53 research outputs found

    Laser Radiation for Cleaning Space Debris from Lower Earth Orbits

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    High-power laser radiation may be the most feasible means to mitigate the threat of collisions of a space station or other valuable space assets with orbital debris in the size range of 1 to 10 cm. The utilization of a laser in orbit is investigated. Use of the laser allows both, the direct protection against an impact and the removal of all debris passing at some distance. Under the laser irradiation part of the debris material is ablated and provides an impulse to the debris fragment. Proper direction of the impulse vector either deflects the object trajectory (defense option) or forces the debris on a trajectory through the upper atmosphere, where it burns up (cleaning option). The limitations of the laser method for both options are illustrated by sample calculations for an averaged pulsed laser power of 100 kW and debris consisting of either aluminum or carbon. Under favorable geometrical conditions debris masses of 100 g at a passing distance of up to 70 km can be removed and debris on a collision flight path can be deflected by 500 m and more. An orbital debris removal system should be established and operated by an international society

    COIL - Technologie des Chemischen Sauerstoff-Iodlasers

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    Der Chemische Sauerstoff-Iodlaser (COIL) ist aufgrund seiner Skalierbarkeit bei kontinuierlichem Laserbetrieb bis in den Multi-Megawatt-Bereich derzeit der einzige ernst zu nehmende Kandidat für Hochenergielaseranwendungen in der Wehrtechnik. Das DLR betreibt einen COIL und hat in erheblichem Umfang an der Entwicklung des MEL-Demonstrators mitgearbeitet. Es wird die Funktionsweise eines COIL und seine Infrastruktur erläutert und der Stand der Entwicklung in Europa beschrieben. Darüber hinaus wird diskutiert, welche Ansätze zur Verbesserung des Systems heute erkennbar sind und im DLR untersucht werden sollen (z.B. KiloCOIL-Experimentalgerät mit Jetgenerator für die Erzeugung von angeregtem Sauerstoffs, Überschalleinmischung von Iod und Ejektordüse, ferner die Ioddissoziation und Pumpkonzepte sowie instabile Resonatoren) und welche gänzlich neuen Konzepte weltweit angedacht sind und zum Teil untersucht werden (Allgas COIL und ElectricOIL)

    Laser Propulsion

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    Gepulste Laserantriebe für den Transport von Kleinstsatelliten in LEO (Pulsed Laser Propulsion for the Transportation of Small Satellites into LEO)

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    This report contains the part of a ESA study on advanced space propulsion systems, entitled Propulsion 2000, that deals with laser propulsion. The possibility to establish a system for a routinely transportation of small satellites into low Earth orbits by using pulsed high power lasers is studied extensively. The report describes the fundamentals of the propulsion system, possible applications, mission requirements, requirements for the laser system and the state of the art of the research. The necessary research and development task as well as developmental steps towards a commercial application and their costs are derived

    Propulsion by laser power

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    Laser power can be transformed into propulsive power to set into motion various kinds of vehicles and other objects on the surface, in the air and in space. The transformation process can occur indirectly, for instance by producing electricity via photovoltaic cells or thermal power. Another possibility is the generation of impulses by the ablation of matter from a solid body, or by the initiation of a high-pressure plasma breakdown wave in a fluid medium. Applications range from driving remotely powered roving vehicles to various kinds of thrusters for space propulsion. The direct thrust of the laser photon flux can be used for the propulsion of laser sailcrafts. Applications in space range from micropropulsion for satellite attitude control in the near-term to futuristic interstellar travel driven by photon propulsion. Other propulsive applications in space concern the change of orbits of objects like man-made orbital debris as well as of large objects (asteroids, comets) for protection of Earth against disastrous impacts

    Removal of Small Space Debris with Orbiting Lasers

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