63 research outputs found

    Postural and facial asymmetries of the startle response in 5-month-old infants

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    none4The study aimed to analyze the lateralization of the postural and facial startle components, providing an analysis of the relation between these two response constituents. Thirteen 5-month-old infants were involved in a new non-invasive whole body acoustic startle protocol. Six brief acoustic noise bursts were presented to elicit the startles. Using AIMMSS (Dondi, Agnoli, Vacca, Franchin, & Scatturin, 2005; Scatturin & Dondi, in prep.), a computerized instrument for non-invasive startle measuring, an analysis of the intensity and latency of the whole body motor response (postural component) was realized in the right and left body sides. Using the EBS Scale (Essex et al., 2003) and the Baby FACS (Oster, in press), we analyzed the intensity and latency of the right and left sides of the facial reflex component. The comparisons between the right and left body measurements showed no asymmetry in the startle intensity for both response components. On the contrary, the analyses regarding the latency showed a right response bias in the whole body startle, but not in the facial component. Finally, correlations between the measurements of the postural and facial components showed a positive association, in particular for the intensity parameter. The right latency postural bias could be explained by the presence of spinal asymmetries. In addition, the positive association between the postural and facial startle components on the right and left body sides showed that these two components are probably activated bilaterally in a similar way by the Nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis.noneFRANCHIN L.; DONDI M.; AGNOLI S.; SCATTURIN P.Franchin, Laura; Dondi, Marco; Agnoli, Sergio; Scatturin, P

    Can attitude similarity shape social inhibition of return?

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    We examined whether the perceived similarity between two individuals can shape social attention shifts during a joint-action task. Initially, a confederate was described to a naïve participant through a personality profile in order to manipulate the degree of attitude similarity between them, and they later performed a joint-action task involving alternated aiming movements towards peripheral targets. This task is known to elicit two forms of Inhibition of Return (IOR), namely longer latencies when responding to a target previously reached by either oneself (individual IOR) or by the partner (social IOR) as compared to a previously-unreached target. Here, both IOR effects emerged but–unlike previous studies–social IOR was greater than individual IOR. Interestingly, such magnified social IOR occurred regardless of the degree of attitude similarity between participants. This seems to suggest that social knowledge about others can lead to a generalized impact on social attention during real interactions with them

    Startle reflex modification by attention and affective state in three and five-month-old infants

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    Modulation of the startle response is an objective indicator of emotionality and attention in infancy and adulthood. In the present study, 13 three-month and 13 five-month-old infants were tested in a new non-invasive whole body acoustic startle protocol. The aim was to investigate the development of the interaction between attention and emotion in the startle modification. While infants were on an infant-seat, interacting with their mothers and playing with objects, a noise burst was presented to elicit the reflex. The infant-seat, opportunely equipped, permitted a computerized measurement of the startle motor response. Each session was videotaped. Attentive behavior was coded frame-by-frame as well as smiling and distress behavior. Only at five months, startle latency was reduced when the infants were engaged in attention relative to control trials. Both groups presented a startle modification based on the dominant, positive or negative, affective state exhibited during the entire session

    Non-invasive measurements of the startle response in the early infancy

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    Thirteen 5-month old infants were involved in a new non-invasive whole body acoustic startle protocol. A brief acoustic noise burst was presented to elicit the startle reflex while infants were seated on an infant-seat interacting with their mothers. The eye-blink startle reflex was coded by using the Facial Action Coding System (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager, 2002) and Baby- FACS (Oster & Rosenstein, in press). The aim was to assess the response latency of involved Action Units. Essex, Goldsmith, Smider, Dolski, Sutton & Davidson’s (2003) coding system was adopted to describe the strength of the eye-blink to the startle probes. In addition, a new non-invasive apparatus for measuring the amplitude and latency of infants’ startle response was used: the Automated Infant Motor Movement Startle Seat (AIMMSS; Dondi & Scatturin, in prep.). It permitted a computerized and reliable measurement of the whole body motor response. Probe-by-probe correlations between signal apparatus amplitude and strength of the eye-blink startle response were strong. Results indicated that startle reflex latency and amplitude can be measured during infancy not only by using the EMG recording of the Orbicularis Oculi but also by using non-invasive instruments and video-based coding techniques

    Studio della lateralizzazione del riflesso di trasalimento (startle) in bambini di 5 mesi di vita

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    Introduzione L’indagine della lateralizzazione della risposta di startle, nota nella letteratura italiana anche come riflesso di trasalimento (Agnoli, Dondi, Mendini, & Franchin, 2007; Costa & Ricci Bitti, 1998), permette di ampliare le conoscenze neuroscientifiche relative allo sviluppo fisiologico del circuito neurale di questa attivitĂ  riflessa (Bradley, Cuthbert, & Lang, 1991; Kettle, Andrewes, & Allen, 2006; Yeomans & Frankland, 1996). Fino ad oggi questo settore di ricerca presenta importanti lacune relativamente alle prime fasi dello sviluppo. In letteratura infatti Ăš presente solo uno studio condotto da Hillman, Hsiao-Wecksler, e Rosengren (2005) che ha messo in luce un’assenza di asimmetrie tra il lato destro e sinistro del corpo nella risposta motoria di startle degli adulti. PoichĂš i bambini sin dalla nascita mostrano un numero significativo di asimmetrie posturali e motorie (si veda ad esempio, Gardner, Lewkowicz, & Turkewitz, 1977; Michel, 1981; Previc, 1991; Rönnqvist & Hopkins, 1998; Trevarthen, 1996; Turkewitz, 1977), messe in evidenza anche in attivitĂ  riflesse come il riflesso di Moro (Rönnqvist, 1995), la presente ricerca si pone come obiettivo lo studio della lateralizzazione della risposta di startle in bambini di 5 mesi di vita. Nello specifico sono state analizzate la componente posturale e quella facciale di questo comportamento, allo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di asimmetrie a favore di uno dei due lati del corpo. Infine, un ulteriore approfondimento Ăš stato effettuato relativamente alla relazione esistente tra la componente posturale e quella facciale dello startle. Lo studio di questa relazione, infatti, puĂČ portare ad interessanti evidenze inerenti all’organizzazione delle vie neurali alla base dell’attivazione di tali componenti. Metodo Un campione di 13 infanti di 5 mesi di vita Ăš stato sottoposto ad un nuovo protocollo sperimentale per l’indagine non invasiva della componente posturale e facciale dello startle. Mentre i bambini sedevano su un seggiolino opportunamente attrezzato per la registrazione dello startle (AIMMSS, Automated Infant Motor Movement Startle Seat; Scatturin & Dondi, in prep.), ed interagivano liberamente con un genitore, venivano somministrati sei stimoli acustici in grado di elicitare la risposta. L’AIMMSS, grazie alla registrazione effettuata da alcuni sensori estensimetrici posti alla base del seggiolino, ha permesso di rilevare l’intensitĂ  e la velocitĂ  della risposta motoria globale di startle analizzandola separatamente sul lato destro e sinistro del corpo del bambino. I sistemi di codifica Eye-Blink Strength Scale (EBS Scale; Essex, Goldsmith, Smider, Dolski, Sutton, & Davidson, 2003) e Baby FACS (Oster, in press) hanno invece permesso di rilevare l’intensitĂ  e la velocitĂ  della componente facciale dello startle su entrambi i lati del volto separatamente. Sulla base di queste rilevazioni sono state indagate le differenze tra le misurazioni effettuate sui due lati del corpo e la relazione esistente tra la componente facciale e posturale separatamente sul lato destro e sinistro del corpo. Risultati Il principale risultato emerso dai confronti eseguiti tra le misurazioni effettuate sul lato destro e sul lato sinistro del corpo riguarda il parametro della latenza, cioĂš la velocitĂ  di attivazione della risposta di startle. La risposta risulta essere lateralizzata a favore del lato destro del corpo, presentando una attivazione piĂč veloce nella componente posturale destra rispetto alla sinistra. L’analisi della componente facciale invece non ha messo in luce alcuna asimmetria nella velocitĂ  di attivazione delle azioni facciali analizzate. Questo primo risultato trova un’interessante spiegazione nell’influenza di specifiche asimmetrie presenti a livello spinale, chiamate in causa anche nella lateralizzazione registrata nella latenza del riflesso di Moro nei neonati (Rönnqvist, 1995). Rispetto all’intensitĂ  di risposta non Ăš emersa alcuna differenza significativa tra le misurazioni effettuate sul lato destro e sul lato sinistro del corpo in entrambe le componenti studiate, in linea con lo studio di Hillman et al. (2005). Infine, un’analisi di tipo correlazionale ha permesso di mettere in luce un’associazione positiva, in entrambi i lati del corpo, tra la componente posturale e quella facciale della risposta, in particolare rispetto al parametro dell’intensitĂ . Tale pattern di risultati permette di inferire che i motoneuroni spinali e quelli facciali esibiscono un’azione integrata e bilaterale, determinata dall’attivitĂ  del Nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, il centro neurale responsabile dell’attivazione della risposta di startle

    Evidence for beta-turn structure in model peptides reproducing pro-ocytocin/neurophysin proteolytic processing site

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    The structural organization of small peptides reproducing the amino acid sequence of the common ocytocin/neurophysin precursor around the LysArg cleavage locus was investigated by a combination of spectroscopical techniques. In water both circular dichroism and [1H] NMR spectra indicated that these peptides adopted a random conformation. Evidence for folded structures was obtained when these compounds were placed in a membrane-like environment i.e. 40 mM SDS in phosphate buffer or trifluoroethanol. Whereas the CD spectra indicated the formation of various types of beta-turn in rapid equilibrium, measurements of NH temperature coefficients and Nuclear Overhauser Effects by 400 and 500 MHz NMR revealed the existence of contacts and of a folded conformation. These observations are discussed in relation with previous hypothesis made on the secondary structure organization of the proteolytic processing site of polypeptide hormone precursors
