43 research outputs found

    Association of Uric Acid Level and Body Mass Index in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients.

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    Body Mass Index (BMI) or formerly called Quetelet Index is the measurement for scoring nutrient state in adults by using body weight (in kilogram) and body height (in metre). Obesity and overweight are defined as an abnormality of fat accumulation that can damage our health. Uric acid is a substance that is formed when the breaking process of purine occur. Hyperuricemia are condition that are closely related with gout. Uric acid level increased significantly towards those having obesity. It is  also concluded that obesity was the usual cause in patients with recurrent gout attack. Strong  relation has been found between high BMI with gout arthritis occurance. This research  is a descriptive analytic research with cross sectional design  included 50 diabetic subjects aged over 40 years old.  Subjects picked by consecutive sampling then we examined the weight, height, waist size, blood pressure and laboratory tests for fasting blood sugar and serum uric acid level. With statistical analysis using chi square we found that there was no significant association between BMI and serum uric acid level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (p>0.005)

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pengungkapan, Ukuran Dewan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Kualitas Auditor Eksternal terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan

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    Corporate governance mechanism ara influencing firm performance. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of level of disclosure, board size, board committe, and audit quality on the financial performance, given the agency theory as a basic used in this study. The data used in this research is secondary data. Population of this research is a listed firm on Indonesian Stock Exchange published on year 2013 and 2014, while sampel in this research is 606 Indonesian listed firms, outlier 3 firms, so that the final sampel is 603 Indonesian listed firms published on year 2013 and 2014 and in accordance with the specified criteria. Firm performance in this research measured by accounting based-measure of Return on Equity (ROE). The results of this research, level of disclosure, board size, board committe, and also audit quality had significant impact on firm performance


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    ABSTRAK POTENSI IMUNOGENIK CONSERVED REGION L1 HIGH RISK HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) SEBAGAI DASAR PENGEMBANGAN DIAGNOSIS HPV PADA KANKER SERVIKS MAYA SAVIRA Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit keganasan keempat terbanyak pada wanita di seluruh dunia dan pada hampir seluruh kasus kanker serviks disebabkan oleh infeksi high risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Protein L1 merupakan struktur protein kapsid mayor yang membentuk struktur virus dan berperan dalam proses transmisi dan infeksi. Protein L1 HPV juga memiliki conserved region atau area yang dilestarikan dan beberapa epitop yang dapat menginduksi respon antibodi spesifik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif dan uji diagnostik yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi imunogenik epitop sel B pada conserved region protein L1 hrHPV yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi rapid test kanker serviks. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD Arifin Ahmad Riau dari Januari 2018 – Juli 2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola hrHPV terbanyak pada penderita kanker serviks di Riau adalah HPV tipe 16 yang memiliki variasi nukleotida berupa insersi ATC, substitusi C/G dan A/G serta delesi GAT. Conserved region protein L1 hrHPV 16 berada pada posisi 5559 – 7200 dengan standar K02718.1. Potensi imunogenitas dengan nilai uji terbaik adalah epitop A dengan nilai cut off 0.134 yang memiliki kesesuaian yang baik dengan standar baku (PCR). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah HPV 16 adalah penyebab tersering kanker serviks di Riau dan epitop A protein L1 hrHPV dengan nilai cut off ≥ 0.136 dapat dijadikan standar pengembangan diagnostik HPV pada kanker serviks. Kata kunci: Kanker serviks, HPV, Protein L1, conserved region, potensi imunogeni


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data mengenai kepemimpinan yang diterapkan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Kompetensi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan dan pendelegasian.. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pusat Pengembangan Kompetensi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Februari 2017 hingga Bulan Juni 2017. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini yaitu : Kepala Pusat dan beberapa informan pendukung antara lain Kepala Bidang Otonomi, Keuangan, Pembangunan, dan Kewilayahan, Kepala Sub Bidang Otonomi dan Keuangan Daerah, Kepala Sub Bidang Tata Usaha, dan Staf Tata Usaha. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data, dpaat disimpulkan bahwa kepala pusat secara umum menjalankan perannya sebagai pemimpin. Pengambilan keputusan dilakukan secara musyawarah melalui beberaa tahap diantaranya tahap identifikasi masalah, mendefinisikan masalah, mencari dan mengembangkan alternative, implementasi hasil keputusan, dan evaluasi keputusan. Sedangkan pendelegasian yang dilakukan oleh kepala pusat dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu dimulai dari memahami maksud atau tujuan dari pendelegasian, menentukan orang yang akan didelegasi, menyampaikan perincian tugas, melakukan pengawasan, dan melakukan evaluasi serta tindak lanjut dari hasil pendelegasian. Kepala pusat hendaknya mengubah orientasi dalam melibatkan berbagai pihak dalam rapat menjadi peningkatan kualitas keputusan melalui kerjasama. Dan kepala pusat beserta pegawai hendaknya meningkatkan komunikasi yang lebih baik lagi sehingga dapat mencegah adanya ketidaksesuaian antara ketidaksesuaian dalam pengerjaan tugas. This study aims to determine the leadership of decision making and delegation applied by the Head of Ministry of Home Affairs Competency Development Center. This study was conducted at Ministry of Home Affairs Competency Development Center. This research was conducted on February until June 2017. Researcher used qualitative approach and descriptive method of data collection is done through observation interview and documentation study. Sources of data from this research are: Head of center and some supporting informants, among others Head of Development and Regional Financial Autonomy Unit, Head of Economy and Regional Financial Unit, Head of Administration Unit, Administration Unit Employee. Based on the results of research and data analysis can be concluded that the head of the general in his role as a leader. Decision-making is conducted by deliberation through several stages between the identification phase of the problem defining the problem of finding and developing alternative implementation of the decision result and evaluation of the decision. While the delegation conducted by the head of the center is done through several stages, starting from understanding the intent or purpose of the delegation, determining the person to be delegated, submitting task details, monitoring and evaluating and follow-up of the results of the delegation. The Head of Center should change the orientation in involving various parties in the meeting to improve the quality of decisions through cooperation. The Head of Center and employees should improve the communication better so that it can prevent any incompatibility between the work of the task

    Comparison Ghrehlin at Obesity Without Metabolic Sydrome With Obesity with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Obesity is principal causative factor in the development of metabolic syndrome and Ghrelin as human natural hormones is involved in fundamental regulatory processof eating and energy balance.Obesity, which has become a global public health problem, is one of the major risk factors for development metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus.This study aimed to analyze the comparison of ghrelin hormone levels in obese with metabolic syndrome and obese non metabolic syndrome . The sample population is obese adults, then we examined the weight, height, waist size, blood pressure, laboratory tests such as blood sugar levels and lipid profile of sample population to separate obese with metabolic syndrome and obese non metabolic syndrome. After we determined  each group we measured stress oxidative levels in blood in obese with metabolic syndrome and obese non metabolic syndrome by ELISA method.With statistical analysis using T test found that there was significant difference of ghrelin hormone levels between obese with metabolic syndrome and obese without metabolic syndrome (p<0.005)

    The Relation between Lipid Profile and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in North Sumatera, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: The global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), a chronic metabolic disorder, has been steadily increasing. Increasing blood sugar levels (BSL) are reliably measured by glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). AIM: The aim of this research is to observe the relation between lipid profile with glycemic control at uncontrolled and controlled type 2 DM, early detection of abnormalities in the lipid profile can minimize cardiovascular complication risk in patients with type 2 DM. METHODS: Collecting medical data record, for example, blood pressure, height and body mass index, duration of disease, family history, and medicine treatment. Laboratory examination such as BSL, HbA1c levels, and lipid profile such as cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides (TGs) was evaluated. The study was conducted by implementing cross-sectional methods, among 112 patients with type 2 DM who were admitted from various primary health-care centers in Medan city and the surrounding areas in North Sumatera. The sample criteria are type 2 DM’ patients and both genders. The exclusion criteria of the samples are those with type 1 DM and critical disease. RESULTS: There is a difference between the average lipid profile level (high-density lipoprotein and TG) in controlled and uncontrolled type 2 DM. Furthermore, there is also a difference between the average HbA1c value in controlled type 2 DM and uncontrolled type 2 DM (p<0.005). CONCLUSION: This study showed a difference in lipid profile (high-density lipoprotein and TG) and HbA1c between uncontrolled and controlled type 2 DM. Therefore, type 2 DM patients were recommended to undergo periodical glycemic and lipid profile examination control to prevent cardiovascular disease complication

    Reforming training system for the Indonesian civil servants

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2009masterpublishedby Evi Maya Savira

    The Effect of Health Education on Control Glycemic at Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of short-term education on glycemic control (glycated hemoglobin [HbA1c] and fasting blood sugar [FBS]) among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending to primary health care (PHC) in Medan Johor of North Sumatera, Indonesia. METHODS: The study was performed on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Johor PHC, Medan of North Sumatera, on 40 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. We took the samples of all the patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus who attend PHC in Medan Johor. The patients received for 3 months intervention by education. An educational course of diabetes together with exercise training and nutritional education was designed for the study population in order to increase the patients’ knowledge and attitude toward diabetes and to increase their participation in the self-monitoring of glycemic control. Samples of FBS and HbA1c were recorded for each patient at the time of the baseline survey, then health education was conducted to the diabetic patients of both sexes attending PHC. The patients received standard advice on diet management and variation about activity. We put HbA1c <6.5% as cut limit for the control of diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: All 40 type 2 diabetes patients completed the educational course. The mean of age of the samples is 62.53 years old, the mean of body mass index was 24.81 kg/m, and the mean of waist size was 92.15 cm. Before the education, the mean of FBS level was 238.83 mg/dl and the mean of Hba1c value is 8.90%. After education, the FBS was 216.88 mg/dl, the mean of HbA1c value was 8.74%. CONCLUSION: The effect of health education in Johor Public Health Care Medan city reduced glycemic control (FBS) in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, North Sumatera, Indonesia

    Relationship between Plasma Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1α in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Malignancy and Without Malignancy

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus was associated with hypoxia condition and result ischemia and induced neovascularization and other forms of the cell adaptation in response to the tissue concentrations of low oxygen levels. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 alpha a marker of the cell adaptation as a hypoxic cell response which was due of chronic hiperglycemia. AIM: The aim of this study to know the relationship between Hba1c and plasma HIF-1 α level at type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. METHODS: The cross-sectional study design using the 89 samples of diabetes mellitus patients who attended Murni Teguh Hospital in Medan of Indonesia country. The inclusion criteria of the samples were all the patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus both the sexes. Body mass index, blood pressure, and disease history six socioeconomic status was recorded. The laboratory parameters, including fasting blood sugar and Hba1c were examined by Murni Teguh Hospital Laboratory. RESULTS: The result of the study we found that there was no significant difference the hypoxia-inducible factor 1α level (HIF-1α) at type 2 diabetes mellitus with malignancy was higher compared at type 2 diabetes mellitus without malignancy. CONCLUSION: The patient’s type 2 diabetes mellitus with the high HIF-1α levels have a poor prognosis compared with the lower levels because the high HIF-1α will tend to have a risk complication of malignancy or the other complication of diabetes mellitus

    Profil Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Yang Di Rawat Inap Di Bagian Paru Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Periode 01 Januari - 31 Desember 2013

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been infecting one-third of world population, World Health Organization (WHO) report about 8 milion of world population suffered from tuberculosis with 3 milion people death in a year. The disease is pertained cruetly, but the awareness of sosiety is still low. It can be seen from the finding number of lungs tuberculosis patient. This study intended to look at the profile of lung tuberculosis patients who were stayed at department of respiratory medicine Arifinn Achmad general hospital Riau Province period of 01 january – 31 december 2013. The research used descriptive method which is done by retrospective approach. The result of this study shown that most of lung tuberculosis patient were male 35 people (70%), with range of age 55-64 years old. The average patient was not working around 30 people (60%). The mayority of the patient had BTA (acid-fast bacillus) positive result of their sputum test 44 people (88%). Most of the patient have comorbidities around 26 people (52%), and 10 people (20%) had suspected of MDR TB