1,332 research outputs found

    The Cladistic Technique for Territorial Studies

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    The cladistic is an technique born in the field of biology. Starting from the physics characteristics of some elements, the cladistic method try to find the hierarchical links between them in the bases of their similarity and of the research of “evidences” of relationship. The goal of this paper is to verify the potentialities of this method in the studies of the territory, in order to find correlation among different spatial areas. Considering social, economic, environmental indicators that characterise the areas of a given territory, we analyse the links between different areas, organising these links according to a hierarchical tree. The result is then compared with ones obtained using more traditional methods as multicriterial analysis, statistics and clustering.

    A remark on trace properties of K-cycles

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    In this paper we discuss trace properties of d+d^+-summable KK-cycles considered by A.Connes in [\rfr(Conn4)]. More precisely we give a proof of a trace theorem on the algebra \A of a KK--cycle stated in [\rfr(Conn4)], namely we show that a natural functional on \A is a trace functional. Then we discuss whether this functional gives a trace on the whole universal graded differential algebra \Q(\A). On the one hand we prove that the regularity conditions on KK-cycles considered in [\rfr(Conn4)] imply the trace property on \Q(\A). On the other hand, by constructing an explicit counterexample, we remark that the sole KK-cycle assumption is not sufficient for such a property to hold.Comment: 11 pages, plain Te

    The Study of Perception and Project of the Territory Using Brain Storming

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    Brainstorming (based on conceptual mapping tools) is a method for identifying ideas, oriented to workgroups. In brief, it is the conceptual analysis of the discussion inside the group. In this way it is possible to enhance creative energies and develop new ideas. We propose two applications in the field of urban planning. The first is the development of a conceptual model of a given territory. By analysing the discussion among people involved in the elaboration of a report concerning social, economical, territorial aspects of Bergamo and Lecco (two Italian metropolitan areas), we have tried to find a link among various indicators and elements identifying the peculiar features of the territorial systems that we study. The second is, instead, the research of the best solution for opening a factory in a given territory. In this case study the discussion group is made by the actors intervening in the decision process, the administrators, the contractors, the urban planners, etc. The result will be compared with one obtained with traditional analysis.

    CVA and vulnerable options pricing by correlation expansions

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    We consider the problem of computing the Credit Value Adjustment ({CVA}) of a European option in presence of the Wrong Way Risk ({WWR}) in a default intensity setting. Namely we model the asset price evolution as solution to a linear equation that might depend on different stochastic factors and we provide an approximate evaluation of the option's price, by exploiting a correlation expansion approach, introduced in \cite{AS}. We compare the numerical performance of such a method with that recently proposed by Brigo et al. (\cite{BR18}, \cite{BRH18}) in the case of a call option driven by a GBM correlated with the CIR default intensity. We additionally report some numerical evaluations obtained by other methods.Comment: 21 page

    Non Symmetric Dirichlet Forms on Semifinite von Neumann Algebras

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    The theory of non symmetric Dirichlet forms is generalized to the non abelian setting, also establishing the natural correspondences among Dirichlet forms, sub-Markovian semigroups and sub-Markovian resolvents within this context. Examples of non symmetric Dirichlet forms given by derivations on Hilbert algebras are studied.Comment: 32 pages, plain TeX, Preprint Roma TOR VERGATA Nr.9-93-May 9

    The perception of the territory naturalness an application in the bergamo area

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    It is very discussed about the sustainability of urban areas. One of the requests of urban sustainability consists in the capability of the city to preserve around itself a good level of naturalness: A sustainable economy reflects an image of its territory that must represent a landscape of agreeable towns, of intact agricultural mosaics and of a large natural areas patrimony. Ours research, starting from the proposal expressed from E. Koomen, J Groen, J Borsboom and H Scholten with the work “Modelling the fragmentation of open space. A framework for assessing the impact of land use change on open space” presented at the ERSA Congress in 2002, intends to find the modality with which the naturalness influences the surrounding areas, the zones where nature and population pressure are not in antithesis and the natural areas that risks to be lost. The goal will be reached applying the concept of “field”. The base idea is that the areas with larger “naturalness” constitute a sort of positive virus that influences the surrounding zones. The GIS-oriented model presupposes the discrete division of the territory and the use of a simple field algorithm applied to an naturalness indicator opportunely studied. The application, for the validation of the model, has been implemented on the Bergamo’s province; choosing a territorial scale that allows to do observations and preliminary evaluations at the level of urban planning to locate large infrastructures.

    Optimal Scaling of Mala for Nonlinear Regression

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    We address the problem of simulating efficiently from the posterior distribution over the parameters of a particular class of nonlinear regression models using a Langevin-Metropolis sampler. It is shown that as the number N of parameters increases, the proposal variance must scale as N{-1/3} in order to converge to a diffusion. This generalizes previous results of Roberts and Rosenthal [J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Stat. Methodol. 60 (1998) 255-268] for the i.i.d. case, showing the robustness of their analysis

    Dispersive estimate for the Schroedinger equation with point interactions

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    We consider the Schroedinger operator in R^3 with N point interactions placed at Y=(y_1, ... ,y_N), y_j in R^3, of strength a=(a_1, ... ,a_N). Exploiting the spectral theorem and the rather explicit expression for the resolvent we prove a (weighted) dispersive estimate for the corresponding Schroedinger flow. In the special case N=1 the proof is directly obtained from the unitary group which is known in closed form.Comment: 12 page

    A folk theorem for minority games.

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    We study a particular case of repeated games with public signals. In the stage game an odd number of players have to choose simultaneously one of two rooms. The players who choose the less crowded room receive a reward of one euro (whence the name “minority game”). Between the stages, only the current majority room is publicly announced. We show that in the infinitely repeated game any feasible payo can be achieved as a uniform equilibrium payo , and as an almost sure equilibrium payo . In particular we construct an inefficient equilibrium where, with probability one, all players choose the same room at almost all stages. This equilibrium is sustained by punishment phases which use, in a unusual way, the pure actions that were played before start of the punishment.Repeated games; imperfect monitoring; public signals
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