122 research outputs found

    New welfare policy instruments: international experiences and implications for social enterprises

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    In this paper recent approaches to the role of social protection systems within economic development policies are discussed. Important experiences are considered, in particular those implemented in medium and low income countries, where new tools for increasing the effectiveness of social and development policies have been tried and tested. Some lessons are also examined that prove useful for defining mechanisms that enhance the quality of services provided by social enterprises in the Italian context.social protection system, development policy, social enterprise

    Sistemi di protezione sociale e politiche di sviluppo: approcci, strumenti e proposte di policy

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    Nella ricerca economica emerge con sempre più forza la convinzione che lo sviluppo sia un fenomeno multidimensionale e che la crescita del Pil (Prodotto Interno Lordo) sia solo una delle lenti attraverso cui guardare il progresso economico e sociale di un Paese. In realtà è antico il richiamo alla necessità di costruire un paradigma economico alternativo, correlato a differenti indicatori di benessere, cui agganciare nuovi obiettivi e nuove politiche (Thorbecke, 2006). Ma di recente questa discussione, prevalentemente confinata nel mondo accademico, ha ricevuto attenzione e notorietà presso un pubblico più vasto grazie all’iniziativa del presidente della Repubblica francese, Nicolas Sarkozy, di nominare una Commissione di esperti per approfondire la questione di come definire e misurare la performance economica e il benessere sociale (Stiglitz, Sen, Fitoussi, 2009).protezione sociale; politiche di sviluppo

    Lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno: come superare lo stallo?

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    This work deals with the current EU regional policy for the so-called Mezzogiorno of Italy. We discuss the new framework in the development policy for the South of Italy as a perspective tailored at enhancing the opportunities and capacities of the citizens. The paper addresses the thesis that strengthening the provision of merit goods and collective services would have a positive impact both on the quality of life and on social capital accumulation.Economic Development, Economic Governance, Regional Policy

    Impresa sociale, capitale sociale e politiche di sviluppo per il Mezzogiorno

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    In questo lavoro metto a fuoco il tema dell’impresa sociale intesa come un’organizzazione che accresce le capacità dei cittadini e che genera beni relazionali e capitale sociale. La tesi che avanzo è che nel Mezzogiorno la promozione dell’impresa sociale avrebbe l’effetto diretto di espandere l’accesso ai servizi collettivi, e dunque le capacità dei residenti meridionali, e l’effetto collegato di ridurre il divario di capitale sociale tra Mezzogiorno e Centro-Nord, elemento che contribuisce fortemente a spiegare il ritardo di sviluppo delle Regioni meridionali. Gli argomenti a favore della diffusione di imprese sociali, nell’ottica di questo scritto, intrecciano quindi gli aspetti del welfare e quelli dello sviluppo umano.Impresa sociale; capitale sociale; politiche di sviluppo; Mezzogiorno

    Settore sommerso e politiche di emersione: un approccio stocastico

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of uncertainty in shaping the decisions of firms in the underground economy. Following the option value approach, we present a dynamic model which captures (i) the irreversibility of riallocation decisions from the underground sector to the legal sector and (ii)the option value od delaying the riallocation decisions when stochastic shocks can change the net present returns in both the legal and the underground sectors. The model allow us to draw a number of interesting policy implications. Last we use the theoretical results to address the specific issues that arise in the case of the Mezzogiorno of Italy.decision-making under uncertainty, stochastic programming, underground economy

    Social Enterprise, Capabilities and Development: Lessons from Ecuador

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    The paper analyses how the theoretical framework of social enterprise proposed in the academic debate could be operationalised in the specific socioeconomic context of Ecuador. Recently, this country designed a new economic paradigm based on the solidarity economy model to reconcile an ambitious developmental state platform with the vision of a participatory strategy that pursues democracy, human rights and poverty reduction. This paradigm was enshrined in the constitution and elaborated through the Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir 2009-2013. The paper explores the peculiar features of the solidarity model in Ecuador and draws more general insights related to development policy

    Social Enterprise, Capabilities and Development: Lessons from Ecuador

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    The paper analyses how the theoretical framework of social enterprise proposed in the academic debate could be operationalised in the specific socioeconomic context of Ecuador. Recently, this country designed a new economic paradigm based on the solidarity economy model to reconcile an ambitious developmental state platform with the vision of a participatory strategy that pursues democracy, human rights and poverty reduction. This paradigm was enshrined in the constitution and elaborated through the Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir 2009-2013. The paper explores the peculiar features of the solidarity model in Ecuador and draws more general insights related to development policy

    Capitale sociale e sviluppo economico

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    This work provides some evidence for the italian regions that social capital, under a broad definition, can have a positive impact on development outcomes. Our empirical analysis includes measures of social capital related to the enforcement of formal norms, the extent of social networks, the provision of local public goods. We show that in the less developed regions of Italy, the so-colled Mezzogiorno, the level of social capital is lower compared to the advanced regions and, at the same time, the productive activities born a smaller share of the cost due to the social capital deficit. This result leads to a “wrong” incentive towards the underinvestment in social capital and locks the Southern regions in a trap at a low level of both economic development and social capital development. Absent suitable shocks or policy interventions, this outcome is self-reinforcing.social capital, regional gaps, social accounting matrix

    Innovation, Growth and Quality of Life: a Theoretical Model and an Estimate for the Italian Regions

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    ABSTRACT. This paper carries out an explanatory investigation into the relationship between socio-institutional conditions, quality of life indicators and economic growth in the Italian regions. Previous studies stress the importance of institutional quality, social capital and social conditions in determining disparities between richer and poorer regions. Building on this literature, we consider a three-sector model of semi-endogenous growth with negative externalities depending on structural and institutional factors that affect the innovative capacity of regional systems (the “social externalities hypothesis”). Simulations based on the scaled stationary system confirm that endogenous socio-economic conditions are crucial for the successful translation of innovation into economic growth. It is suggested that generating a development strategy designed to improve social conditions and well-being in the poorer regions may yield dividends in terms of the effectiveness of public policy and economic development
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