25 research outputs found

    Influence of COVID-19 infection on placental function

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    Objectives: Pregnant women are more susceptible to infectious diseases because of their natural immunosuppression. SARS-CoV-2 seems to be a potential risk for the condition of women and the fetus. Unfortunately, knowledge of the influence of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) on pregnant women and their children is still very limited, and further investigation and analysis are needed. The aim of the study was to conduct a meta-analysis of research about the impact of COVID-19 on the placenta. Material and methods: Articles published between 2020 and 2021 and contained in the PubMed and Elsevier databases were analyzed. Results: The SARS-CoV-2 infection also led to pregnancy complications in the patients. The most common pregnancy complications include caesarean delivery (80%), preterm delivery (26%), fetal distress (8%), premature rupture of the membranes (9%) and stillbirth (2%). Among the observed patients, neonatal complications occurred, such as premature delivery (25%), respiratory distress syndrome (8%), pneumonia (8%) and deaths of 4 newborns SARS-CoV-2 was found mainly in syncytiotrophoblast cells at the maternal-fetal border of the placenta. Histological examination of the placenta revealed dense macrophage infiltration. Abnormal perfusion of fetal blood vessels or fetal vascular thrombosis was observed. Elevated levels of SARS-CoV-2 IgG or IgM antibodies in the umbilical cord blood were observed in nine newborns, reported as evidence of vertical infection. Conclusions: The features of placental damage in women with COVID-19 are clearly different from the control group. Further research is needed to better understand how SARS-CoV-2 infection affects the placenta

    Current treatment options for advanced choriocarcinoma on the basis of own case and review of the literature

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    Choriocarcinoma is one of rare neoplasms of female reproductive organs. In the last decade only a few cases of this disease have been registered in Poland. The paper presents the current principles of diagnosis and treatment options for this rare disease based on the authors’ clinical experience (description of the case) and literature review. This paper provides basic information on epidemiology, FIGO classification, and also discusses the chemotherapy regimens used in the medical treatment of choriocarcinoma. Surgical options were also considered. A thematic review of the most important papers published in international journals in recent years has also been made

    The role of estimated fetal weight discordance in dichorionic twin pregnancies

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    Evaluation of relative fetal growth in the form of estimated fetal weight discordance (EFWd) is a necessary element of any ultrasound examination in twin pregnancies. It is one of the criteria for the diagnosis of selective fetal growth restriction (sFGR) according to the most established worldwide guidelines. Apart from the effectiveness of this parameter for the diagnosis of sFGR, it may also be used as an independent factor for risk stratification of neonatal and maternal complications. Furthermore, numerous studies have proven the greater prognostic value of EFWd in dichorionic pregnancies, which may result from differences in the pathogenesis of fetal growth abnormalities in mono- and dichorionic pregnancies. Because of the variability of this parameter throughout pregnancy, there is an ongoing discussion regarding replacing or individualizing it with percentile charts. An additional element, complementary to EFWd in assessing the risk of complications in twin pregnancies is the use of this measurement in combination with Doppler assessment, which increases its predictive value. The use of EFWd as one of the factors influencing care and decision-making in dichorionic twin pregnancies seems to be a simple and effective method, however, further research assessing the use and possible applications of this indicator is necessary

    The impact of limited access of photodynamic therapy during COVID-19 pandemic on patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus

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    Objectives: Stressful situations have an impact on progression of lichen sclerosus. The aim of the study was to investigate fears and complaints of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus and progression of disease at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: The analysis was based on 103 women with mean age was 64.81 ± 11.36 years divided into two groups. The first one comprised of patients with stabilization of disease during the pandemic with mean age 66.02 ± 10.01 (32–87), while the second one with progression of vulvar symptoms with mean age 63.49 ± 12.66 (25–87). Results: Delay of diagnosis was reported to be a problem for respectively 25.93% of women from both groups. Fear about COVID-19 was described respectively by 57.4% and 55.1%. Stabilization of disease was more frequent in patients after photodynamic therapy before pandemic. Progression of vulvar symptoms and features were observed more in patients who did not conduct PDT previously. All patients from the second group who underwent photodynamic therapy reported disappointment because of no access for continuation of treatment. On the other hand, 81.4% (43 women) regret that have no chance for trying photodynamic therapy. Conclusions: Photodynamic therapy seems to be a method of treatment with longer survival without progression of lichen sclerosus in times of  pandemics. There has been no investigation until now about concerns of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus. Better understanding of problems connected with the pandemic can help medical personnel in taking care of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus

    Peritoneal inclusion cysts as a diagnostic and treatment challenge

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    Peritoneal inclusion cysts (PICs) are benign multilocular cysts that consist of fluid localized between intraperitoneal adhesions. They usually present in women in the third and fourth decades of life with a history of prior pelvic or abdominal surgery, especially months to 20 years ago. PICs have low mortality and the potential for high morbidity. Transvaginal ultrasound with color Doppler has an important role in the differential diagnosis. Also, a very important role is played by CA 125 plasma level or use of the ROMA algorithm. But thanks to laparoscopy and the possibility of biopsy from suspicious lesions the correct diagnosis can be established. Treatment of PICs depends individually on the patient’s condition, symptoms, other diseases, and desire for procreation. Among other contemplated are hormonal oral contraceptive, an image-guided aspiration, minimally invasive or open surgery. The issue of diagnosis and treatment of PICs requires the continuation of multicentre, randomized clinical trials to find and standardize effective, personalized treatments for PICs

    The role of selected molecular factors in ovarian cancer metastasis

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    The main reason for treatment failure in ovarian cancer is chemoresistance and the presence of metastasis. Ascites, which allows the physical movement of cancer cells, the lymphovascular pathway, and several molecular factors and signalling axes, are involved in metastasis. Ascites, with the involvement of cytokines and chemokines, MAPK/STAT1 and NOTCH as well as CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling pathways and circulating anoikis induces cancer dissemination, in particular to the peritoneum and omentum. The spread of lymphatic and bloodstream cancer cells is a multi-stage process. Tumour infiltration of the stroma and lymphovascular space (LVSI) produces biologically active cancer-associated fibroblasts and macrophages (CAFs, TAMs) that secrete numerous cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, inhibit NK function, induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), resulting in an increase of the metastatic potential of cancer cells and the formation of cancer stem cells (CSCs). Overexpression of some genes, and microRNAs, in LVSI-(LMGS) associated with metastasis has been identified. The role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) transporting metastasis-associated factors has been described as has the role of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in chemotherapy resistance and metastasis. Sirtuins, enzymes involved in metastasis formation, have also been detected. Certain types of microRNAs (miR-509-3p, microRNA-506-3p) and melatonin have been shown to inhibit metastasis.  

    Interleukin-6 is not essential for bone turnover in hypothyroid mice.

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    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of several bone diseases characterized by an imbalance between bone resorption and formation. The aim of the study was to estimate serum markers of bone turnover: osteoclast-derived tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase form 5a (TRACP 5b) and osteocalcin in IL-6-deficient mice to assess the role of IL-6 in bone metabolism in hypothyroidism in mice. C57BL/6J (wild-type; WT) and C57BL/6J(IL6-/-Kopf) (IL-6 knock-out; IL6KO) mice randomly divided into 4 groups with 10 in each one: 1/ WT mice in hypothyroidism (WT-ht), 2/ WT controls, 3/ IL6KO mice with hypothyroidism (IL6KO-ht) and 4/ IL6KO controls. Experimental model of hypothyroidism was induced by intraperitoneal injection of propylthiouracyl. The serum levels of TRACP 5b and osteocalcin were determined by ELISA. Serum concentrations of TRACP 5b (median and interquartile ranges) were significantly decreased in both groups of mice with hypothyroidism: WT (3.2 (2.5-4.7) U/l) and IL6KO (2.6 (1.8-3.5) U/l) as compared to the respective controls. Similarly, serum osteocalcin levels were significantly reduced in both groups of mice in experimental hypothyroidism: WT (25.8 (23.0-28.2) ng/ml) and IL6KO (21.5(19.0-24.6) ng/ml) in comparison to the respective controls. There were no significant differences in bone turnover markers between IL6KO and WT mice both in hypothyroid and control animals. The results of the present study suggest that IL-6 does not play an important role in bone turnover in both euthyroid and hypothyroid mice

    Recommendations of the Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians, Polish Paediatric Society, Polish Society of Family Medicine, Polish Society of Vaccinology, Polish Society of Oncological Gynaecology and Polish Society of Colposcopy and Pathophysiology of the Uterine Cervix on prophylactic vaccinations against infections with human papillomaviruses in Poland

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    Several hundred million people are infected with genital genotypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV) annually in the world. The infections transmitted mainly through sexual routes are usually asymptomatic, but can lead to the development of cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal, penile cancers, some head and neck cancers and genital warts (condylomas). The fraction HPV-related cancers range from nearly 100% in the case of cervical cancer to several/over a dozen percent in the case of other cancers and diseases. There are no effective drugs against HPV, but prophylactic HPV vaccines are available free of charge in immunization programmes in many countries around the world. In Poland, HPV vaccinations have so far been executed out on the pocket or in free-of-charge, local-governmental prevention programs, but the vaccination coverage of the target population does not exceed 10%. From November 2021, one of the vaccines is available with a 50% reimbursement, work is underway to reimburse the next ones, and the National Oncology Strategy assumes the implementation of the HPV immunization programmes and vaccination of 60% of the teen population by 2028. Three prophylactic HPV vaccines are registered. All of them are safe and their effectiveness in the prevention of diseases caused by vaccine genotypes reaches almost 100%, provided that full post-vaccination immunity is obtained before the contact with the virus. Girls aged 11-13 are the priority target cohort for HPV vaccination in Poland. The implementation of routine, free-of-charge HPV immunization in the Preventive Immunization Program (PIP) for all adolescents should be pursued. Persons over the age of 13 may also benefit from HPV vaccination and should be vaccinated according to product specifications. In addition to free access under the PIP, the key element for the success of the implementation of HPV vaccinations in Poland will be the education of medical personnel and parents of adolescents to be vaccinated