4,238 research outputs found
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Nurses Professional Values Scale-3
Background and Purpose: The Nurses Professional Values Scale-3 (NPVS-3) is an instrument derived from the American Nurses Association Code designed to measure nurses\u27 professional values. The purpose of this study was to examine its psychometric properties. Methods: A random sample of 1,139 baccalaureate nursing students, graduate nursing students, and practicing nurses participated. The 28-item Likert-scale instrument was subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation and Kaiser normalization resulted in a 3-factor solution. Results: Findings supported internal consistency reliability of 3 factors with alpha coefficients from .80 to .91 and total scale coefficient of .94. Construct validity was supported with a factor loading range of .31â.95 across 3 factorsâCaring, Activism, Professionalism. Conclusion: NPVS-3 is a psychometrically sound instrument that can be used by nursing researchers, educators, administrators, and practitioners
The aging of the unions in West Germany, 1980 - 2006
Using data from the social survey ALLBUS for West Germany in the period 1980 to 2006, this paper demonstrates that union members are on average older than non-unionized employees. The probability of being unionized shows the inverted U-shaped pattern in age conjectured by Blanchflower (BJIR 2007) only in very few years. It is demonstrated that both intra-cohort change and cohort replacement effects have played a roughly equal role in the substantial fall in union density since 1980. If older cohorts with high densities continue to be replaced by young cohorts with low densities, average union density will fall further. -- Unter Verwendung von ALLBUS-Daten der Jahre 1980 bis 2006 fĂŒr Westdeutschland zeigt dieser Beitrag, dass Gewerkschaftsmitglieder im Durchschnitt Ă€lter sind als nicht gewerkschaftlich organisierte BeschĂ€ftigte. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer gewerkschaftlichen Mitgliedschaft weist nur in sehr wenigen Jahren den von Blanchflower (BJIR 2007) postulierten umgekehrt U-förmigen Zusammenhang mit dem Alter auf. Es wird gezeigt, dass Intra-Kohorten-Effekte und Kohortenersatz-Effekte eine ungefĂ€hr gleich groĂe Rolle beim deutlichen RĂŒckgang des gewerkschaftlichen Organisationsgrads seit 1980 gespielt haben. Falls weiterhin Ă€ltere Kohorten mit hohem Organisationsgrad durch Kohorten von JĂŒngeren mit geringem Organisationsgrad ersetzt werden, wird der durchschnittliche Organisationsgrad weiter zurĂŒckgehen.union membership,union density,cohort effects,West Germany
Skill-biased technological change, international trade and the wage structure
During the last two decades, the labour demand structure in Germany and other OECD countries has experienced a decrease in the demand for low skilled and a rise in the demand for highly skilled employees. The adoption of modern technologies in the production process as well as the growth of international trade are often regarded as the main driving factors behind this change. On the other hand, it is often argued that a more flexible wage structure could counteract the falling demand for the unskilled. This study investigates these hypothesis for West Germany, 1994-1997, using the LIAB, a unique German linked employer-employee panel data set, which combines information from the German employment statistics and the IAB establishment panel. Employing a Generalised Leontief cost function and controlling for unobserved plant heterogeneity, the demand for three different skill types of labour is estimated by the SUR-Method. The results show that the major part of the skill structure is determined by wages, while we have found only minor impacts of a skill-biased technological change, of international trade and of short-run effects due to the business cycle.labour demand, substitution, skill-biased technological change, labour hoarding, international trade, linked employer-employee data
Skill-biased technological change, international trade and the wage structure
During the last two decades, the labour demand structure in Germany has experienced a decrease in the demand for the low skilled. Possible explanations for this trend are investigated in this study for West Germany (1994- 1997) using a unique linked employer-employee panel data set for Germany. Estimation results of the conditional labour demand for three different skill types indicate that the major part of the skill structure is determined by wages, while we have found only minor impacts of a skill-biased technological change and of international trade. -- In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten hat sich die BeschĂ€ftigtenstruktur in Deutschland zuungunsten der Un- und Angelernten entwickelt. Mögliche Ursachen fĂŒr diesen Trend werden in der vorliegenden Studie auf der Basis eines neuen, aus Individual- und Betriebsdaten zusammengefĂŒgten Datensatzes, fĂŒr West-Deutschland (1994-1997) untersucht. SchĂ€tzungen der bedingten Arbeitsnachfrage fĂŒr drei verschiedene Qualifikationsgruppen zeigen, dass der gröĂte Teil der BeschĂ€ftigtenstruktur von den Löhnen bestimmt wird, wĂ€hrend nur geringe EinflĂŒsse des technologischen Wandels und des internationalen Handels identifiziert werden.labour demand,substitution,skill-biased technological change,labour hoarding,international trade,linked employer-employee data
Low-Wage Employment versus Unemployment: Which One Provides Better Prospects for Women?
This study analyzes state dependence in low-wage employment of western German women using GSOEP data, 2000-2006. We estimate dynamic multinomial logit models with random effects and find that having a low-wage job increases the probability of being low-paid and decreases the chances of being high-paid in the future, in particular for low-paid women working part-time. However, concerning future wage prospects low-paid women are clearly better off than unemployed or inactive women. We argue that for women low-wage jobs can serve as stepping stones out of unemployment and are to be preferred to staying unemployed and waiting for a better job.low-pay dynamics, state dependence, dynamic multinomial logit model
Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany
This paper investigates women's and men's labor supply to the firm within a structural approach based on a dynamic model of new monopsony. Using methods of survival analysis and a linked employer-employee dataset for Germany, we find that labor supply elasticities are small (0.9 - 2.4) and that women's labor supply to the firm is substantially less elastic than men's (which is the reverse of gender differences in labor supply usually found at the level of the market). One implication of these findings is that the gender pay gap could be the result of wage discrimination by profit-maximizing monopsonistic employers.labor supply, monopsony, gender, discrimination
Exporting firms do not pay higher wages, ceteris paribus : First evidence from linked employer-employee data
18 studies using data from 20 highly developed, developing, and less developed countries document that average wages in exporting firms are higher than in non-exporting firms from the same industry and region. The existence of these so-called exporter wage premia is one of the stylized facts found in the emerging literature on the microeconometrics of international trade. This paper uses a large and rich set of linked employer-employee data from Germany to demonstrate that these premia vanish when individual characteristics of the employees and of the work place are controlled for. -- 18 Studien, die sich auf Daten aus 20 hochentwickelten, sich entwickelnden und weniger entwickelten LĂ€ndern stĂŒtzen, zeigen, dass die Durchschnittslöhne in exportierenden Firmen höher liegen als in nichtexportierenden Firmen aus der gleichen Branche und Region. Die Existenz dieser LohnzuschlĂ€ge bei Exporteuren ist einer der stilisierten Fakten der wachsenden Literatur zur Mikroökonometrie des internationalen Handels. Die vorliegende Arbeit verwendet einen groĂen und reichhaltigen Satz von kombinierten Firmen- BeschĂ€ftigten-Daten aus Deutschland um zu zeigen, dass diese LohnzuschlĂ€ge verschwinden, wenn die individuellen Charakteristika der Mitarbeiter und des Arbeitsplatzes angemessen berĂŒcksichtigt werden.Exports,wages,exporter wage premia,linked employer-employee data,Germany
Higher Wages in Exporting Firms: Self-selection, Export Effect, or Both? First Evidence from German Linked Employer-Employee Data
ABSTRACT: While it is a stylized fact that exporting firms pay higher wages than non-exporting firms, the direction of the link between exporting and wages is less clear. Using a rich set of German linked employer-employee panel data we follow over time plants that start to export. We show that the exporter wage premium does already exist in the years before firms start to export, and that it does not increase in the following years. Higher wages in exporting firms are thus due to self-selection of more productive, better paying firms into export markets; they are not caused by export activities.exports; wages; exporter wage premium; Germany
Productivity, investment in ICT and market experimentation: micro evidence from Germany und the US
This paper examines the relationship between the use of advanced technologies such as ICT, and outcomes such as productivity, the skill mix of the workforce and wages using micro data for the U.S. and Germany. We find support to the idea that U.S. businesses engage in experimentation in a variety of ways not matched by their German counterparts. In particular, there is greater experimentation amongst young U.S. businesses and also among those actively changing their technology. This is evidenced in a greater dispersion in productivity and related key business choices. We also find that the mean impact of adopting new technology on productivity and wages is greater the in U.S. than in Germany. -- Dieses Papier untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem Einsatz neuer Technologien, wie von IKT, und betrieblichen KenngröĂen wie der ProduktivitĂ€t, der Qualifikationsstruktur und den Löhnen, wobei Mikrodaten fĂŒr die USA und Deutschland verwendet wurden. Dabei kann die Hypothese unterstĂŒtzt werden, dass in den USA Betriebe stĂ€rker experimentieren - gemessen anhand der Streuung der ProduktivitĂ€t und anderen betrieblichen Entscheidungsvariablen - als in Deutschland. Dies zeigt sich insbesondere bei jungen Betrieben und bei Betrieben, die ihre Technologie verĂ€ndern. Wir finden ebenfalls einen gröĂeren durchschnittlichen Einfluss der EinfĂŒhrung neuer Technologien auf die ProduktivitĂ€t und die Löhne in den USA als in Deutschland.ICT,Experimentation,Productivity,Internet Use,U.S.,Germany
Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms : An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany
This paper investigates women?s and men?s labor supply to the firm within a structural approach based on a dynamic model of new monopsony. Using methods of survival analysis and a linked employer-employee dataset for Germany, we find that labor supply elasticities are small (0.9?2.4) and that women?s labor supply to the firm is substantially less elastic than men?s (which is the reverse of gender differences in labor supply usually found at the level of the market). One implication of these findings is that the gender pay gap could be the result of wage discrimination by profit-maximizing monopsonistic employers. -- Mithilfe eines strukturellen Ansatzes, der auf einem dynamischen Monopsonmodell beruht, untersuchen wir das Arbeitsangebot von Frauen und MĂ€nnern auf Firmenebene. Die unter Verwendung von Verweildauermodellen und eines deutschen kombinierten Firmen-BeschĂ€ftigten-Datensatzes geschĂ€tzten ArbeitsangebotselastizitĂ€ten sind gering (0,9?2,4) und fallen fĂŒr Frauen erheblich geringer aus als fĂŒr MĂ€nner (wĂ€hrend man fĂŒr das Arbeitangebot auf Marktebene ĂŒblicherweise eine höhere ElastizitĂ€t fĂŒr Frauen findet). Eine Implikation hieraus ist, dass geschlechtsspezifische Lohndifferentiale die Folge von Lohndiskriminierung seitens gewinnmaximierender monopsonistischer Arbeitgeber sein könnten.labor supply,monopsony,gender,discrimination
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