27 research outputs found

    Whale and porpoise voices : a phonograph record

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    Includes accompanying booklet and image of record jacketThe vocal sounds of cetaceans are a little known and even less understood feature of the complex adaptation of these animals, whose ancestors lived on the dry land, to an entirely aquatic existence. Even in the clearest surface waters, sight is limited to about a hundred feet or less in daytime, and visibility ranges are mostly negligibly short for fast-swimming animals, so that they are effectively partly or wholly blinded. Therefore sound and hearing have an especially important place in their lives. Sound is used not only in direct communication, but also to a large degree in navigation and hunting (echo-location). The excerpts presented here are samples of such sounds made by eighteen species, all obtained by eavesdropping in the open sea (except for the Inia selection, which was made in captivity). These recordings have not been speeded up or slowed down, and so are true in natural frequency and time; there has been no editing or filtering except as noted

    Right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, sightings in Cape Cod waters

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    Sightings of right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, in Massachusetts waters have been recorded by workers at Woods Hole Oceanographic In stitution since 1955. These observations do not represent a census, because emphasis was placed on studying the whales' underwater sounds and other activities. The number of yearly sightings varied from 2 to 165. Observations were made from aircraft, boats, and occasionally from shore.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-79-C-0071; NR 083-004

    Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North Atlantic: a guide to their identification

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    This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). It was designed to assist laypersons in identifying cetaceans encountered in the western North Atlantic Ocean and was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This publication includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices cover tags used on cetacean species; how to record and report cetacean observations at see and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of contacts for reporting cetacean strandings. (Document pdf contains 183 pages - file takes considerable time to open

    A phonograph record of the underwater calls of delphinapterus leucus

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    Originally issued as Reference No. 50-1, series later renamed WHOI-DelphinaplMus leucas (Pallas), variously called white porpoise, white whale, or beluga, has long been known as a vociferous species. It is an arctic form, generally restricted to waters north of N. Lat. 60°, except along the coast of eastern Asia, where it ranges as far south as the offing of southeastern Sakhalin, and along the coast of eastern North America, where it is normally abundant to about the same latitudes in the St. Lawrence estuary. It was in this region, in the lower Saguenay River, Quebec, that our records were made, in July 1949. In these restricted waters we have been fortunate in finding concentrations of Delphinapterus with no other aquatic sound-makers in evidence. For this and other reasons detailed before (1949, Science, Vol. 109, pp. 143-144, Feb. 11 ), we are convinced that all the sounds heard on this record were made under water by DelphinaplMus. This particular cetacean makes a very good subject, as it is especially conspicuous both optically and acoustically, and is easy to identify at sight--and, we now submit, likewise by ear

    Four hydrophone array for acoustic three-dimensional location

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    This report describes a non-rigid, floating, four-hydrophone array that can give accurate three-dimensional locations for certain underwater sound sources, particularly for those that are close. For more distant sounds, the array can indicate good directions (bearings) but range is liable to be uncertain. A system for concurrent calibration permits periodic reassessment of hydrophone positions. Appendix: Programming and mathematics for computer analysis of the array data are by Donna Ekstrand and Mary Hunt.Supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-66-C0241; NR 083-004

    Sound Cut, Record Number 54024007

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    Playback recorder/filter type, settings in kHz: Crown/Voice. Cut size: 41.566 seconds. Sample rate: 30000. Number of channels recorded: 1. See Code descriptions document for descriptions of codes used in Text header document.Recording of two long-finned pilot whales made by RG AX-58 hydrophones, WHOI Suitcase Amp, Magnecorder tape recorder. Whistles

    Sound Cut, Record Number 62031003

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    Playback recorder/filter type, settings in kHz: Pemtek/Kay. Cut size: 12.762 seconds. Sample rate: 81920. Number of channels recorded: 11A. See Code descriptions document for descriptions of codes used in Text header document.Recording of 2 sperm whales made by Suitcase Mod 3 #3 amplifier; AX-58 hydrophone; Crown #8 "F" equalization; Scotch III-A tape. E coda by 1 animal; 2nd animal making contact clicks in background

    Sound Cut, Record Number 5702100k

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    Playback recorder/filter type, settings in kHz: Crown/Voice. Cut size: 3 minutes 7.345 seconds. Sample rate: 30000. Number of channels recorded: 1. See Code descriptions document for descriptions of codes used in Text header document.Recording of two Short-finned pilot whales made by RG AX58 Hydrophone, WHOI battery amp, Magnemite recorder. Whistles; series of squeals

    Sound Cut, Record Number 54024008

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    Playback recorder/filter type, settings in kHz: Crown/Voice. Cut size: 29.473 seconds. Sample rate: 30000. Number of channels recorded: 1. See Code descriptions document for descriptions of codes used in Text header document.Recording of two long-finned pilot whales made by RG AX-58 hydrophones, WHOI Suitcase Amp, Magnecorder tape recorder. Whistles

    Sound Cut, Record Number 5402400c

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    Playback recorder/filter type, settings in kHz: Crown/Voice. Cut size: 42.449 seconds. Sample rate: 30000. Number of channels recorded: 1. See Code descriptions document for descriptions of codes used in Text header document.Recording of two long-finned pilot whales made by RG AX-58 hydrophones, WHOI Suitcase Amp, Magnecorder tape recorder. Whistles