39 research outputs found

    Dramatic social change (COVID-19) moderating complexity leadership and organisational adaptability in Zimbabwean SMEs

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    PURPOSE : Major social changes, such as those induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, intensify the need for organisations in Africa to accelerate adaptation. Leadership plays an important role in their organisations’ adaptation. This study focuses on how leaders can build adaptive organisations through appropriate complexity leadership practices by establishing which of these most predict organisational adaptation. The study aims to contribute to dramatic social change (DSC) theory and to empirically confirm conceptual relationships between complexity leadership theory and perceptions of organisational adaptability (OA). DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : The convenience non-probability sample include 126 senior management respondents from 24 small and medium enterprises in Zimbabwe. The study focuses on these individual senior managers’ perceptions of their organisations’ adaptation, leadership practices and the social changes during COVID-19. The questionnaire used a five-point Likert scale, based on some items from existing scales on entrepreneurial, operational and enabling leadership of complexity leadership and items on OA and DSC. The study applied structural equation modelling using SmartPLS and SPSS software. FINDINGS : The study formulates recommendations for the boundary conditions under which each or a combination of the complexity leadership practices will bring about the appropriate level of adaptability. The enabling and entrepreneurial leadership practices required, include brokering, decentralisation and establishing multilevel collaboration. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : The study contributes insight for leaders to differentiate between the levels of adaptation their organisations require at particular times in particular contexts. Different adaptations will require a different combination of complexity leadership practices. When the adaptation sought is internal, operational leadership is more appropriate, whereas if the motive is market adaptation, entrepreneurial leadership is more appropriate.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0955-534Xhj2023Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Mediating effect of perceived organisational support on authentic leadership and work engagement

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    ORIENTATION : High levels of employee engagement are critical in the current globally competitive landscape. Scholarly research suggests that authentic leadership (AL) increases trust and ultimately work engagement. Several recent studies called for more research into the moderating and mediating variables influencing this relationship. RESEARCH PURPOSE : Employee perceptions about the support offered by their organisations have been associated with engagement. This study explores the mediating effect of this variable on the relationship between AL and work engagement. MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY : This study focuses on the interaction between perceptions of support from the organisation, AL and engagement of employees. RESEARCH APPROACH/DESIGN AND METHOD : The data was collected from 202 employees from an international information technology organisation. Regression analysis was employed to test for mediation impact. The model fit was analysed to know whether the suggested model was a good fit. MAIN FINDINGS : The study established that the mediated model was partially significant, which indicates that the relationship between AL and engagement is, in part, contextually dependent on whether employees perceive organisational support. PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS : The presence of perceived organisational support (POS) provides space for an interaction between organisational processes and employee engagement, or, in the absence of an existing POS, an authentic leader transforms organisational resources into positive POS. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD : This study contributes to the literature through specifically examinating the interaction between the variables of employee engagement, POS and AL. Engagement does not rely on the ‘right’ leadership theory or model to address problems with performance or motivation, but rather on developing an organisational climate that could enable individuals and organisations to thrive.T.V. conducted this study as part of her Master of Business Administration (MBA) research and Prof. C.B. Scheepers was her research supervisor. (http://hdl.handle.net/2263/59796)http://www.sajhrm.co.zaam2021Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Exploring the role of non-financial risk management in strategy processes of large retail banks

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    The consideration of risk in the banking industry generally involves investigation into credit and financial risks. However, the occurrence of high-profile, non-financial risk events (such as system downtime and fraud) have resulted in negative financial and reputational implications for banks globally. These events have provided an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on the consideration of non-financial risk. Therefore, the objective of this research was to understand the incorporation of non-financial risk management into the strategy process at retail banks, including the related benefits and challenges and the initiatives that have (and require to be) undertaken. To this end, a qualitative research approach was conducted, using an exploratory design. Twelve banking subject matter experts were interviewed to explore their unique insights and experiences into the research problem. The research identified several challenges related to the consideration of operational and business risk. Key findings emerged including: the need for increased awareness of the concepts, the need to balance risk management and business development, and the dangers of over-confidence in existing internal processes.http://reference.sabinet.co.za/sa_epublication/busmanam2016Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Response of department of transport to food security in South Africa : leading agility during COVID-19

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    LEARNING OUTCOMES : Gaining skills in analyzing context during a crisis situation, using a political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental framework understanding strategic leadership engagement with stakeholders to cultivate an environment for emergent change gaining skills in drawing up a strategic communications plan. CASE OVERVIEW/SYNOPSIS : On 15 May 2020, Alec Moemi, Director-General of the South African Government’s Department of Transport (DoT), contemplates how his department can use the opportunity that COVID-19 presents to transform the transport system and to maintain relationships with business and the taxi industry beyond COVID-19? The nation was just reeling from a first: the President announced a “lockdown” which meant that all economic activity except “essential services” could operate. Life almost ground to halt and South Africans faced a new reality. No movement out of your property unless it was a medical emergency or if you needed to buy food. The minibus taxi, an economic enabler to millions of South Africans also had to stop operating. The South African DoT had a mammoth task of communicating to a range of stakeholders. However, the most sensitive being the minibus taxi owners, drivers and their related associations. How would they accept the news that they will not have a livelihood for the next few weeks or perhaps even months? Given the nature of industrial shift patterns and need for a more flexible transport system for workers, some organisation’s such as NestlĂ© contracted private transport services to ensure their staff travelled to work safely. NestlĂ© also had their own compulsory sanitizing protocols in place to support private transporters. COMPLEXITY ACADEMIC LEVEL : Postgraduate programmes, including MBA, MPhil Corporate Strategy and Masters’ Public Administration and Executive Education Programmes.https://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/eemcshj2021Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Male executives' experiences of mentoring Black African women in South Africa

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    PURPOSE – This study explored the motives, relationship dynamics and outcomes of male executives in mentoring Black African women within the context of South Africa. The authors investigated the experiences of White, Black African, coloured, and Indian male mentors conducting cross-gender and cross-race mentoring in South Africa. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH – Aqualitative study was conducted with 21 male executives within South Africa’s male-dominated financial services industry. Data were collected via semi-structured, one-on-one virtual video interviews. The study endeavoured to deeper understand the mentors’ experiences during their interactions with the intersecting marginalised identities of Black African women as proteges. FINDINGS – The authors found that the mentoring relationship is central to mentoring Black African women. This relationship is often influenced by the mentors’ parental approach to mentoring, with resultant negative consequences, including the prot eg e not taking accountability for driving the relationship. Mentors’ stereotypical expectations of women as homemakers and carers also influenced mentoring experiences. Mentors’ motives included growing next generation leaders, which led to mentors’ job satisfaction. ORIGINALITY/VALUE – This study contributes an account of male executives’ motivations for mentoring Black African women, the relationship dynamics as well as negative mentoring experiences, and the mentoring outcomes for proteges and mentors. Intersectionality theory was used to highlight the mentors’ lack of insight into the intersecting marginalised identities of Black African women in the unique South African context, where inequalities in terms of class, race, and gender are amplified.https://www.emerald.com/insight/2040-7149.htmam2023Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Uber Sub-Saharan Africa : contextual leadership for sustainable business model innovation during COVID-19

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    LEARNING OUTCOMES : The learning outcomes are as follows: to gain insight into the importance of location, in terms of spatial and temporal context and the capability of leadership to tune into and strategically adapt to context; to understand and explain the sharing economy and explain how the Uber business model fits into this new way of doing business; to evaluate how Uber South Africa has adapted its business model in the period of the COVID-19 crisis and discuss the nature of the business model innovations that is has made; and to understand business model for sustainability and how it differs from the general understanding of business models. CASE OVERVIEW/SYNOPSIS : On 15 May 2020, Alon Lits, General Manager of Uber Africa was considering his dilemma of adapting their business model to the demands of COVID-19, without losing their core business model as a multi-sided technology platform business. Uber was asking their riders to stay home to ensure social distancing during the lockdown, rather than booking a ride with Uber. The question was how they could support their driver partners, while they were discouraging riders to make use of Uber. Uber had taken initiatives to create additional revenue streams for drivers. The case highlights how Alon Lits and his executive team prioritised the health and well-being of their Uber community and quickly adapted their technology to meet the evolving needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. They customised their offerings to the different needs in the seven Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries in which they operated. Uber supported businesses by using the Uber-X sedan vehicles to deliver necessities like food, medicine and parcels to the frontline and poor communities. Uber globally offered their drivers in quarantine 14 days of financial assistance. Serving communities also involved offering free rides to women and children who were victims of domestic violence to get them to a safe space. The multi-sided platform technology business had to consciously adapt, to the “next normal” as the COVID-19 era evolved. COMPLEXITY ACADEMIC LEVEL: The case is most suitable for Post-Graduate Master’s level courses, MBA, MPhil in Corporate Strategy.Disclaimer. This Case Study has been published as part of a special section of short cases in Emerging Markets Case Studies, entitled “Managing in a Crisis: Lessons from the Covid 19 crisis” in partnership with Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria.https://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/eemcshj2021Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Exploring the nexus between microlevel and contextual influencers on women leaders' paradox mindset

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    PURPOSE : Women leaders struggle with the persistent paradoxical expectations. Literature suggests that a paradox mindset helps to leverage these tensions. This study aims to understand the nexus between the microfoundations of individual women leaders’ experiences, their responses and the organisational context, which enables or hinders their paradox mindset. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPRAOCH : This study adopted a qualitative approach by conducting semistructured interviews with 14 women, all senior leaders in corporate South Africa. FINDINGS : The results reveal the interaction in the nexus between, firstly, women leaders’ authenticity and awareness as key anchors that enable them to adopt a paradox mindset and, secondly, the organisation’s role in creating hindrances or opportunities to leverage tensions. Women leaders in our sample applied one of two strategies: they either adapted to the environment or curated a subenvironment. This study shows that, if done authentically, through her own agency, a woman can influence interactions that make it easier to manage tensions within her environment, especially those created by negative performance evaluation because of unconscious institutional gender bias. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS : The extent to which the findings of this research can be generalised is constrained by the selected research context. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : This research contributes to the literature on paradox theory by revealing organisational contextual influencers, such as institutional bias in negative performance evaluation, which hinders a woman leader’s opportunity to be hired or promoted. These organisational influences also interact with women leaders’ ability to embrace paradox and internally leverage agentic and communal tensions.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1754-2413hj2023Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Beneficiary contact moderates relationship between authentic leadership and engagement

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    ORIENTATION : Beneficiary contact moderates the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. RESEARCH PURPOSE : The objective of this study was to examine the moderating effect of the breadth, depth and frequency of employee interaction with the beneficiaries of their work on the positive impact of authentic leadership on work engagement. MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY : Investigating the boundary conditions of the relationship between leaders and followers is vital to enhance the positive effect of leadership. Authentic leadership has not previously been examined with respect to beneficiary contact as a specific situational factor. The researchers therefore set out to ascertain whether beneficiary contact has a strengthening or weakening effect on the impact of authentic leadership on work engagement. RESEARCH DESIGN, APPROACH AND METHOD : The researchers administered the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) and Grant’s scale on Beneficiary Contact. MAIN FINDINGS : The findings showed that beneficiary contact had a weakening effect on the positive relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS : Ideally, organisations create environments conducive to work engagement in which leadership plays an important role. This study found that one factor in the work environment, namely beneficiary contact, might have an adverse effect on the positive relationship that authentic leadership has on work engagement. Leaders should therefore take organisational contextual realities into account, such as regular, intense interaction of employees with the beneficiaries of their work. This situation could create strain for individual employees, requiring additional organisational support. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD : Organisations need to recognise the impact of beneficiary contact on the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. The researchers propose further studies on the influence of contextual variables on the relationship between leaders and followers.http://www.sajhrm.co.zaam2016Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Sponsorship and social identity in advancement of women leaders in South Africa

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    PURPOSE : In South Africa, women in senior management positions experience social identity dilemmas, necessitating more research into this domain. While research has been conducted into coaching and mentoring of these women, limited scholarly attention has been paid to sponsorship. This paper aims to explore the social identity of women at senior management levels and sponsorship as a proposed mechanism to develop talented women. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : This qualitative research included two studies using two sample groups, both of which included executive-level respondents in corporate organisations. One study focussed on sponsorship; here, the 29-strong sample included 14 male and 15 female executives, of whom 15 were White; 9 were African and 5 were Indian. The second study, consisting of only African, coloured and Indian (ACI) female executives (23 interviewees), focussed more broadly on their development path to the C-suite. FINDINGS : A common theme across the two studies was the inclination to give developmental support, in turn, once supported. There were prerequisites in this support-giving, however. For example, sponsors identified criteria that protĂ©gĂ©s had to meet. Despite evident gender inequality at senior management levels in South Africa, this paper reveals that in the Study 1 sample, gender and race were ostensibly irrelevant when choosing a sponsor or who to sponsor. A closer examination revealed a gender-based expectation, embedded in the South African context. Study 2 showed that ACI women above 50 years of age were more inclined to mentor others; even when they themselves were not mentored, some purposefully developed other ACI women. This paper thus suggests age as an important additional diversity dimension in relation to the career development of ACI women towards the C-suite. The findings have implications for the career development of individual ACI women and for organisations in reaching equality. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS : Gender differences with regard to perceptions also revealed that male respondents perceived sponsorship more as task-based actions, whereas female respondents focussed on relational elements. The paper concludes with recommendations on how individual ACI women and organisations can proactively develop talented women. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : The paper offers insight into the gendered expectations of sponsors and gendered perceptions around merit in identifying protĂ©gĂ©s worthy of sponsorship. ACI women’s social identity changed when they joined the C-suite to identify more with their roles as executives and became less associated with their original ACI women group.http://www.emeraldinsight.com/1754-2413.htmhttp://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/gmhj2018Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    An integration team’s diagnosing of context, spanning boundaries and creating psychological safety within a multiteam system

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    PURPOSE : The purpose of this study is to explore how integration teams can build trusting relationships in component teams to enhance their leadership capability within multiteam systems to achieve common superordinate goals. The study investigates how an integration team diagnoses contextual dynamics to enhance understanding of goals in component teams and spans boundaries to create trusting relationships. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPRROACH : The proposed model was tested by surveying 396 respondents nested within component teams working within five South African manufacturing companies. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyse the data. FINDINGS : The study reveals that by diagnosing the contextual dynamics within a multiteam system and through boundary spanning, an integration team builds trusting relationships, which will, ultimately, enable teams to achieve common superordinate goals. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS : This study offers organisations insights into how multiple component teams of different functional disciplines can work effectively towards achieving an overall or common superordinate goal. It offers insights on how to mitigate misalignment challenges by implementing an integration team within the multiteam system context. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : Research participants were employees within a manufacturing context, which sets this study apart from many previous ones conducted in a simulated environment within a military context. The study investigates building trusting relationships among multiple component teams within a multiteam system through the implementation of an integration team, which has not been specifically addressed in previous studies.https://www.emeraldinsight.com/journal/tpmhj2019Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS