47 research outputs found
Opleidingssupervisie in de actuele context van opleiding en praktijk krijgt vaak niet de aandacht die zij verdient. Wij willen dat met dit themanummer van Handelingen veranderen. Wij hebben opleidingssupervisoren van opleidingen voor Pastoraat en Geestelijke Verzorging in Nederland (hbobachelor, hbo-master en wo-master) gevraagd eigen ervaringen en inzichten te beschrijven, om actuele ontwikkelingen en themaâs te schetsen die zij in hun supervisiepraktijk tegenkomen. Supervisoren van zes opleidingen waren bereid hun ervaringen te delen. Deze uitwisseling van ervaringen kan ons helpen vindplaatsen van uitdagingen op te sporen voor toekomstige professionals binnen het werkveld van Pastoraat en Geestelijke Verzorging en voor supervisoren die deze begeleiden bij het leren reflecteren op mogelijkheden die helpen met deze uitdagingen om te gaan
Repeated use of rich pictures to explore changes in subjective experiences over time of patients with advanced cancer
BACKGROUND: The combination of verbal and visual tools may help unravel the experiences of advanced cancer patients. However, most previous studies have focused on a specific symptom, at only one moment in time. We recently found that a specific visual tool, originating from systems thinking, that is, rich pictures (RPs), could provide a more comprehensive view of the experiences of patients with advanced cancer. AIMS: To examine whether the repeated use of RPs can make changes in subjective experiences of patients living with advanced cancer visible over time. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a prospective study with a generic qualitative approach that was mostly informed by the process of grounded theory. We invited patients to make an RP twice, at the start of the study, and again after 2âmonths. Both RP drawing sessions were directly followed by a semiâstructured interview. Patients with all types of solid tumors, above the age of 18, and with a diagnosis of advanced, incurable cancer, were eligible. Eighteen patients participated and 15 patients were able to draw an RP twice. In eight RPâsets, considerable differences between the first and second RP were noticeable. Two patterns were distinguished: (1) a change (decline or improvement) in physical health (five patients), and/or (2) a change in the way patients related to cancer (three patients). CONCLUSION: RPs are a valuable qualitative research method that can be used to explore the experiences of patients with advanced cancer, not only at a single point in time but also over time
Empirische ReligionspĂ€dagogik und Praktische Theologie : Metareflexionen, innovative Forschungsmethoden und aktuelle Befunde aus Projekten der Sektion âEmpirische ReligionspĂ€dagogikâ der AKRK
Der Sammelband stellt in insgesamt 20 BeitrÀgen Metareflexionen, innovative Forschungsmethoden und aktuelle Befunde aus Projekten der AKRK-Sektion "Empirische ReligionspÀdagogik" vor. 19 Autorinnen und Autoren aus verschiedenen LÀndern und Sparten der Theologie haben hieran mitgewirkt, auch um weitere empirisch fundierte Forschungsarbeiten anzuregen