1,106 research outputs found
Reactive and mixing processes governing ammonium and nitrate coexistence in a polluted coastal aquifer
A comprehensive hydrochemical, stable isotope and microbial analyses characterisation has been performed to evaluate the sources of groundwater, nitrogen pollution and degradation processes occurring in an industrial polluted coastal aquifer in the framework of a complex hydrodynamic system. The coexistence of ammonium and nitrate has been observed in almost all the investigated monitoring wells, reaching maximum values of 100 and 200 mg/L for both species. Chloride and potassium concentration coupled with groundwater stable isotopes data show the influence of local and urban recharge and the occurrence of seawater intrusion in areas near the coastline. δ15N–NH4+ values ranging between −4.9 and +14.9% suggest that different processes such as partial nitrification of ammonium, probably anammox activities and sorption, are occurring at the site. The isotope data for NH4+also showed the existence of the remnant of an old fertilizer plume in the downgradient area. The nitrate isotope data ranging between +9 and +46% and +6 and +26% for δ15N–NO3−and δ18O–NO3−, respectively, suggest that nitrate content is attenuated by denitrification and probably annamox. The fast groundwater flow field is one of the reasons for the coexistence of NH4+and NO3− in groundwater, since both compounds can penetrate the reducing zone of the aquifer. The influence of leakage of sewage pipelines on the aquifer cannot be discerned due to the complexities of the nitrogen attenuation processes, also influenced by pumping activities
Asymptomatic patients and immune subjects
first_page settings Open AccessEntry Asymptomatic Patients and Immune Subjects by Sheila Veronese * [ORCID] and Andrea Sbarbati Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, Verona University, 10 Sq. L.A.Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Academic Editor: Stephen Bustin Encyclopedia 2022, 2(1), 109-126; https://doi.org/10.3390/encyclopedia2010008 Received: 15 November 2021 / Revised: 21 December 2021 / Accepted: 7 January 2022 / Published: 11 January 2022 (This article belongs to the Collection Encyclopedia of COVID-19) Download PDF Browse Figures Citation Export Definition An asymptomatic patient is someone who contracts a disease but shows no symptoms. An immune subject is a person who is free from virus infection. Both of these categories of people experience the limitations of government imposed by a pandemic situation, with one important difference. Probably only the first subjects contribute, in spite of themselves, to the spread of the disease and to the contagion of the people most susceptible to the virus. This implies that their detection is essential to limit infections. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of these people and those immune to the virus can be extremely useful in mitigating the effects of the disease and/or defeating it
Morphological evidences in circumvallate papilla and von Ebners' gland development in mice
In rodents, the circumvallate papilla (CVP), with its underlying minor salivary gland, the von Ebners' gland (VEG), is located on the dorsal surface of the posterior tongue. Detailed morphological processes to form the proper structure of CVP and VEG have not been properly elucidated. In particular, the specific localization patterns of taste buds in CVP and the branching formation of VEG have not yet been elucidated. To understand the developmental mechanisms underlying CVP and VEG formation, detailed histological observations of CVP and VEG were examined using a three-dimensional computer-aided reconstruction method with serial histological sections and pan-Cytokeratins immunostainings. In addition, to define the developmental processes in CVP and VEG formation, we examined nerve innervations and cell proliferation using microinjections of AM1-43 and immunostainings with various markers, including phosphoinositide 3-kinase, Ki-67, PGP9.5, and Ulex europaeus agglutinin 1 (UEA1). Results revealed specific morphogenesis of CVP and VEG with nerve innervations patterns, evaluated by the coincided localization patterns of AM1-43 and UEA1. Based on these morphological and immunohistochemical results, we suggest that nerve innervations and cell proliferations play important roles in the positioning of taste buds in CVP and branching morphogenesis of VEG in tongue development
Oggetto del presente studio \ue8 la narrazione pubblica delle stragi degli anni Settanta, realizzata attraverso il filtro della carta stampata di ieri e di oggi. In particolare, le stragi delle quali \ue8 stato ricostruito il pubblico racconto sono quelle di Milano (12 dicembre 1969), di Brescia (28 maggio 1974) e di Bologna (2 agosto 1980).
L\u2019interesse di ricerca \ue8 nato dalla percezione di un vuoto storiografico rispetto all\u2019\u201cimpressione di realt\ue0\u201d - quindi all\u2019immaginario - che nel corso dei decenni quotidiani e periodici nazionali hanno edificato riguardo allo stragismo neofascista.
In generale, l\u2019eversione di destra \u2013 seppur oggetto di preziosi studi - \ue8 stata meno analizzata rispetto a quella di sinistra e quello che \ue8 divenuto il cosiddetto \u201ccaso Moro\u201d, perch\ue9 sovente stigmatizzata come subalterna allo Stato e quindi priva di una sua dimensione particolare.
\uc8 esattamente in questo spazio che la ricerca s\u2019inserisce, guardando alla storia d\u2019Italia attraverso l\u2019interpretazione dello stragismo offerta dall\u2019informazione a stampa.
La scelta della fonte giornalistica come fonte storica per analizzare le categorie interpretative e i quadri di riferimento messi a disposizione dell\u2019opinione pubblica, ha richiesto di tenere in considerazione gli elementi distintivi del giornalismo italiano e i suoi rapporti con il contesto politico nazionale coevo alle stragi, con attenzione anche per i cambiamenti occorsi nel tempo nel mondo dell\u2019informazione e nel panorama internazionale, definendo un arco temporale che dal 1969 giunge sino al 2017. Inoltre, gli scenari politici sovranazionali della Guerra Fredda sono costantemente richiamati in virt\uf9 dell\u2019intima connessione fra eversione di destra, forze dell\u2019ordine e servizi di sicurezza italiani da un lato, ed equilibri geopolitici internazionali dall\u2019altro.
Si \ue8 scelto di attingere a numerose testate nazionali per dare conto delle diverse linee editoriali, delle molteplici caratterizzazioni politiche delle stesse, dei differenti stili comunicativi e della pluralit\ue0 di lettori cui ogni quotidiano o periodico \ue8 destinato.
Fra gli archivi storici pi\uf9 attenzionati emergono quelli del \u201cCorriere della Sera\u201d, \u201cLa Stampa\u201d,\u201cla Repubblica\u201d, \u201cL\u2019Unit\ue0\u201d, \u201cIl Giorno\u201d, \u201cLa Notte\u201d, \u201cLa Nazione\u201d, \u201cL\u2019Avanti!\u201d, \u201cil Manifesto\u201d, \u201cLotta Continua\u201d, \u201cUmanit\ue0 Nova\u201d, \u201cIl Popolo\u201d, \u201cil Secolo d\u2019Italia\u201d, \u201cCandido\u201d e \u201cil Borghese\u201d.
A ogni strage \ue8 stato dedicato uno specifico capitolo in cui sono introdotti i fatti e gli esiti giudiziari, analizzate le prime reazioni della stampa, ricostruiti gli anni dei processi e la ricezione delle sentenze, sino a riproporre l\u2019eco pubblica delle opere che nel corso dei decenni sono intervenute sul tema.
Gli articoli di cronaca e gli editoriali di approfondimento analizzati permettono di vagliare la riproposizione su carta delle versioni ufficiali delle forze dell\u2019ordine, della magistratura e della politica; le memorie dei protagonisti degli eventi e l\u2019analisi offerta dagli opinion makers che di volta in volta hanno raccontato le stragi dell\u2019Italia repubblicana (giornalisti, storici, magistrati, scienziati sociali).
L\u2019ultimo capitolo \ue8 stato invece dedicato al problema della Memoria e dei suoi rapporti con la Storia, analizzando la produzione memorialistica degli ex terroristi, delle vittime di prima, seconda e terza generazione, sino al tema della riconciliazione e della pacificazione.
Si \ue8 dunque ricostruito il dibattito sviluppatosi \u201ca caldo\u201d ed \u201cex post\u201d, nella consapevolezza che l\u2019informazione e la comunicazione pubblica della Storia sono fondamentali per la storicizzazione del passato traumatico della Nazione
Luminescence and fluorescence of essential oils. Fluorescence imaging in vivo of wild chamomile oil
Essential oils are currently of great importance to pharmaceutical companies, cosmetics producers and manufacturers of veterinary products. They are found in perfumes, creams, bath products, and household cleaning substances, and are used for flavouring food and drinks. It is well known that some of them act on the respiratory apparatus. The increasing interest in optical imaging techniques and the development of related technologies have made possible the investigation of the optical properties of several compounds. Luminescent properties of essential oils have not been extensively investigated. We evaluated the luminescent and fluorescent emissions of several essential oils, in order to detect them in living organisms by exploiting their optical properties. Some fluorescent emission data were high enough to be detected in dermal treatments. Consequently, we demonstrated how the fluorescent signal can be monitored for at least three hours on the skin of living mice treated with wild chamomile oil. The results encourage development of this technique to investigate the properties of drugs and cosmetics containing essential oils
Intraoperative electrically auditory brainstem responses to monitor auditory functionality preservation during auditory brainstem implant application.
Background: Perceptual outcomes of individuals with neurofibromatosis type II implanted with auditory brainstem implant are poor, and many factors seem to be involved. Undoubtedly, the preservation of neural functionality is the crucial aspect. The aim of this study is to verify that the use of intraoperative electrically auditory brainstem responses can help to understand if there is neural damage related to the tumor, and / or surgery. Material and Methods: A retrospective case series analysis was performed to review data from 6 adult patients affected by neurofibromatosis type 2 who received an auditory brainstem implant. A correlation was sought between intraoperative electrophysiological data, auditory performance at 1 and 2.5 years of follow-up, and auditory brainstem implant stimulation levels. Results: Patients with a better perceptual outcomes were those with more intraoperative peaks and peaks with wider amplitudes in the electrically auditory brainstem response recordings. Conclusions: Electrically auditory brainstem responses used for auditory brainstem implant placement can be a valuable tool for monitoring the preservation of neural acoustic functionality
Impacto de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) en la industria del turismo de cruceros en el Gran Caribe: efectos, desafíos y perspectivas
El turismo de cruceros es uno de los segmentos de la industria turística internacional con mayor crecimiento durante las últimas décadas, y el Caribe se presenta como el principal destino de interés, con una participación del 40% del mercado mundial de cruceros en 2019. La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) y las medidas implementadas para mitigar la propagación del virus tuvieron un gran impacto en la industria y en el turismo en general en toda América Latina y el Caribe, con importantes repercusiones económicas a nivel local y regional. Las restricciones sobre los cruceros fueron muy estrictas y el sector tuvo que hacer frente a una suspensión de actividades de más de 12 meses. Los Gobiernos de la región y las empresas de cruceros adoptaron una serie de medidas para disminuir los efectos socioeconómicos de la crisis y para estimular la recuperación, poniendo en marcha rigurosos protocolos de bioseguridad para garantizar experiencias saludables y seguras. Aunque los niveles de actividad aún no alcanzan los registrados antes de la pandemia, ya se avizora una recuperación económica de los destinos.Resumen .-- Introducción .-- I. La importancia del turismo y de la industria de cruceros en América Latina y el Caribe .-- II. La pandemia de COVID-19: efectos, medidas de contención y su impacto
sobre el turismo y la industria de cruceros en América Latina y el Caribe .-- III. Acciones para la reactivación del turismo y de la industria de cruceros en América Latina y el Caribe .-- IV. Perspectivas, desafíos y estrategias para la recuperación de la industria de cruceros en el Caribe
De novo synthesis of diacylglycerol from glucose. A new pathway of signal transduction in human neutrophils stimulated during phagocytosis of beta-glucan particles.
The phagocytosis of beta-glucan particles by human neutrophils and the associated activation of NADPH O2- forming oxidase were accompanied by an increased hydrolysis of phosphoinositides by phospholipase C, hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine by phospholipase D, accumulation of diglyceride (DG) mass, and [Ca2+]i rise. The reaction of phospholipid hydrolysis played a minor role in the formation of DG, which was mainly formed by de novo synthesis from glucose. The activation of this pathway was shown by the stimulation of the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into DG, which occurred very rapidly after the challenge of neutrophils with beta-glucan particles. This DG derived from glucose was found almost completely as 1-acyl-2-acyl-glycerol (DAG). On the basis of the finding that phosphatidic acid was the precursor of DAG, an increase in the incorporation of [U-14C]acetate into DAG did not occur, and the [14C]radioactivity was in the glycerol backbone, the synthesis of DAG from [U-14C]glucose occurred very likely via dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol 3-phosphate, stepwise acylation to phosphatidic acid, and dephosphorylation by phosphatidate phosphatase
Groundwater recharge distribution due to snow cover in shortage conditions (2019–22) on the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer (Central Italy)
Aquifer recharge by the snowpack is relevant to be assessed to evaluate groundwater availability in mountainous karst regions. The recharge due to snowpack in the Gran Sasso aquifer has previously been estimated through an empirical approach using elevation gradients. To validate and quantify the coverage and persistence of the snowpack over time through an objective method, satellite images have been analysed. The Campo Imperatore plain, the endorheic basin acting as a preferential recharge area of the aquifer, plays an important role, both for the snow cover and also for the infiltration and recharge of springs. The identification of recharge areas has been validated by the stable isotope approach with the assessment of computed isotope recharge elevation based on the values and oscillations of the delta O-18 isotope recorded at the springs. The main findings confirm the high infiltration rate of Campo Imperatore plain and its direct influence on snow contribution to aquifer recharge. The extension of snow coverage out of this plain has a minor influence to recharge, highlighting that the main drivers for infiltration rate are fractured networks and karstic forms more than snow coverage on carbonate outcrops
Uso sustentable de agroquímicos : Debates a nivel nacional e internacional
En este nuevo milenio, la sociedad está siendo cada vez más consciente del desafío que implica el «desarrollo sustentable» y el uso cuidadoso de los agroquímicos.
En estos últimos años, y desde muy distintos ámbitos, se desarrolla muy intensa actividad para la recuperación de medios contaminados y la generación de tecnologías benignas para la producción de compuestos químicos. («Green Chemistry») De modo que el primer concepto es evitar la producción de aquellos compuestos muy contaminantes, y que se usan en grandes volúmenes. Así la producción de DDT y PCB, se ha prohibido en la mayoría de los países desarrollados. Otros principios son utilizar procesos de bajo riesgo o ¨tecnologías limpias¨; diseñar nuevos productos que no tengan impacto importante en los distintos ciclos de los ecosistemas; privilegiar la utilización de fuentes renovables como alternativa a la proveniente de residuos fósiles, etc.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinari
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