465 research outputs found

    The Optical Approach to Casimir Effects

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    We propose a new approach to the Casimir effect based on classical ray optics. We define and compute the contribution of classical optical paths to the Casimir force between rigid bodies. Our approach improves upon the proximity force approximation. It can be generalized easily to arbitrary geometries, different boundary conditions, to the computation of Casimir energy densities and to many other situations. This is a brief introduction to the method. Joint work with R.L.Jaffe.Comment: Talk given at the conference `Continuous Advances in QCD 2004', University of Minnesot

    The forward approximation as a mean field approximation for the Anderson and Many Body Localization transitions

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    In this paper we analyze the predictions of the forward approximation in some models which exhibit an Anderson (single-) or many-body localized phase. This approximation, which consists in summing over the amplitudes of only the shortest paths in the locator expansion, is known to over-estimate the critical value of the disorder which determines the onset of the localized phase. Nevertheless, the results provided by the approximation become more and more accurate as the local coordination (dimensionality) of the graph, defined by the hopping matrix, is made larger. In this sense, the forward approximation can be regarded as a mean field theory for the Anderson transition in infinite dimensions. The sum can be efficiently computed using transfer matrix techniques, and the results are compared with the most precise exact diagonalization results available. For the Anderson problem, we find a critical value of the disorder which is 0.9%0.9\% off the most precise available numerical value already in 5 spatial dimensions, while for the many-body localized phase of the Heisenberg model with random fields the critical disorder hc=4.0±0.3h_c=4.0\pm 0.3 is strikingly close to the most recent results obtained by exact diagonalization. In both cases we obtain a critical exponent ν=1\nu=1. In the Anderson case, the latter does not show dependence on the dimensionality, as it is common within mean field approximations. We discuss the relevance of the correlations between the shortest paths for both the single- and many-body problems, and comment on the connections of our results with the problem of directed polymers in random medium

    Soap films with gravity and almost-minimal surfaces

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    Motivated by the study of the equilibrium equations for a soap film hanging from a wire frame, we prove a compactness theorem for surfaces with asymptotically vanishing mean curvature and fixed or converging boundaries. In particular, we obtain sufficient geometric conditions for the minimal surfaces spanned by a given boundary to represent all the possible limits of sequences of almost-minimal surfaces. Finally, we provide some sharp quantitative estimates on the distance of an almost-minimal surface from its limit minimal surface.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. Version 2: more detailed description of the proof of the estimates in Section 5 adde

    Integrals of motion in the Many-Body localized phase

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    We construct a complete set of quasi-local integrals of motion for the many-body localized phase of interacting fermions in a disordered potential. The integrals of motion can be chosen to have binary spectrum {0,1}\{0,1\}, thus constituting exact quasiparticle occupation number operators for the Fermi insulator. We map the problem onto a non-Hermitian hopping problem on a lattice in operator space. We show how the integrals of motion can be built, under certain approximations, as a convergent series in the interaction strength. An estimate of its radius of convergence is given, which also provides an estimate for the many-body localization-delocalization transition. Finally, we discuss how the properties of the operator expansion for the integrals of motion imply the presence or absence of a finite temperature transition.Comment: 65 pages, 12 figures. Corrected typos, added reference
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