2 research outputs found

    Physiologie des Menschen

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    Wir haben mit diesem Lehrbuch eine Brücke zwischen den "dicken Wälzern", die viele Dozenten empfehlen, und den Kurzlehrbüchern, die bei Studenten so beliebt sind, geschlagen. Physiologie ist ein Fach, das man verstehen muss. Denn gerade in mündlichen Prüfungen und im Physikum werden Transferleistungen eingefordert, die sich durch reines Auswendiglernen nicht ohne Weiteres lösen lassen. Im Gegensatz zu Kurzlehrbüchern findest du bei uns mehr Erklärungen, die dir beim Verständnis der Zusammenhänge helfen. Damit unser Buch nicht zu dick und unübersichtlich wird, haben wir all den Ballast, den du in den "dicken Wälzern" findest, weggelassen. Das hilft dir, dich auf die wichtigen Dinge zu konzentrieren. Diese wichtigen Dinge erklären wir dafür ausführlicher. Unser Buch ist daher der ideale Begleiter für die vorklinischen Semester, weil alle relevanten Themenkomplexe einfach und verständlich erklärt werden. Je nach Universität kann es natürlich vorkommen, dass speziellere Themen gelehrt werden, die nicht unbedingt dem Lernzielkatalog entsprechen. Diese Themen sind in unserem Buch unter Umständen nicht oder nur knapp erwähnt. Wir empfehlen dir deshalb, die Vorlesungen deiner Universität zu besuchen, damit du genau weißt, worauf deine Dozenten wert legen. ..

    Pre-analytical challenges for the quantification of endocannabinoids in human serum

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    Endocannabinoids (ECs) are potent lipid mediators with high physiological relevance. They are involved in a wide variety of diseases like depression or multiple sclerosis and are closely connected to metabolic parameters in humans. Therefore, their suitability as a biomarker in different (patho-)physiological conditions is discussed intensively and predominantly investigated by analyzing systemic concentrations in easily accessible matrices like blood. Carefully designed pre-analytical sample handling is of major importance for high-quality data, but harmonization is not achieved yet. Whole blood is either processed to serum or plasma before the onset of analytical workflows and while knowledge about pre-analytical challenges in plasma handling is thorough they were not systematically investigated for serum. Therefore, the ECs AEA and 2-AG, and closely related EC-like substances 1-AG, DHEA, and PEA were examined by LC-MS/MS in serum samples of nine healthy volunteers employing different pre-analytical sample handling protocols, including prolonged coagulation, and storage after centrifugation at room temperature (RT) or on ice. Furthermore, all analytes were also assessed in plasma samples obtained from the same individuals at the same time points to investigate the comparability between those two blood-based matrices regarding obtained concentrations and their 2-AG/1-AG ratio. This study shows that ECs and EC-like substances in serum samples were significantly higher than in plasma and are especially prone to ex vivo changes during initial and prolonged storage for coagulation at RT. Storage on ice after centrifugation is less critical. However, storage at RT further increases 1-AG and 2-AG concentrations, while also lowering the already reduced 2-AG/1-AG ratio due to isomerization. Thus, avoidance of prolonged processing at RT can increase data quality if serum as the matrix of choice is unavoidable. However, serum preparation in itself is expected to initiate changes of physiological concentrations as standard precautionary measures like fast and cooled processing can only be utilized by using plasma, which should be the preferred matrix for analyses of ECs and EC-like substances