68 research outputs found

    A shuttling-based two-qubit logic gate for linking distant silicon quantum processors

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    Control of entanglement between qubits at distant quantum processors using a two-qubit gate is an essential function of a scalable, modular implementation of quantum computation. Among the many qubit platforms, spin qubits in silicon quantum dots are promising for large-scale integration along with their nanofabrication capability. However, linking distant silicon quantum processors is challenging as two-qubit gates in spin qubits typically utilize short-range exchange coupling, which is only effective between nearest-neighbor quantum dots. Here we demonstrate a two-qubit gate between spin qubits via coherent spin shuttling, a key technology for linking distant silicon quantum processors. Coherent shuttling of a spin qubit enables efficient switching of the exchange coupling with an on/off ratio exceeding 1,000 , while preserving the spin coherence by 99.6% for the single shuttling between neighboring dots. With this shuttling-mode exchange control, we demonstrate a two-qubit controlled-phase gate with a fidelity of 93%, assessed via randomized benchmarking. Combination of our technique and a phase coherent shuttling of a qubit across a large quantum dot array will provide feasible path toward a quantum link between distant silicon quantum processors, a key requirement for large-scale quantum computation

    Gate modulation of the hole singlet-triplet qubit frequency in germanium

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    Spin qubits in germanium gate-defined quantum dots have made considerable progress within the last few years, partially due to their strong spin-orbit coupling and site-dependent gg-tensors. While this characteristic of the gg-factors removes the need for micromagnets and allows for the possibility of all-electric qubit control, relying on these gg-tensors necessitates the need to understand their sensitivity to the confinement potential that defines the quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate a S−T_S-T\_ qubit whose frequency is a strong function of the voltage applied to the barrier gate shared by the quantum dots. We find a gg-factor that can be approximately increased by an order of magnitude adjusting the barrier gate voltage only by 12 mV. We attribute the strong dependence to a variable strain profile in our device. This work not only reinforces previous findings that site-dependent gg-tensors in germanium can be utilized for qubit manipulation, but reveals the sensitivity and tunability these gg-tensors have to the electrostatic confinement of the quantum dot

    Practical Strategies for Enhancing the Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells

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    Silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructures have many important advantages for hosting spin qubits. However, controlling the energy splitting between the two low-energy conduction-band valleys remains a critical challenge for scaling up to large numbers of reliable qubits. Broad distributions of valley splittings are commonplace, even among quantum dots formed on the same chip. Such behavior has previously been attributed to imperfections such as steps at the quantum well interface. The most common approaches for addressing this problem have sought to engineer design improvements into the quantum well. In this work, we develop a simple, universal theory of valley splitting based on the reciprocal-space profile of the quantum well confinement potential, which simultaneously explains the effects of steps, wide interfaces, alloy disorder, and custom heterostructure designs. We use this understanding to characterize theoretically the valley splitting in a variety of heterostructures, finding that alloy disorder can explain the observed variability of the valley splitting, even in the absence of steps. Moreover we show that steps have a significant effect on the valley splitting only when the top interface is very sharp. We predict a universal crossover from a regime where low valley splittings are rare to a regime dominated by alloy disorder, in which valley splittings can approach zero. We show that many recent experiments fall into the latter category, with important implications for large-scale qubit implementations. We finally propose a strategy to suppress the incidence of low valley splittings by (i) increasing the random alloy disorder (to increase the valley splitting variance), and then (ii) allowing for electrostatic tuning of the dot position (to access locations with higher valley splitting).Comment: 34 pages, 22 figure

    Germanium wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder

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    We grow strained Ge/SiGe heterostructures by reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition on 100 mm Ge wafers. The use of Ge wafers as substrates for epitaxy enables high-quality Ge-rich SiGe strain-relaxed buffers with a threading dislocation density of (6±\pm1)×\times105^5 cm−2^{-2}, nearly an order of magnitude improvement compared to control strain-relaxed buffers on Si wafers. The associated reduction in short-range scattering allows for a drastic improvement of the disorder properties of the two-dimensional hole gas, measured in several Ge/SiGe heterostructure field-effect transistors. We measure an average low percolation density of (1.22±\pm0.03)×\times1010^{10} cm−2^{-2}, and an average maximum mobility of (3.4±\pm0.1)×\times106^{6} cm2^2/Vs and quantum mobility of (8.4±\pm0.5)×\times104^{4} cm2^2/Vs when the hole density in the quantum well is saturated to (1.65±\pm0.02)×\times1011^{11} cm−2^{-2}. We anticipate immediate application of these heterostructures for next-generation, higher-performance Ge spin-qubits and their integration into larger quantum processors

    Rapid single-shot parity spin readout in a silicon double quantum dot with fidelity exceeding 99 %

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    Silicon-based spin qubits offer a potential pathway toward realizing a scalable quantum computer owing to their compatibility with semiconductor manufacturing technologies. Recent experiments in this system have demonstrated crucial technologies, including high-fidelity quantum gates and multiqubit operation. However, the realization of a fault-tolerant quantum computer requires a high-fidelity spin measurement faster than decoherence. To address this challenge, we characterize and optimize the initialization and measurement procedures using the parity-mode Pauli spin blockade technique. Here, we demonstrate a rapid (with a duration of a few us) and accurate (with >99% fidelity) parity spin measurement in a silicon double quantum dot. These results represent a significant step forward toward implementing measurement-based quantum error correction in silicon

    Probing resonating valence bonds on a programmable germanium quantum simulator

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    Simulations using highly tunable quantum systems may enable investigations of condensed matter systems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Quantum dots and donors in semiconductor technology define a natural approach to implement quantum simulation. Several material platforms have been used to study interacting charge states, while gallium arsenide has also been used to investigate spin evolution. However, decoherence remains a key challenge in simulating coherent quantum dynamics. Here, we introduce quantum simulation using hole spins in germanium quantum dots. We demonstrate extensive and coherent control enabling the tuning of multi-spin states in isolated, paired, and fully coupled quantum dots. We then focus on the simulation of resonating valence bonds and measure the evolution between singlet product states which remains coherent over many periods. Finally, we realize four-spin states with ss-wave and dd-wave symmetry. These results provide means to perform non-trivial and coherent simulations of correlated electron systems.Comment: Article main text and Supplementary Information Main text: 9 pages, 5 figures Supplementary Information: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Single-hole pump in germanium

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    Abstract: Single-charge pumps are the main candidates for quantum-based standards of the unit ampere because they can generate accurate and quantized electric currents. In order to approach the metrological requirements in terms of both accuracy and speed of operation, in the past decade there has been a focus on semiconductor-based devices. The use of a variety of semiconductor materials enables the universality of charge pump devices to be tested, a highly desirable demonstration for metrology, with GaAs and Si pumps at the forefront of these tests. Here, we show that pumping can be achieved in a yet unexplored semiconductor, i.e. germanium. We realise a single-hole pump with a tunable-barrier quantum dot electrostatically defined at a Ge/SiGe heterostructure interface. We observe quantized current plateaux by driving the system with a single sinusoidal drive up to a frequency of 100 MHz. The operation of the prototype was affected by accidental formation of multiple dots, probably due to disorder potential, and random charge fluctuations. We suggest straightforward refinements of the fabrication process to improve pump characteristics in future experiments
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