149 research outputs found

    A multisite evaluation of antifungal use in critical care: implications for antifungal stewardship.

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    Background: ICUs are settings of high antifungal consumption. There are few data on prescribing practices in ICUs to guide antifungal stewardship implementation in this setting. Methods: An antifungal therapy (AFT) service evaluation (15 May-19 November 2019) across ICUs at three London hospitals, evaluating consumption, prescribing rationale, post-prescription review, de-escalation and final invasive fungal infection (IFI) diagnostic classification. Results: Overall, 6.4% of ICU admissions (305/4781) received AFT, accounting for 11.41 days of therapy/100 occupied bed days (DOT/100 OBD). The dominant prescribing mode was empirical (41% of consumption), followed by targeted (22%), prophylaxis (18%), pre-emptive (12%) and non-invasive (7%). Echinocandins were the most commonly prescribed drug class (4.59 DOT/100 OBD). In total, 217 patients received AFT for suspected or confirmed IFI; 12%, 10% and 23% were classified as possible, probable or proven IFI, respectively. Hence, in 55%, IFI was unlikely. Proven IFI (n = 50) was mostly invasive candidiasis (92%), of which 48% had been initiated on AFT empirically before yeast identification. Where on-site (1 → 3)-ÎČ-d-glucan (BDG) testing was available (1 day turnaround), in those with suspected but unproven invasive candidiasis, median (IQR) AFT duration was 10 (7-15) days with a positive BDG (≄80 pg/mL) versus 8 (5-9) days with a negative BDG (<80 pg/mL). Post-prescription review occurred in 79% of prescribing episodes (median time to review 1 [0-3] day). Where suspected IFI was not confirmed, 38% episodes were stopped and 4% de-escalated within 5 days. Conclusions: Achieving a better balance between promptly treating IFI patients and avoiding inappropriate antifungal prescribing in the ICU requires timely post-prescription review by specialist multidisciplinary teams and improved, evidence-based-risk prescribing strategies incorporating rapid diagnostics to guide AFT start and stop decisions

    Examination of potential virulence factors of Candida tropicalis clinical isolates from hospitalized patients

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    Candida tropicalis has been reported to be one of the Candida species which is most likely to cause bloodstream and urinary tract infections in hospitalized patients. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to characterize the virulence of C. tropicalis by assessing antifungal susceptibility and comparing the expression of several virulence factors. This study was conducted with seven isolates of C. tropicalis from urine and blood cultures and from central venous catheter. C. tropicalis ATCC 750 was used as reference strain. Yeasts adhered (2 h) to epithelial cells and silicone and 24 h biofilm biomass were determined by crystal violet staining. Pseudohyphae formation ability was determined after growth in fetal bovine serum. Enzymes production (hemolysins, proteases, phospholipases) was assessed by halo formation on agar plates. Susceptibility to antifungal agents was determined by E-test. Regarding adhesion, it can be highlighted that C. tropicalis strains adhered significantly more to epithelium than to silicone. Furthermore, all C. tropicalis strains were able to form biofilms and to express total hemolytic activity. However, protease was only produced by two isolates from urine and by the isolates from catheter and blood. Moreover, only one C. tropicalis (from catheter) was phospholipase positive. All isolates were susceptible to voriconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B. Four strains were susceptible-dose dependent to itraconazole and one clinical isolate was found to be resistant

    Surfactant protein-D and pulmonary host defense

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    Surfactant protein-D (SP-D) participates in the innate response to inhaled microorganisms and organic antigens, and contributes to immune and inflammatory regulation within the lung. SP-D is synthesized and secreted by alveolar and bronchiolar epithelial cells, but is also expressed by epithelial cells lining various exocrine ducts and the mucosa of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. SP-D, a collagenous calcium-dependent lectin (or collectin), binds to surface glycoconjugates expressed by a wide variety of microorganisms, and to oligosaccharides associated with the surface of various complex organic antigens. SP-D also specifically interacts with glycoconjugates and other molecules expressed on the surface of macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes. In addition, SP-D binds to specific surfactant-associated lipids and can influence the organization of lipid mixtures containing phosphatidylinositol in vitro. Consistent with these diverse in vitro activities is the observation that SP-D-deficient transgenic mice show abnormal accumulations of surfactant lipids, and respond abnormally to challenge with respiratory viruses and bacterial lipopolysaccharides. The phenotype of macrophages isolated from the lungs of SP-D-deficient mice is altered, and there is circumstantial evidence that abnormal oxidant metabolism and/or increased metalloproteinase expression contributes to the development of emphysema. The expression of SP-D is increased in response to many forms of lung injury, and deficient accumulation of appropriately oligomerized SP-D might contribute to the pathogenesis of a variety of human lung diseases
