16 research outputs found

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    Исследование структуры и физико-механических свойств спеченного антифрикционного материала системы Fe-Ti

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    In this article are presented results of research of structure and physicomechanical properties of the sintered material of Fe-Ti system. It is shown that this material possesses high tribotechnical characteristic on comparisons with sintered iron free. In the conclusion are offered parameters of receiving this material with high physicomechanical properties

    Die Fachsektion trifft sich in Vorpommern

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    Numeric decompaction of holocene sediments

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    Numeric decompaction of holocene sediments

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    Sea-level development is often determined by the interpretation of Holocene sediments. To do this, sea-level curves are fixed by dating organic enriched sediments and measuring their depositional heights. Organic enriched sediments like organic mud or peat which are usually well dateable are also susceptible to compaction. To correct the layers for initial sediment thickness and consequently the depositional heights for dated sediments, it is necessary to de-compact the sediment sequence for the dated point. By this the correct paleo-surface at the time of deposition can be reconstructed. The software "DeLos" (Dekompaktion von Lockersedimenten) is written to perform the time consuming calculations in a fast way. The software assumes that sediments are composed of an incompactable solid part and compactable pore space. DeLos shows that the surface displacement could easily reach magnitudes of 50% within high compactable sediments. Especially such layers with large thicknesses of several meters are often used to get vertical profiles for time-depth correlation (Brown, 1975). Due to compaction processes the dated samples are remarkably displaced