5 research outputs found

    Gene-environment-interaction of ODD and Conduct Disorder Versus Anethic Psychopathy

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    In 1934, Kramer and von der Leyen demonstrated in a sophisticated longitudinal study with eleven conduct disordered and neglected children labelled as anethic psychopaths that anethic traits subsided in a favourable educational setting. Sound prognoses, due to the diversity of environmental factors, were found to be impossible. On the contrary they stated that negative labelling led to an affirmation of a negative prognosis. In theory, they supposed a genetic predisposition resulting in a heightened sensitivity to the environment. This early theory of epigenetics radically contradicted the Nazi dogma of hereditability and ostracism and the selection procedures in mainstream psychiatry at that time. The debate ended with von der Leyen's suicide and the prohibition of medical work and publication towards Kramer. Even after the end of the Nazi policy of eradication of the socially debased, this early theory was not taken on again, nor dignified

    The foundation of the German Society for Child Psychiatry and Therapeutic Education - Paul Schroeder's road to foundation chairman

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    The reconstruction of the evolutionary history of this professional association lays its focus on the developments which contributed to the society's formal foundation during the time of the patient killings in Germany after 1939. Methodologically the study follows strategies of historical network analysis including the main actors of the foundation process. The foundation of this society can be seen as the result of the interaction of a) the Reichs-Health-Agency, its president Hans Reiter, and Fritz Rott as National Socialist health politicians, b) the scientific development geared to this policy of a young discipline that shared its knowledge base as well as its medical 'object' with established specialties like psychiatry and pediatrics, c) a postulated need for character studies, prognosis and selection, and d) personal as well as professional-political interests of the main protagonists Schroeder and Villinger. Once more it is obvious that medicine and politics were not only interwoven, but in certain areas in accordance with each other. Borders could rather be established between social regulatory instances. The foundation of the DGKH (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kinderpsychiatrie und Heilpadagogik; German Society for Child Psychiatry and Therapeutic Education) is an example of a 'radical regulatory reasoning' according to Raphael, that by means of institutional arrangements at medium level ( Raphael, 2001) was supposed to implement the 'new National-Socialist order'

    Die Ehrungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie e. V. (DGKJP) und ihrer Vorgängerorganisationen

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    Das Forschungsprojekt 'Aufarbeitung der Ehrungen der DGKJP' hat alle von der Fachgesellschaft zwischen 1950 (Wiedergründung nach Kriegsende) und 1990 (deutsche Wiedervereinigung) geehrten Personen auf die Angemessenheit der Ehrung überprüft. Insbesondere wurde untersucht, ob die Geehrten im Nationalsozialismus gegen die ärztliche Berufsethik verstoßen hatten, wie z. B. Erstellung von T4-Gutachten, die in ihrem Ergebnis zum Tod der Patientinnen und Patienten führten, Arbeit in 'Kinderfachabteilungen', in denen Kinder gezielt durch Gabe von Medikamenten getötet wurden und jede Form von nichttherapeutischen Menschenversuchen. 1957 wurde erstmalig die Heinrich-Hoffmann-Medaille verliehen und ab 1963 die Ehrenmitgliedschaft. Von 1957 bis 1990 wurden 19 Ehrenmitgliedschaften und neun Heinrich-Hoffmann-Medaillen verliehen, somit an 27 Persönlichkeiten (eine erhielt beide Auszeichnungen). Bei drei geehrten Persönlichkeiten wurden Verstöße gegen die ärztliche Berufsethik identifiziert. Nach langen internen Diskussionen hatte sich die DGKJP bereits 2002 und 2007 von diesen drei Personen distanziert: Elisabeth Hecker (1895-1986), Hans-Alois Schmitz (1899-1973) und Werner Villinger (1887-1961). Die von Villinger propagierte 'praktische Unerziehbarkeit', das 'Minderwertigkeitsdenken', war der gemeinsame gedankliche Hintergrund. Öffentlich wurden diese Distanzierungen bisher kaum wahrgenommen, bis 2021 gab es dazu lediglich kurze Mitteilungen im Mitteilungsblatt. Elf Geehrte waren Mitglied der NSDAP ohne nachweisliche Ethikverstöße. Diskutiert werden drei weitere Geehrte, bei denen Ethikverstöße weder definitiv auszuschließen noch definitiv festzustellen sind

    Evidence for Psychodynamic Therapy for Children and Adolescents

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    In Germany, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and systemic therapy are scientifically and legally approved as suitable procedures for treating mental disorders. While all methods have provided empirical evidence of their effectiveness in adults according to defined criteria of the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy (in German: Wissen-schaftlicher Beirat Psychotherapie), i.e., the official board which decides upon the formal scientific approval of psychotherapeutic approaches in Germany, an evaluation is lacking for the psychodynamic methods in children and adolescents. Against this background, we evaluated the available empirical data for psychodynamic therapy in children and adolescents based on the methods paper of the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy (2019; version 2.9). Published reviews served as the basis for identifying relevant studies, supplemented by a systematic literature search. We identified 91 potentially relevant studies but could not consider the majority of these due to formal exclusion criteria (mainly not disorder-specific, no control group). Up to 26 of the remaining studies provide evidence of efficacy as defined by the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy. These cover 10 of the 18 areas of application as defined by the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy. According to our evaluation, the reviewed studies provide empirical evidence for the three most relevant areas of application (i. e., affective disorders; anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders; hyperkinetic disorders and conduct disorders). Thus, the available evidence supports the suitability of psychodynamic therapy as a method for the treatment of children and adolescents