1,571 research outputs found

    Interactions of a Light Hypersonic Jet with a Non-Uniform Interstellar Medium

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    We present three dimensional simulations of the interaction of a light hypersonic jet with an inhomogeneous thermal and turbulently supported disk in an elliptical galaxy. We model the jet as a light, supersonic non-relativistic flow with parameters selected to be consistent with a relativistic jet with kinetic power just above the FR1/FR2 break. We identify four generic phases in the evolution of such a jet with the inhomogeneous interstellar medium: 1) an initial ``flood and channel'' phase, where progress is characterized by high pressure gas finding changing weak points in the ISM, flowing through channels that form and re-form over time, 2) a spherical, energy-driven bubble phase, were the bubble is larger than the disk scale, but the jet remains fully disrupted close to the nucleus, 3) a rapid, jet break--out phase the where jet breaks free of the last dense clouds, becomes collimated and pierces the spherical bubble, and 4) a classical phase, the jet propagates in a momentum-dominated fashion leading to the classical jet + cocoon + bow-shock structure. Mass transport in the simulations is investigated, and we propose a model for the morphology and component proper motions in the well-studied Compact Symmetric Object 4C31.04.Comment: 66 pages, 22 figures, PDFLaTeX, aastex macros, graphicx and amssymb packages, Accepted, to be published 2007 ApJ

    Synchrotron Emission from Hot Accretion Flows and the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy

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    Current estimates of number counts of radio sources in the frequency range where the most sensitive Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments are carried out significantly under-represent sources with strongly inverted spectra. Hot accretion flows around supermassive black holes in the nuclei of nearby galaxies are expected to produce inverted radio spectra by thermal synchrotron emission. We calculate the temperature fluctuations and power spectra of these sources in the Planck Surveyor 30 GHz energy channel, where their emission is expected to peak. We find that their potential contribution is generally comparable to the instrumental noise, and approaches the CMB anisotropy level at small angular scales. Forthcoming CMB missions, which will provide a large statistical sample of inverted-spectra sources, will be crucial for determining the distribution of hot accretion flows in nearby quiescent galactic nuclei. Detection of these sources in different frequency channels will help constrain their spectral characteristics, hence their physical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Lasing from a circular Bragg nanocavity with an ultra-small modal volume

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    We demonstrate single-mode lasing at telecommunication wavelengths from a circular nanocavity employing a radial Bragg reflector. Ultra-small modal volume and Sub milliwatt pump threshold level are observed for lasers with InGaAsP quantum well active membrane. The electromagnetic field is shown to be tightly confined within the 300nm central pillar of the cavity. The quality factors of the resonator modal fields are estimated to be on the order of a few thousands.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures Submitted to AP

    Structure of Magnetic Tower Jets in Stratified Atmospheres

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    Based on a new approach on modeling the magnetically dominated outflows from AGNs (Li et al. 2006), we study the propagation of magnetic tower jets in gravitationally stratified atmospheres (such as a galaxy cluster environment) in large scales (>> tens of kpc) by performing three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. We present the detailed analysis of the MHD waves, the cylindrical radial force balance, and the collimation of magnetic tower jets. As magnetic energy is injected into a small central volume over a finite amount of time, the magnetic fields expand down the background density gradient, forming a collimated jet and an expanded ``lobe'' due to the gradually decreasing background density and pressure. Both the jet and lobes are magnetically dominated. In addition, the injection and expansion produce a hydrodynamic shock wave that is moving ahead of and enclosing the magnetic tower jet. This shock can eventually break the hydrostatic equilibrium in the ambient medium and cause a global gravitational contraction. This contraction produces a strong compression at the head of the magnetic tower front and helps to collimate radially to produce a slender-shaped jet. At the outer edge of the jet, the magnetic pressure is balanced by the background (modified) gas pressure, without any significant contribution from the hoop stress. On the other hand, along the central axis of the jet, hoop stress is the dominant force in shaping the central collimation of the poloidal current. The system, which possesses a highly wound helical magnetic configuration, never quite reaches a force-free equilibrium state though the evolution becomes much slower at late stages. The simulations were performed without any initial perturbations so the overall structures of the jet remain mostly axisymmetric.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of a Classic FR-II Broad Absorption Line Quasar from the FIRST Survey

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    We have discovered a remarkable quasar, FIRST J101614.3+520916, whose optical spectrum shows unambiguous broad absorption features while its double-lobed radio morphology and luminosity clearly indicate a classic Fanaroff-Riley Type II radio source. Its radio luminosity places it at the extreme of the recently established class of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars (Becker et al. 1997, 2000; Brotherton et al. 1998). Because of its hybrid nature, we speculate that FIRST J101614.3+520916 is a typical FR-II quasar which has been rejuvenated as a broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with a Compact Steep Spectrum core. The direction of the jet axis of FIRST J101614.3+520916 can be estimated from its radio structure and optical brightness, indicating that we are viewing the system at a viewing angle of > 40 degrees. The position angles of the radio jet and optical polarization are not well-aligned, differing by 20 to 30 degrees. When combined with the evidence presented by Becker et al. (2000) for a sample of 29 BAL quasars showing that at least some BAL quasars are viewed along the jet axis, the implication is that no preferred viewing orientation is necessary to observe BAL systems in a quasar's spectrum. This, and the probable young nature of compact steep spectrum sources, leads naturally to the alternate hypothesis that BALs are an early stage in the lives of quasars.Comment: 14 pages, 6 postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Fluctuation Analysis of the Bolocam 1.1mm Lockman Hole Survey

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    We perform a fluctuation analysis of the 1.1mm Bolocam Lockman Hole Survey, which covers 324 square arcmin to a very uniform point source-filtered RMS noise level of 1.4 mJy/beam. The fluctuation analysis has the significant advantage of utilizing all of the available data. We constrain the number counts in the 1-10 mJy range, and derive significantly tighter constraints than in previous work: the power-law index is 2.7 (+0.18, -0.15), while the amplitude is equal to 1595 (+85,-238) sources per mJy per square degree, or N(>1 mJy) = 940 (+50,-140) sources/square degree (95% confidence). Our results agree extremely well with those derived from the extracted source number counts by Laurent et al (2005). Our derived normalization is about 2.5 times smaller than determined by MAMBO at 1.2mm by Greve et al (2004). However, the uncertainty in the normalization for both data sets is dominated by the systematic (i.e., absolute flux calibration) rather than statistical errors; within these uncertainties, our results are in agreement. We estimate that about 7% of the 1.1mm background has been resolved at 1 mJy.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal; 22 pages, 9 figure

    Radio Foregrounds for the 21cm Tomography of the Neutral Intergalactic Medium at High Redshifts

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    Absorption or emission against the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) may be observed in the redshifted 21cm line if the spin temperature of the neutral intergalactic medium prior to reionization differs from the CMB temperature. This so-called 21cm tomography should reveal important information on the physical state of the intergalactic medium at high redshifts. The fluctuations in the redshifted 21 cm, due to gas density inhomogeneities at early times, should be observed at meter wavelengths by the next generation radio telescopes such as the proposed {\it Square Kilometer Array (SKA)}. Here we show that the extra-galactic radio sources provide a serious contamination to the brightness temperature fluctuations expected in the redshifted 21 cm emission from the IGM at high redshifts. Unless the radio source population cuts off at flux levels above the planned sensitivity of SKA, its clustering noise component will dominate the angular fluctuations in the 21 cm signal. The integrated foreground signal is smooth in frequency space and it should nonetheless be possible to identify the sharp spectral feature arising from the non-uniformities in the neutral hydrogen density during the epoch when the first UV sources reionize the intergalactic medium.Comment: 5 pages emulateapj with 1 figure, accepted to Ap

    The distribution and cosmic evolution of massive black hole spins

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    We study the expected distribution of massive black hole (MBH) spins and its evolution with cosmic time in the context of hierarchical galaxy formation theories. Our model uses Monte Carlo realizations of the merger hierarchy in a LCDM cosmology, coupled to semi-analytical recipes, to follow the merger history of dark matter halos, the dynamics of the MBHs they host, and their growth via gas accretion and binary coalescences. The coalescence of comparable mass holes increases the spin of MBHs, while the capture of smaller companions in randomly-oriented orbits acts to spin holes down. We find that, given the distribution of MBH binary mass ratios in hierarchical models, binary coalescences alone do not lead to a systematic spin-up or spin-down of MBHs with time: the spin distribution retains memory of its initial conditions. By contrast, because of the Bardeen-Petterson effect, gas accretion via a thin disk tends to spin holes up even if the direction of the spin axis changes randomly in time. In our models, accretion dominates over black hole captures and efficiently spins holes up. The spin distribution is heavily skewed towards fast-rotating Kerr holes, is already in place at early epochs, and does not change much below redshift 5. If accretion is via a thin disk, about 70% of all MBHs are maximally rotating and have radiative efficiencies approaching 30% (assuming a "standard'' spin-efficiency conversion). Even in the conservative case where accretion is via a geometrically thick disk, about 80% of all MBHs have spin parameters a/m > 0.8 and accretion efficiencies > 12%. Rapidly spinning holes with high radiative efficiencies may satisfy constraints based on comparing the local MBH mass density with the mass density inferred from luminous quasars (Soltan's argument).Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Warped discs and the directional stability of jets in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Warped accretion discs in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) exert a torque on the black hole that tends to align the rotation axis with the angular momentum of the outer disc. We compute the magnitude of this torque by solving numerically for the steady state shape of the warped disc, and verify that the analytic solution of Scheuer and Feiler (1996) provides an excellent approximation. We generalise these results for discs with strong warps and arbitrary surface density profiles, and calculate the timescale on which the black hole becomes aligned with the angular momentum in the outer disc. For massive holes and accretion rates of the order of the Eddington limit the alignment timescale is always short (less than a Myr), so that jets accelerated from the inner disc region provide a prompt tracer of the angular momentum of gas at large radii in the disc. Longer timescales are predicted for low luminosity systems, depending on the degree of anisotropy in the disc's hydrodynamic response to shear and warp, and for the final decay of modest warps at large radii in the disc that are potentially observable via VLBI. We discuss the implications of this for the inferred accretion history of those Active Galactic Nuclei whose jet directions appear to be stable over long timescales. The large energy deposition rate at modest disc radii during rapid realignment episodes should make such objects transiently bright at optical and infrared wavelengths.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Revised to match accepted version, with one new figure showing alignment timescale as a function of black hole mas
