50 research outputs found

    Signaling in Auctions among Competitors

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    We consider a model of oligopolistic firms that have private information about their cost structure. Prior to competing in the market a competitive advantage, i.e., a cost reducing technology, is allocated to a subset of the firms by means of a multi-object auction. After the auction either all bids or only the prices to be paid are revealed to all firms. This provides an opportunity for signaling. Whether there exists an equilibrium in which bids perfectly identify the bidders’ costs generally depends on the type and fierceness of the market competition, the specific auction format, and the bid announcement policy

    Signaling in Auctions among Competitors

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    We consider a model of oligopolistic firms that have private information about their cost structure. Prior to competing in the market a competitive advantage, i.e., a cost reducing technology, is allocated to a subset of the firms by means of a multi-object auction. After the auction either all bids or only the prices to be paid are revealed to all firms. This provides an opportunity for signaling. Whether there exists an equilibrium in which bids perfectly identify the bidders’ costs generally depends on the type and fierceness of the market competition, the specific auction format, and the bid announcement policy.Auction; Oligopoly; Signaling

    Delta Machine Learning for Predicting Dielectric Properties and Raman Spectra

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    We propose a machine learning method for predicting polarizabilities with the goal of providing Raman spectra from molecular dynamics trajectories at reduced computational cost. A linear-response model is used as a first step and symmetry-adapted machine learning is employed for the higher-order contributions as a second step. We investigate the performance of the approach for several systems including molecules and extended solids. The method can reduce training set sizes required for accurate dielectric properties and Raman spectra in comparison to a single-step machine learning approach

    Combined immunohistochemistry of ÎČ-catenin, cytokeratin 7, and cytokeratin 20 is useful in discriminating primary lung adenocarcinomas from metastatic colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: It is important to discriminate between primary and secondary lung cancer. However, often, the discriminating diagnosis of primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma and lung metastasis of colorectal cancer based on morphological and pathological findings is difficult. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of immunohistochemistry of ÎČ-catenin, cytokeratin (CK) 7, and CK20 for the discriminating diagnosis of lung cancer. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemistry of ÎČ-catenin, CK7, and CK20 in 19 lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, 10 corresponding primary colorectal cancer samples and 11 primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples and compared the levels of accuracy of the discriminating diagnosis by using antibodies against these antigens. RESULTS: Positive staining of ÎČ-catenin was observed in all the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples as well as in the primary colorectal cancer samples but in none of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples. Positive staining of CK7 was observed in 90.9% of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples and in 5.3% of the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, but in none of the primary colorectal cancer samples. Positive staining of CK20 was observed in all the primary colorectal cancer samples and in 84.2% of the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, but in none of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples. CONCLUSION: Combined immunohistochemistry of ÎČ-catenin, CK7, and CK20 is useful for making a discriminating diagnosis between lung metastasis of colorectal cancer and primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma. This method will enable accurate diagnosis of a lung tumor and will be useful for selecting appropriate therapeutic strategies, including chemotherapeutic agents and operation methods

    Analyse Transactionnelle Suisse romande – Recueil d'articles 2020

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    Articles diffusĂ©s par l'Association Suisse d’Analyse Transactionnelle – Suisse romande durant l'annĂ©e 2020. Articles - Qu’est ce que l’AT apporte au monde ? - Enseignement spĂ©cialisĂ© et AT – Entrevue - Conseil pĂ©dagogique et AT – Entrevue - L’accouchement-marathon - Les enjeux relationnels de la coopĂ©ration - Les Ă©tapes de la coopĂ©ration - La fosse de rösti – une mine d’or pour des expĂ©riences sur la diversitĂ© -La complexitĂ© par la diversitĂ© – Quelle signification pour la gestion des organisations ? - L’économie de l’autonomie – Les martiens ont-ils disparu ? - La coopĂ©ration dans les institutions et hĂŽpitaux – Entrevue RĂ©sumĂ©s - Le sens des valeurs que l’on porte - Interventions dans l’accompagnement professionnel de couples - Brunch entre amis - Lors des moments difficiles, l’AT nous porte - Counselling de couple avec AT et sexualitĂ© : un couple inĂ©gal ? - On devait toujours parler de tout... discussion pĂšre fille Divers - Éditorial - Prendre soin de nous durant la pandĂ©mie - CĂ©lĂ©brons Fanita English, joyeux 104e anniversaire - Pleine conscience – regards croisĂ©s : retour sur la journĂ©e de l’ASAT-SR - Hommages Ă  Jenni Hine - Entrevue avec Sally CuĂ©nin - Anciens numĂ©ro

    Réunion des rédacteurs et des illustrateurs des catalogues des manuscrits datés

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    von Scarpatetti Beat Matthias. Réunion des rédacteurs et des illustrateurs des catalogues des manuscrits datés. In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°3. Automne 1983. pp. 15-16

    Réintégrer la paléographie. Essai d'autocritique

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    von Scarpatetti Beat Matthias. Réintégrer la paléographie. Essai d'autocritique . In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°1. Automne 1982. pp. 20-23

    Paléographie et calligraphie : nouvelles de Suisse

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    von Scarpatetti Beat Matthias. Paléographie et calligraphie : nouvelles de Suisse. In: Gazette du livre médiéval, n°8. Printemps 1986. pp. 6-10

    Die BĂŒchersammlung des Johannes de Lapide (t 1496)

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    von Scarpatetti Beat Matthias. Die BĂŒchersammlung des Johannes de Lapide (t 1496). In: Gazette du livre mĂ©diĂ©val, n°34. Printemps 1999. pp. 37-43