624 research outputs found

    Neutron-Rich In and Cd Isotopes Close to the Doubly-Magic 132Sn

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    Selective electrochemical machining of the steel molds in hot isostatic pressing of Ti6Al4V powder

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    Anodic dissolution is proven to be an effective method to remove stainless steel molds from Ti6Al4V compacts obtained from powder by hot isostatic pressing. Two different working solutions were studied: 2 M NaCl and 2 M NaCl + 0.05 M Na2EDTA. While both were capable of removing the steel mold, the latter was also capable of removing the diffusional layer made by the intermetallic phases generated between titanium and steel during the compaction process

    Hybrid Superconducting Neutron Detectors

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    A new neutron detection concept is presented that is based on superconductive niobium (Nb) strips coated by a boron (B) layer. The working principle of the detector relies on the nuclear reaction 10B+n →\rightarrow α\alpha+ 7Li , with α\alpha and Li ions generating a hot spot on the current-biased Nb strip which in turn induces a superconducting-normal state transition. The latter is recognized as a voltage signal which is the evidence of the incident neutron. The above described detection principle has been experimentally assessed and verified by irradiating the samples with a pulsed neutron beam at the ISIS spallation neutron source (UK). It is found that the boron coated superconducting strips, kept at a temperature T = 8 K and current-biased below the critical current Ic, are driven into the normal state upon thermal neutron irradiation. As a result of the transition, voltage pulses in excess of 40 mV are measured while the bias current can be properly modulated to bring the strip back to the superconducting state, thus resetting the detector. Measurements on the counting rate of the device are presented and the future perspectives leading to neutron detectors with unprecedented spatial resolutions and efficiency are highlighted.Comment: 8 pages 6 figure

    Microstructure and phase composition of bronze Montefortino helmets discovered Mediterranean seabed to explain an unusual corrosion

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    Two Monterfortino helmets, recovered in the Mediterranean seabed, show unusual features with respect to the more common helmets of the same period and found in underwater environments. Hence, they were investigated by a multi-analytical approach, which allowed us to identify the compounds constituting the helmets and to make some considerations about their metallurgy, although all the metal was converted to degradation products. The helmets, originally made in bronze, have maintained their original shape because of copper sulphides formation. The observed differences in composition between the two helmets were attributed to the position modification, of one of them, into the seabed along centuries. For the first time, a microstructural investigation permits to reconstruct the history of the aging processes involved in the total oxidation of roman bronze helmet metal

    Study of microsecond isomers in neutron-rich indium and cadmium isotopes

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    Microsecond isomers in In and Cd isotopes, in the mass range A = 123 to 130, were investigated at the ILL reactor, Grenoble, through thermal-neutron induced fission reactions of Pu targets. The LOHENGRIN mass spectrometer has been used to select the recoiling fission fragments. The level schemes of the odd-even 123,125,127,129In and 125Cd, and new measurements of the microsecond half-lives of the odd-odd 126-130In are reported. However, the expected 8+ isomers in the even-even 126,128,130$Cd isotopes were not observed. The comparisons between the experimental B(M2) strengths for In and Sn isotopes are discussed. A shell-model study of the heaviest In and Cd nuclei was performed using a realistic interaction derived from the CD-Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential. The calculation predicts values of the half-lives of the first 8+ states in 126,128Cd of about 10 ns, which could explain the non-observation of microsecond isomers. Comparison shows that the calculated levels of 130In and 129In are in good agreement with the experimental values, while some discrepancies occur for the lighter In isotopes. The collectivity of 126,128Cd is discussed in the framework of the shell model and in comparison with 204Hg. A theoretical prediction on 130Cd is reported

    Sorption Thermodynamics of CO2, H2O, and CH3OH in a Glassy Polyetherimide: A Molecular Perspective

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    In this paper, the sorption thermodynamics of low-molecular-weight penetrants in a glassy polyetherimide, endowed with specific interactions, is addressed by combining an experimental approach based on vibrational spectroscopy with thermodynamics modeling. This modeling approach is based on the extension of equilibrium theories to the out-of-equilibrium glassy state. Specific interactions are accounted for in the framework of a compressible lattice fluid theory. In particular, the sorption of carbon dioxide, water, and methanol is illustrated, exploiting the wealth of information gathered at a molecular level from Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to tailor thermodynamics modeling. The investigated penetrants display a different interacting characteristic with respect to the polymer substrate, which reflects itself in the sorption thermodynamics. For the specific case of water, the outcomes from molecular dynamics simulations are compared with the results of the present analysis

    Sorption of CO2, CH4 and Their Mixtures in Amorphous Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene)oxide (PPO)

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    Sorption of pure CO2 and CH4 and CO2/CH4 binary gas mixtures in amorphous glassy Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene) oxide (PPO) at 35 °C up to 1000 Torr was investigated. Sorption experiments were carried out using an approach that combines barometry with FTIR spectroscopy in the transmission mode to quantify the sorption of pure and mixed gases in polymers. The pressure range was chosen to prevent any variation of the glassy polymer density. The solubility within the polymer of the CO2 present in the gaseous binary mixtures was practically coincident with the solubility of pure gaseous CO2, up to a total pressure of the gaseous mixtures equal to 1000 Torr and for CO2 mole fractions of ~0.5 mol mol-1 and ~0.3 mol mol-1. The Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics for Glassy Polymers (NET-GP) modelling approach has been applied to the Non-Random Hydrogen Bonding (NRHB) lattice fluid model to fit the solubility data of pure gases. We have assumed here that no specific interactions were occurring between the matrix and the absorbed gas. The same thermodynamic approach has been then used to predict the solubility of CO2/CH4 mixed gases in PPO, resulting in a deviation lower than 9.5% from the experimental results for CO2 solubility

    Modelling sorption thermodynamics and mass transport of n-hexane in a propylene-ethylene elastomer

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    Optimization of post polymerization processes of polyolefin elastomers (POE) involving solvents is of considerable industrial interest. To this aim, experimental determination and theoretical interpretation of the thermodynamics and mass transport properties of POE-solvent mixtures is relevant. Sorption behavior of n-hexane vapor in a commercial propylene-ethylene elastomer (V8880 Vistamaxx™ from ExxonMobil, Machelen, Belgium) is addressed here, determining experimentally the sorption isotherms at temperatures ranging from 115 to 140 °C and pressure values of n-hexane vapor up to 1 atm. Sorption isotherms have been interpreted using a Non Random Lattice Fluid (NRLF) Equation of State model retrieving, from data fitting, the value of the binary interaction parameter for the n-hexane/V8880 system. Both the cases of temperature-independent and of temperature-dependent binary interaction parameter have been considered. Sorption kinetics was also investigated at different pressures and has been interpreted using a Fick’s model determining values of the mutual diffusivity as a function of temperature and of n-hexane/V8880 mixture composition. From these values, n-hexane intra-diffusion coefficient has been calculated interpreting its dependence on mixture concentration and temperature by a semi-empiric model based on free volume arguments
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