wound dressing offering a safe healing environment as well as optimal scar quality while being economically attractive is a continuing process. In recent years, Dressilk®, which consists of pure silk, has become the standard of care for the treatment of superficial burns in our hospital. However, no long-term scar-evaluation studies have been performed to compare Dressilk® with the often-used and more expensive Suprathel® in the treatment of superficial burns. Methods: Subjective and objective scar evaluations were performed three, six, and twelve months after treatment in patients who received simultaneous treatment of 20 superficial burn wounds with both Suprathel® and Dressilk®. The evaluations were performed using the Vancouver Scar Scale, the Cutometer®, Mexameter®, Tewameter®, and the O2C®. Results: Both dressings showed mostly equivalent results in subjective scar evaluations. In the objective scar evaluations, the wounds treated with Dressilk® showed a faster return to the qualities of non-injured skin. Wound areas treated with the two dressings showed no significant differences in elasticity and transepidermal water loss after 12 months. Only oxygen saturation was significantly lower in wound areas treated with Suprathel® (p = 0.008). Subjectively, wound areas treated with Dressilk® showed significantly higher pigmentation after six months, which was not apparent after 12 months. Conclusion: Both wound dressings led to esthetically satisfying scar recovery without significant differences from normal uninjured skin after 12 months. Therefore, Dressilk® remains an economically and clinically interesting alternative to Suprathel® for the treatment of superficial burns

    Assessing the Effect of Enzymatic Debridement on the Scar Quality in Partial-Thickness Burns to Deep Dermal Burns of the Hand: A Long-Term Evaluation

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    Background and Objectives: Burn surgery on the hands is a difficult procedure due to the complex anatomy and fragility of the area. Enzymatic debridement has been shown to effectively remove burn eschar while minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue and has therefore become a standard procedure in many burn centers worldwide over the past decade. However, surprisingly, our recent literature review showed limited valid data on the long-term scarring after the enzymatic debridement of the hands. Therefore, we decided to present our study on this topic to fill this gap. Materials and Methods: This study analyzed partial-thickness to deep dermal burns on the hands that had undergone enzymatic debridement at least 12 months prior. Objective measures, like flexibility, trans-epidermal water loss, erythema, pigmentation, and microcirculation, were recorded and compared intraindividually to the uninjured skin in the same area of the other hand to assess the regenerative potential of the skin after EDNX. The subjective scar quality was evaluated using the patient and observer scar assessment scale (POSAS), the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), and the “Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand” (DASH) questionnaire and compared interindividually to a control group of 15 patients who had received traditional surgical debridement for hand burns of the same depth. Results: Between January 2014 and December 2015, 31 hand burns in 28 male and 3 female patients were treated with enzymatic debridement. After 12 months, the treated wounds showed no significant differences compared to the untreated skin in terms of flexibility, trans-epidermal water loss, pigmentation, and skin surface. However, the treated wounds still exhibited significantly increased blood circulation and erythema compared to the untreated areas. In comparison to the control group who received traditional surgical debridement, scarring was rated as significantly superior. Conclusions: In summary, it can be concluded that the objective skin quality following enzymatic debridement is comparable to that of healthy skin after 12 months and subjectively fares better than that after tangential excision. This confirms the superiority of enzymatic debridement in the treatment of deep dermal burns of the hand and solidifies its position as the gold standard

    Effect of Bromelain-Based Enzymatic Debridement on Skin Cells

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    Several reports have concluded that enzymatic debridement based on Bromelain (NX) is selective and efficient. Although clinical trials showed that viable tissue is not damaged at the macroscopic level, the effect on the cellular level is largely unknown. The current study is meant to close this gap by evaluating whether NX has an effect on vital cells of the human dermis on a cellular level. In an experimental in vitro study design, the effect of NX on human keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and macrophages was analyzed. Enzymatic treatment was performed for 4 hours by using either cell culture medium or phosphate-buffered saline as diluting agent for NX. Cell viability and relative cell number in relation to untreated control cells were determined using a resazurin-based assay. In addition, the development of enzyme activity during clinical treatment was analyzed: wound fluid collected from a burn wound at different points of debridement was applied on collagen-elastin disks to prove enzymatic digestion activity. Both keratinocytes and fibroblasts were damaged by NX even at low concentrations. Both cell types showed improved survival when a medium was used for dissolving NX. Macrophages appeared to resist NX treatment more efficiently than the other cell types. In the clinical trial, NX activity in the wound fluid decreased clearly following 4 hours of enzymatic debridement. NX induces toxicity of vital skin cells in vitro. However, macrophages appear to be more resistant against NX treatment in vitro. The inflammatory responses of vital cells in the burn wound itself are likely to inhibit NX activity. The effect of this inflammatory process on NX activity will have to be investigated in future studies

    Comparison of short- with long-term regeneration results after digital nerve reconstruction with muscle-in-vein conduits

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    Muscle-in-vein conduits are used alternatively to nerve grafts for bridging nerve defects. The purpose of this study was to examine short- and long-term regeneration results after digital nerve reconstruction with muscle-in-vein conduits. Static and moving two-point discriminations and Semmes-Weinstein Monofilaments were used to evaluate sensory recovery 6-12 months and 14-35 months after repair of digital nerves with muscle-in-vein in 7 cases. Both follow-ups were performed after clinical signs of progressing regeneration disappeared. In 4 of 7 cases, a further recovery of both two-point discriminations and in another case of only the static two-point discrimination of 1-3 mm could be found between the short-term and long-term follow-up examination. Moreover, a late recovery of both two-point discriminations was demonstrated in another case. Four of 7 cases showed a sensory improvement by one Semmes-Weinstein Monofilaments. This pilot study suggests that sensory recovery still takes place even when clinical signs of progressing regeneration disappear

    Inhibition of Bromelain Activity During Enzymatic Debridement of Burn Wounds Pretreated With Frequently Used Products

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    An enzyme mixture containing bromelain (NexoBrid (R)) was found to be suitable for enzymatic debridement of burn wounds, as determined by the criteria of patient comfort and pain, selectivity, and efficiency. Nevertheless, daily experience showed that pretreatment of burn wounds with several other clinical agents may inhibit debridement efficiency. Therefore, the current study was performed to identify those agents and evaluate their debridement inhibition capabilities. The impact of several common agents as well pH, on NexoBrid (R) debridement efficiency was evaluated in vitro. A collagen-based dermal substitute (MatriDerm (R)) was exposed to NexoBrid (R) in the presence of different agents of varying concentrations. Digestion was documented. The criteria used for judging digestion were independently classified by 3 investigators at least 3 times in succession. When a low concentration (1.0 mg/ml) of NexoBrid (R) was used, a >= 50% concentration of Prontosan (R) had an impact on enzymatic activity. Comparable results were obtained when even lower concentrations of Octenisept (R) (>= 10%) were used. A 100-mu mol/L concentration of copper inhibited the enzymatic activity of both a low (1.0 mg/ml) and high (10 mg/ml) concentration of NexoBrid (R). Silver-sulfadiazine at concentrations of 10% and 90% inhibited the activity of 1 mg/ml NexoBrid (R). No complete inhibition of NexoBrid (R) activity occurred at any concentration of iron. We recommend using polyhexanide-containing agents (Prontosan (R)) to rinse and presoak burn wounds. Pretreatment of burn wounds with agents containing silver and copper should be avoided. Experimentally, we found a partial inhibition of NexoBrid (R) activity at the distinct pH values of 3 and 11

    Comparative Study of the Osteogenic Differentiation Potential of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells and Dedifferentiated Adipose Cells of the Same Tissue Origin under Pro and Antioxidant Conditions

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    Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) play an important role in various therapeutic approaches to bone regeneration. However, such applications become challenging when the obtained cells show a functional disorder, e.g., an impaired osteogenic differentiation potential (ODP). In addition to ASCs, human adipose tissue is also a source for another cell type with therapeutic potential, the dedifferentiated fat cells (DFATs), which can be obtained from mature adipocytes. Here, we for the first time compared the ODPs of each donors ASC and DFAT obtained from the same adipose tissue sample as well as the role of oxidative stress or antioxidative catalase on their osteogenic outcome. Osteogenic potential of ASC and DFAT from nine human donors were compared in vitro. Flow cytometry, staining for calcium accumulation with alizarin red, alkaline phosphatase assay and Western blots were used over an osteogenic induction period of up to 14 days. H2O2 was used to induce oxidative stress and catalase was used as an antioxidative measure. We have found that ASC and DFAT cultures’ ODPs are nearly identical. If ASCs from an adipose tissue sample showed good or bad ODP, so did the corresponding DFAT cultures. The inter-individual variability of the donor ODPs was immense with a maximum factor of about 20 and correlated neither with the age nor the sex of the donors of the adipose tissue. Oxidative stress in the form of exogenously added H2O2 led to a significant ODP decrease in both cell types, with this ODP decrease being significantly lower in DFAT cultures than in the corresponding ASC cultures. Regardless of the individual cell culture-specific ODP, however, exogenously applied catalase led to an approx. 2.5-fold increase in osteogenesis in the ASC and DFAT cultures. Catalase appears to be a potent pro-osteogenic factor, at least in vitro. A new finding that points to innovative strategies and therapeutic approaches in bone regeneration. Furthermore, our results show that DFATs behave similarly to ASCs of the same adipose tissue sample with respect to ODPs and could therefore be a very attractive and readily available source of multipotent stem cells in bone regenerative therapies

    Basic life support knowledge in Germany and the influences of demographic factors.

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    BackgroundIn the developed world, cardiovascular diseases still contribute to mortality and morbidity, leading to significantly increased deaths in recent years. Thus, it is necessary for a layperson to provide the best possible basic life support (BLS) until professional help is available. Since information on current BLS knowledge in Germany is not available, but necessary to be able to make targeted improvements in BLS education, we conducted this study.MethodsA cohort survey using convenience sampling (non-probability) method was conducted with questions found in emergency medicine education. People coming to the emergency room of two big university hospitals located in the South (Munich) and western part (Cologne) of Germany were asked to participate in the survey between 2016 and 2017. Primary outcome measures were the proportion of correct answers for each emergency scenario in relationship to age, region, profession and first-aid training.ResultsAltogether 1003 people (504 from Cologne; 499 from Munich) took part in the questionnaire. 54.7% were female and 45.3% were male aging from 19 to 52 with a mean of 37.2 years. Although over 90% had taken part in first aid training, many people were lacking first aid knowledge, with less than 10% choosing the correct frequency for chest compression. Hereby demographic factors had a significant influence (pConclusionOverall, results of our survey indicate a clear lack of BLS knowledge. With this information, targeted measures for improving BLS knowledge should be conducted. Additionally, further studies on the feasibility and efficiency of teaching methods are needed