203 research outputs found

    Student-Centered Learning: The Experience of Teaching International Students in Russian Universities

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    The paper focuses on the use of student-centered technologies when teaching international students of the Preparatory Department in the Russian language. The authors review such technologies as problem-based learning, search, research, and design technologies. The main emphasis is on gaming technologies. The feasibility of their use arises from the specific character of education of international students at the Preparatory Department. The paper presents potential applications of these methods and validates their use. The main supporting argument is that student-centered communicative technologies in general, and gaming techniques in particular, improve the quality of training for international students when used in the organization of the learning process. The authors emphasize the need for the teacher's personal activity in the educational process, including the use of student-centered communication technologies

    Загрязнение мирового океана

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    Проблема загрязнения Мирового океана - одна из самых важных и актуальных. Возможно ли решить её в современных условиях. Океан, как известно, - это основа всего живого на нашей планете. Ведь именно в нём появились первые живые организмы в нашей геологической истории. Мировой океан занимает больше 70% поверхности планеты. Кроме того, в нём содержится около 95% всей воды. Вот почему загрязнение вод Мирового океана настолько опасно для географической оболочки планеты. И сегодня эта проблема всё более обостряется.The problem of ocean pollution is one of the most important and relevant. Is it possible to solve it in modern conditions? The ocean, as you know, is the basis of all life on our planet. After all, it appeared the first living organisms in our geological history. Oceans occupy more than 70% of the planet's surface. In addition, it contains about 95% of all water. That's why the pollution of the waters of the World ocean is so dangerous to the geographical envelope of the planet. And today this problem is becoming more acute

    К вопросу о международном экологическом сотрудничестве в Арктике

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    Разработка природных ресурсов Арктики меняет глобальную геополитику. Растущее соперничество государств выдвигают проблемы Арктики в разряд серьезных глобальных противоречий текущего века. Перед Россией стоит задача упрочения своего суверенитета в арктическом регионе. В этой связи особый интерес для России представляет опыт по взаимодействию со странами Арктического региона в целях ее экологической защиты. The development of natural resources in the Arctic is changing global geopolitics. The growing rivalry between states put forward the problems of the Arctic into the category of major global conflicts this century. Russia faces the challenge of strengthening its sovereignty in the Arctic region. In this regard, of particular interest to Russia is the experience in the interaction with the countries of the Arctic region with a view to environmental protection

    Анализ конструкций, выбор и поверочный расчет котла утилизатора для парогазовой установки мощностью 500МВт

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    Дипломный проект – 66 страниц, 11 таблиц, 5 рисунков, 11 источников, 2 приложения, 1 графический материал Ключевые слова: котел утилизатор, теплообменник, котельная, парогазовая установка. Объектом исследования является котел утилизатор для парогазовой установки мощностью 500МВт. Целью работы является выбор и поверочный расчет котла утилизатора для парогазовой установки мощностью 500 МВт. Объектом исследования является тепловая схема парогазовой установки. Предметом исследования выступает котел утилизатор паровой турбины. В результате исследования выбран оптимальный вариант котла утилизатора для парогазовой установки мощность 500 МВт.Graduation project - 66 pages, 11 tables and 5 figures, 11 sources, 2 adj. Keywords: waste heat boiler, heat exchanger, boiler room, combined-cycle plant. The object of research is a waste heat boiler for a 500 MW combined cycle gas turbine power. The aim is the selection and checking calculation of the recovery boiler for combined cycle gas turbine capacity of 500 MW. The object of research is the thermal circuit combined-cycle plant. The subject of research is the waste heat boiler of a steam turbine. The study selected the best option for recovery boiler combined cycle gas turbine power of 500 MW

    Developing effective catalyst for mine methane conversion to hydrogen-containing gas

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    The Ni/Ce[1-x]La[x]O[y] and Ni/Ce[1-x]La[x]O[y]/Al[2]O[3] catalysts (x=0-1) were prepared for the mine methane conversion to hydrogen-containing gas. The influence of the support composition on the physicochemical characteristics of the catalysts and their activity in autothermal reforming of methane (ATR of CH[4]) was studied. It was shown that the dispersion of the Ni active component was enhanced with growth of molar ratio of La in the support composition that leads to the increase in catalyst stability in ATR of CH[4]. The Ni/Ce[1-x]La[x]O[y]/Al[2]O[3] catalysts in comparison to the Ni/Ce[1]-xLa[x]O[y] provide higher H[2] yield: at 850oC it is equal to 65-75%

    Direct intra-abdominal pressure monitoring via piezoresistive pressure measurement: a technical note

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Piezoresistive pressure measurement technique (PRM) has previously been applied for direct IAP measurement in a porcine model using two different devices. Aim of this clinical study was to assess both devices regarding complications, reliability and agreement with IVP in patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective cohort study was performed in 20 patients randomly scheduled to receive PRM either by a Coach<sup>®</sup>-probe or an Accurate++<sup>®</sup>-probe (both MIPM, Mammendorf, Germany). Probes were placed on the greater omentum and passed through the abdominal wall paralleling routine drainages. PRM was compared with IVP measurement by t-testing and by calculating mean difference as well as limits of agreement (LA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no probe related complications. Due to technical limitations, data could be collected in 3/10 patients with Coach<sup>® </sup>and in 7/10 patients with Accurate++<sup>®</sup>. Analysis was carried out only for Accurate++<sup>®</sup>. Mean values did not differ to mean IVP values. Mean difference to IVP was 0.1 ± 2.8 mmHg (LA: -5.5 to 5.6 mmHg).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Direct IAP measurement was clinically uneventful. Although results of Accurate++<sup>® </sup>were comparable to IVP, the device might be too fragile for IAP measurements in the clinical setting. Local ethical committee trial registration: EK2024</p