1,162 research outputs found

    PDEs with Compressed Solutions

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    Sparsity plays a central role in recent developments in signal processing, linear algebra, statistics, optimization, and other fields. In these developments, sparsity is promoted through the addition of an L1L^1 norm (or related quantity) as a constraint or penalty in a variational principle. We apply this approach to partial differential equations that come from a variational quantity, either by minimization (to obtain an elliptic PDE) or by gradient flow (to obtain a parabolic PDE). Also, we show that some PDEs can be rewritten in an L1L^1 form, such as the divisible sandpile problem and signum-Gordon. Addition of an L1L^1 term in the variational principle leads to a modified PDE where a subgradient term appears. It is known that modified PDEs of this form will often have solutions with compact support, which corresponds to the discrete solution being sparse. We show that this is advantageous numerically through the use of efficient algorithms for solving L1L^1 based problems.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    An L1 Penalty Method for General Obstacle Problems

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    We construct an efficient numerical scheme for solving obstacle problems in divergence form. The numerical method is based on a reformulation of the obstacle in terms of an L1-like penalty on the variational problem. The reformulation is an exact regularizer in the sense that for large (but finite) penalty parameter, we recover the exact solution. Our formulation is applied to classical elliptic obstacle problems as well as some related free boundary problems, for example the two-phase membrane problem and the Hele-Shaw model. One advantage of the proposed method is that the free boundary inherent in the obstacle problem arises naturally in our energy minimization without any need for problem specific or complicated discretization. In addition, our scheme also works for nonlinear variational inequalities arising from convex minimization problems.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    On the Compressive Spectral Method

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    The authors of [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110 (2013), pp. 6634--6639] proposed sparse Fourier domain approximation of solutions to multiscale PDE problems by soft thresholding. We show here that the method enjoys a number of desirable numerical and analytic properties, including convergence for linear PDEs and a modified equation resulting from the sparse approximation. We also extend the method to solve elliptic equations and introduce sparse approximation of differential operators in the Fourier domain. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated on homogenization examples, where its complexity is dependent only on the sparsity of the problem and constant in many cases

    Space-Time Regularization for Video Decompression

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing frames from a video which has been compressed using the video compressive sensing (VCS) method. In VCS data, each frame comes from first subsampling the original video data in space and then averaging the subsampled sequence in time. This results in a large linear system of equations whose inversion is ill-posed. We introduce a convex regularizer to invert the system, where the spatial component is regularized by the total variation seminorm, and the temporal component is regularized by enforcing sparsity on the difference between the spatial gradients of each frame. Since the regularizers are L1L^1-like norms, the model can be written in the form of an easy-to-solve saddle point problem. The saddle point problem is solved by the primal-dual algorithm, whose implementation calls for nearly pointwise operations (i.e., no direct linear inversion) and has a simple parallel version. Results show that our model decompresses videos more accurately than other popular models, with PSNR gains of several dB
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