38 research outputs found

    Vom Wunder zur Magie: Frühe japanische Christenwunder in west-östlicher Literatur

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    Christenwunder während der frühen Jesuiten-Japanmission (spätes 16./frühes 17. Jh.) wurden trotz interner Infragestellung lebhaft nach Europa gemeldet und fanden in der dortigen Literatur dankbare Aufnahme. In christenfeindlichen Schriften Japans werden sie später als Zaubertrick und Magie dargestellt, wie umgekehrt buddhistische Wunder in den Christenschriften als Teufelsmagie erschienen. Dieser Artikel fragt nach Faktoren, die die Darstellungsweise der umstrittenen Christenwunder beeinflusst haben.In spite of internal doubts and debates among priests of the early Jesuits’ mission period in Japan (late 16th/early 17th century), Christian miracles were frequently reported to Europe and flourished in local literature. In contrast, Buddhist miracles were described in European texts as devil’s magic. Likewise, Christian miracles noted in "anti-Christian" Japanese literature were mutated to denote magic or trickery. This article examines the reasons and ways in which Christian miracle stories were produced

    Drei Beispiele volkstomlicher Vortragskunst in Japan : Sekkyo-bushi, Shinnai-bushi, Naniwa-bushi

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    Öffentliche Archive im Kinki-Gebiet

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    Das Japanbild in der Literatur während der NS-Zeit

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    Das Arima-Drama (Folge VI) -Glossen zum Innsbrucker Stück von 1734/1776

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    Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653-1725) (Uraufführung: 1717 in Osaka) Gonza mit der Lanze

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    Lesarten früher Missionsbriefe (S.J.) aus Japan : Eine alte Kontroverse

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    言語による国家転覆と風刺(1937-1945) : 特別高等警察の資料から

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    We find much research on political opposition by individuals and by groups in Japan during the 1930s and early 1940s, but criticism expressed by the Japanese people in general at that times has been little examined. In large part that is because it was indirect and veiled. This essay focuses on satiric comments about Japan’s rulers and the political situation. Such commentary could be neard in all parts of the country. Most of the material presented here is extracted from monthly reports of the Special High Police (Tokkō Keisatsu) between 1937 and 1944. Although many of the comments that ridiculed and criticized the authorities were ephemeral and did not find their way into mainstream discourse, satirical songs and parodic argot circulated in the same way political jokes did in the Western world. Wartime humor often was aimed at the emperor and his family. Cynicism arising out of the misery caused by war was widespread. Through political parody and satire, ordinary Japanese people could at least temporarily escape their burdens and misery, and recover some of the individual dignity the government had taken from them

    Monzaemon Chikamatsu (1653-1724) Trommelwellen vom Fluß Horikawa (Uraufführung auf der Marionettenbühne Takeda, Osaka, 1707)

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