5 research outputs found

    Stability of wide-graded granular filters under oscillatory flow

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    Granular filters are applied for bed and bank protections and installed at coastal and offshore structures (i) to prevent erosion and (local) liquefaction, (ii) to avoid sinking and sagging of the cover layer into the subsoil, and (iii) to provide a sufficient superimposed load to the subsoil countering failure due to excess pore pressure. Offshore and coastal structures are mainly subject to oscillatory flow driven by wind induced waves. Geotechnical and hydraulic processes are studied and discussed with the key objective of developing hydraulic filter criteria for granular filters in marine environments. The focus of this paper is on the contact erosion at the interface of a wide-graded granular filter and subsoil subject to oscillatory flow perpendicular to the interface. For this purpose, a new test facility is applied for the first time and a new test cell is developed

    A conceptual basis for surveying fouling communities at exposed and protected sites at sea: Feasible designs with exchangeable test bodies for in-situ biofouling collection

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    The enhanced inertia load caused by biofouling on device components, such as the foundations of wind turbines or other structures at sea, modifies the hydrodynamic properties, and increases the stress to structures, predominantly in upper water layers with high impact from wave dynamics. This compromises the stability, functioning, operation as well as the durability of these devices especially in exposed environments. A main challenge is the quantification of the impact of hydrodynamic forces on irregular bodies being overgrown by soft- and hard-bodied biofouling organisms. Therefore, test bodies from the upper 1–5 m water depth and thus exposed to the strongest wave actions close to the surface shall be overgrown by biofouling and used in measurement trials in a wave and current flume. These measurements shall shed light on the varying roughness and its influence on the load bearing capacity of foundation piles. Consequently, the main aims of the present work were the development of two independent test stations as holding devices for artificial test bodies for the collection of biofouling organisms during field studies: a carrying unit floating at the surface in an exposed area (System A) and a sampling device with access from a land-based facility (System B). Both systems are relatively easy to access, exhibit straightforward handling, and are reasonable cost-effective. A Test Body Support Unit (TBSU, System A) was designed and mounted on a spare buoy to carry the test bodies (cylinders), which serve as substrate for the fouling. The system was sufficiently robust to withstand several periods of rough sea conditions over the first two years. This system can only be accessed by vessels. System B (MareLift) provided the robustness and functionality needed for areas exhibiting harsh conditions but can be operated from land. The here used test bodies (steel panels) exhibited a sound basis for the monitoring of succession processes in the biofouling development. System B offered the possibility to analyse two habitats (intertidal and subtidal) and revealed clear differences in the composition and development of their fouling communities. Overall, both systems provide advantages in obtaining standardized biofouling samples compared to previous approaches. Such test stations play an important role in the risk management of marine sectors as they could help characterising biofouling communities over different geographical areas. System A and B provide a sound basis for biofouling research but potentially also for other potential research approaches in exposed areas as they provide space for future developments

    Erfahrungen mit Sandersatz im Küstenschutz - Eine allgemeine Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Praxis mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen aus der Wissenschaft

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    Die SWOT-Analyse zeigt, dass jedes Verfahren für die Materialentnahme und die Aufspülung eine Reihe von Vor- und Nachteilen mit sich bringt, die der Anwender gegeneinander abwägen muss. Mit weiteren Forschungsergebnissen, v.a. hinsichtlich der langfristigen ökologischen und morphologischen Auswirkungen der Verfahren, könnten einige der potenziellen Chancen und Risiken zu bekannten und absehbaren Stärken bzw. Schwächen werden. Bis dahin muss der Anwender unter Berücksichtigung aller Faktoren ein Verfahren auswählen, das für den geplanten Anwendungsfall geeignet ist und bei dem die Risiken für die Region vertretbar sind. Dabei muss jedoch beachtet werden, dass viele bisher unbekannte biologische Prozesse möglicherweise weitere Auswirkungen auf das Küstenökosystem haben könnten. Daher sind Eingriffe in die Küstenumwelt immer mit gewissen Risiken für das Ökosystem und den Menschen verbunden und sollten nur dann erfolgen, wenn sie unter Abwägung der wesentlich beeinflussten marinen und terrestrischen Kompartimente und nach Diskussion und Priorisierung der primären Schutzziele (Lebens-, Natur- und Wirtschaftsraum) unbedingt erforderlich sind

    Understanding stakeholder attitudes towards low-head pumped hydro storage technology

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    Background The share of renewable energy feeding the European grid has been growing over the years, even though the intermittency of some renewable energy sources can induce electric grid instability. Energy storage has proven to be an effective way of reducing grid instability. Various solutions for large-scale energy storage are being researched nowadays. This study focusses on the innovative low-head pumped hydro storage (LH PHS) technology, a large-scale energy storage scheme suitable for shallow seas (5 – 30 m depth). Implementation of renewable energy technologies, such as wind farms in Europe, Asia and North America, has faced public opposition which has delayed or even cancelled the implementation of renewable energy projects. Literature about public perception of projects highlights the importance of involving stakeholders from the early stages of project planning. Considering this, the present study aims to collect stakeholder opinions (via an online survey) to determine what is necessary for a smooth implementation of LH PHS in the North Sea, both from technical and policy points of view. Results Stakeholders from commercial parties, government authorities and local groups recognized the potential of LH PHS as a means to increase the share of renewable energies within the European power grid. Economics, bureaucratic burden, and structural safety have emerged as primary aspects of concern respecting the implementation of LH PHS. The impression of the respondents is that a low-head pumped hydro station would not have negative effects on their organizations. Furthermore, most of the engineering firms participating in the study communicated that their knowledge and resources could be involved in the construction of such an energy storage facility. Conclusion As identified stakeholder concerns such as economics and structural safety are currently being researched, effective communication of the findings of this research is paramount to keep stakeholders informed of the ongoing progress. Two-way communication between researchers and stakeholders is recommended to enhance public acceptance of future technologies. Furthermore, is it advisable to undertake an examination of the available energy policies relevant to LH PHS

    A conceptual basis for surveying fouling communities at exposed and protected sites at sea: Feasible designs with exchangeable test bodies for in-situ biofouling collection

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    The enhanced inertia load caused by biofouling on device components, such as the foundations of wind turbines or other structures at sea, modifies the hydrodynamic properties, and increases the stress to structures, predominantly in upper water layers with high impact from wave dynamics. This compromises the stability, functioning, operation as well as the durability of these devices especially in exposed environments. A main challenge is the quantification of the impact of hydrodynamic forces on irregular bodies being overgrown by soft- and hard-bodied biofouling organisms. Therefore, test bodies from the upper 1–5 m water depth and thus exposed to the strongest wave actions close to the surface shall be overgrown by biofouling and used in measurement trials in a wave and current flume. These measurements shall shed light on the varying roughness and its influence on the load bearing capacity of foundation piles. Consequently, the main aims of the present work were the development of two independent test stations as holding devices for artificial test bodies for the collection of biofouling organisms during field studies: a carrying unit floating at the surface in an exposed area (System A) and a sampling device with access from a land-based facility (System B). Both systems are relatively easy to access, exhibit straightforward handling, and are reasonable cost-effective. A Test Body Support Unit (TBSU, System A) was designed and mounted on a spare buoy to carry the test bodies (cylinders), which serve as substrate for the fouling. The system was sufficiently robust to withstand several periods of rough sea conditions over the first two years. This system can only be accessed by vessels. System B (MareLift) provided the robustness and functionality needed for areas exhibiting harsh conditions but can be operated from land. The here used test bodies (steel panels) exhibited a sound basis for the monitoring of succession processes in the biofouling development. System B offered the possibility to analyse two habitats (intertidal and subtidal) and revealed clear differences in the composition and development of their fouling communities. Overall, both systems provide advantages in obtaining standardized biofouling samples compared to previous approaches. Such test stations play an important role in the risk management of marine sectors as they could help characterising biofouling communities over different geographical areas. System A and B provide a sound basis for biofouling research but potentially also for other potential research approaches in exposed areas as they provide space for future developments