5 research outputs found

    All-Optical Switching and Unidirectional Plasmon Launching with Nonlinear Dielectric Nanoantennas

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    High-index dielectric nanoparticles have become a powerful platform for nonlinear nanophotonics due to special types of optical nonlinearity, e.g. caused by electron-hole plasma (EHP) photoexcitation. We propose a highly tunable dielectric nanoantenna consisting of a chain of silicon particles excited by a dipole emitter. The nanoantenna exhibits slow group-velocity guided modes, corresponding to the Van Hove singularity in an infinite structure, which enable a large Purcell factor up to several hundred and are very sensitive to the nanoparticle permittivity. This sensitivity enables the nanoantenna tuning via EHP excitation with an ultrafast laser pumping. Dramatic variations in the nanoantenna radiation patterns and Purcell factor caused by ultrafast laser pumping of several boundary nanoparticles with relatively low intensities of about 25 GW/cm2 are shown. Unidirectional surface-plasmon polaritons launching with EHP excitation in the nanoantenna on a Ag substrate is demonstrated

    Core-shell Yagi-Uda nanoantenna for highly efficient and directive emission

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    We study radiation from hybrid Yagi-Uda nanoantennas composed of metal-dielectric core-shell nanoparticles. We show that due to the presence of two types of resonances in each particle at close frequencies the hybrid Yagi-Uda nanoantenna can operate in two different regimes. In the first regime at low frequencies it operates similarly to plasmonic and all-dielectric Yagi-Uda nanoantennas, and it is characterized with highly directive emission in a forward direction. In the second regime at higher frequencies the hybrid nanoantenna can emit with a high directivity in backward direction due to the presence of the hybrid dispersion branch with negative group velocity. Moreover by choosing the appropriate nanoantenna parameters one can achieve the operation regime when due to excitation of dark magnetic dipole modes in nanoantenna high values of directivity and Purcell factor are realized simultaneouslly in extremely narrow frequency range

    Nonlinear core-shell yagi-uda nanoantenna for highly tunable directive emission

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    We propose a novel type of tunable Yagi-Uda nanoantenna composed of metal-dielectric (Ag- Ge) core-shell nanoparticles. By choosing the appropriate nanoantenna parameters we excite a Van Hove singularity, supporting high values of directivity and Purcell factor within the same narrow frequency range. Our analysis reveals the possibility of flexible dynamical tuning of the hybrid nanoantenna emission pattern via electron-hole plasma excitation by additional fs-laser signal pulses

    Dielectric Yagi-Uda nanoantennas driven by electron-hole plasma photoexcitation

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    All-dielectric nanophotonics based on high-index dielectric nanoparticles became a powerful platform for modern light science, providing many fascinating applications, including high-efficient nanoantennas and metamaterials. High-index dielectric nanostructures are of a special interest for nonlinear nanophotonics, where they demonstrate special types of optical nonlinearity, such as electron-hole plasma photoexcitation, which are not inherent to plasmonic nanostructures. Here, we propose a novel type of highly tunable all-dielectric Yagi-Uda nanoantennas, consisting of a chain of Si nanoparticles exciting by an electric dipole source, which allow tuning of their radiating properties via electron-hole plasma photoexcitation. We theoretically and numerically demonstrate the tuning of radiation power patterns and the Purcell effect by additional pumping of several boundary nanoparticles with relatively low peak intensities of fs-laser

    Регион в условиях развития информационного общества

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    В коллективной монографии рассматриваются вопросы развития региональной социально-экономической системы в условиях развертывания цифровой экономики на примере Владимирской области.Основное внимание уделено вопросам моделирования поведения социально-экономических систем микроуровня, управления государственной собственностью, естественными монополиями, региональным бизнесом, продовольственной безопасностью, человеческим капиталом, инвестициями и инновациями, а также использованию проектного менеджмента,особенностям и перспективам государственного контроля. Монография предназначена для научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студентов вузов, изучающих экономические и управленческие дисциплины, руководителей предприятий и организаций