33 research outputs found

    Influence of morpho-structural parameters on the environmental stress cracking of polyethylene

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    The environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR) of four polyethylenes in active medium (10% Tergitol solution) was investigated. The four materials were chosen to explore a broad range of performance and applications; they are listed according to increasing expected ESCR: - an injection moulding, low-molecular weight (MW) HDPE homopolymer - two rotomoulding LLDPE copolymers with a different comonomer (butene or hexene) - a blown film extrusion high MW HDPE copolymer (hexene) The fracture resistance of the hexene LLDPE copolymer was expected to be slightly higher than that of the butene one, because of the longer alkyl group. The two materials were chosen to challenge the ability of the different testing methods to discriminate between similar levels of ESCR. Several analytical techniques were employed to obtain relevant morpho-structural parameters: density, degree of crystallinity, MW distribution, short chain branch content and average lamellar thickness. ESCR was evaluated by employing three well-known but widely different approaches: - the Bell Telephone test (ASTMD1693), performed on notched specimens immersed in the active environment at 50°C - strain hardening modulus (SHM), obtained from tensile tests performed in air at 80°C - fracture mechanics (FM) tests on three- and four-point bending notched specimens, performed at varying temperatures both in air and in the active environment; two different loading histories were considered (creep and constant displacement rate) MW distribution seems to have a greater effect on ESCR behaviour with respect to other morpho-structural parameters. There was instead a strong consistency of the different ESCR testing methods, so that SHM could replace ASTMD1693 as an industrial test aimed at ranking ESCR of polyethylenes. FM, while being more complex to carry out, provides a wealth of additional information which could be used to actually predict the lifetime of products working in an ESC environment

    Cardiometabolic risk is unraveled by color Doppler ultrasound of the clitoral and uterine arteries in women consulting for sexual symptoms

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    Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) may be a mirror of a poor cardiometabolic state. In a small pilot study enrolling 71 women with FSD, we previously demonstrated that clitoral Pulsatility Index (PI) evaluated by using color Doppler ultrasound (CDU), reflecting vascular resistance, was associated with cardiometabolic risk factors. Data on uterine CDU in this context are lacking. First, to confirm previously reported data on the direct association between clitoral PI and cardiometabolic risk factors on a larger study population of women consulting for sexual symptoms; second, to investigate eventual similar correlations between cardiometabolic risk factors and CDU parameters of the uterine artery. We also ascertained whether uterine artery PI, similarly to what had previously been observed for clitoral artery PI, was directly related to body image uneasiness and psychopathological symptoms, assessed by validated questionnaires. N = 230 women consulting our clinic for sexual symptoms were examined with clitoral CDU and blood sampling and were asked to fill out the Female Sexual Function Index, the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (MHQ) and the Body Uneasiness Test (BUT). In a subgroup of women (n = 164), we also performed transvaginal CDU with measurement of uterine artery parameters. At multivariate analysis, we found a direct association between clitoral PI and body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.004), waist circumference (WC) (p = 0.004), triglycerides (p = 0.006), insulin (p = 0.029) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.009). Furthermore, a correlation between obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and a higher clitoral PI was observed (p = 0.003 and p = 0.012, respectively). Clitoral PI was also correlated with MHQ-S (p = 0.010), a scale exploring somatized anxiety symptoms, and BUT-B Positive Symptom Distress Index (p = 0.010), a measure of body image concerns. Similarly, when investigating the uterine artery, we were able to demonstrate an association between its PI and BMI (p < 0.0001), WC (p = 0.001), insulin (p = 0.006), glycated haemoglobin (p =  < 0.0001), and HOMA-IR (p = 0.009). Women diagnosed with obesity and MetS showed significantly higher uterine PI values vs. those without obesity or MetS (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively). Finally, uterine PI was associated with BUT-A Global Severity Index (p < 0.0001) and with several other BUT-A subdomains. Vascular resistance of clitoral and uterine arteries is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors and body image concerns in women consulting for sexual symptoms. If further confirmed in different populations, our data could suggest CDU, a common examination method, as a useful tool for an identification—and possible correction—of cardiometabolic risk factors

    In Trauma Patients, the Occurrence of Early-Onset Nosocomial Infections is Associated With Increased Plasma Concentrations of Chromogranin A:

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    In previously healthy persons suffering from acute illnesses, nosocomial infections (NIs) are frequent. Their prevalence suggests the existence of as yet unknown conditions that may promote care-related infection. This study assessed whether the measurement of plasma chromogranin A, a stress-related protein involved in innate defense, is related to NI risk, and whether any chromogranin A-derived fragment included in vasostatin-I displays immunosuppressive activities related to AP-1 or NF-kappa B downregulation. At the clinical level, trauma patients and healthy controls were recruited to be eligible. Clinical histories were recorded, and standard biological tests (including plasma chromogranin A) were performed. For 9 randomly chosen patients and 16 controls, the time-dependent concentrations of chromogranin A (CGA) were assessed twice a day over 66 h. The data show that trauma patients present a higher value of CGA concentration during 66 h in comparison with healthy controls. In addition, patients maintaining this significant increase in CGA readily develop NIs. We therefore studied the effects of chromogranin A-derived peptides on monocytes, focusing on transcription factors that play a central role in inflammation. In vitro assay demonstrated that a chromogranin A-derived fragment (CGA47-70) displays a significant inhibition of NF-kappa B and AP-1 transcriptional activities in these cells. In conclusion, the occurrence of NI in trauma patients is associated with significantly increased plasma CGA concentrations. Downregulation of the two transcription factors by CGA47-70 might induce early acquired immune defect after a serious medical stress

    Caffeine inhibits PI3K and mTORC2 in Dictyostelium and differentially affects multiple other cAMP chemoattractant signaling effectors

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    Caffeine is commonly used in Dictyostelium to inhibit the synthesis of the chemoattractant cAMP and, therefore, its secretion and the autocrine stimulation of cells, in order to prevent its interference with the study of chemoattractant-induced responses. However, the mechanism through which caffeine inhibits cAMP synthesis in Dictyostelium has not been characterized. Here, we report the effects of caffeine on the cAMP chemoattractant signaling network. We found that caffeine inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2). Both PI3K and mTORC2 are essential for the chemoattractant-stimulated cAMP production, thereby providing a mechanism for the caffeine-mediated inhibition of cAMP synthesis. Our results also reveal that caffeine treatment of cells leads to an increase in cAMP-induced RasG and Rap1 activation, and inhibition of the PKA, cGMP, MyoII, and ERK1 responses. Finally, we observed that caffeine has opposite effects on F-actin and ERK2 depending on the assay and Dictyostelium strain used, respectively. Altogether, our findings reveal that caffeine considerably affects the cAMP-induced chemotactic signaling pathways in Dictyostelium, most likely acting through multiple targets that include PI3K and mTORC2

    Prioritizing multiple therapeutic targets in parallel using automated DNA-encoded library screening

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    AbstractThe identification and prioritization of chemically tractable therapeutic targets is a significant challenge in the discovery of new medicines. We have developed a novel method that rapidly screens multiple proteins in parallel using DNA-encoded library technology (ELT). Initial efforts were focused on the efficient discovery of antibacterial leads against 119 targets from Acinetobacter baumannii and Staphylococcus aureus. The success of this effort led to the hypothesis that the relative number of ELT binders alone could be used to assess the ligandability of large sets of proteins. This concept was further explored by screening 42 targets from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Active chemical series for six targets from our initial effort as well as three chemotypes for DHFR from M. tuberculosis are reported. The findings demonstrate that parallel ELT selections can be used to assess ligandability and highlight opportunities for successful lead and tool discovery.</jats:p