382 research outputs found

    The generality of inflation in some closed FRW models with a scalar field

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    The generality of inflation in closed FRW Universe is studied for the models with a scalar field on a brane and with a complex scalar field. The results obtained are compared with the previously known results for the model with a scalar field and a perfect fluid. The influence of the measure chosen in the initial condition space on the ratio of inflationary solution is described.Comment: 15 pages with 5 eps figures; small corrections in text; final version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.


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    The article deals with the problems of decentralization of power in Ukraine and certain foreign countries. Positive and negative moments of economic and social development of regions after the consolidation of territorial communities are considered. The state social standards that are considered in the programs of economic and social development are analyzed.The purpose of article is to study how the processes for decentralization of power, finances, etc. are run under conditions of financial, economical and political crisis that take place in Ukraine and countries of Europe.The decentralization of power for Ukraine was a call of the times in the 90-ies of the XX century. And in the XXI century the decentralization of power hides the aspiration of powerful subjects to receive more power, to obtain easier access to state funds. Declaring the interests of territorial communities, as well as the aspiration for solution of problems, being common with neighboring communities as the purpose of decentralization is only the shielding what Ukrainians do not want to hear, what cannot be announced as this will contradict to course of Ukraine to European integration, will contradict to the struggle against corruption, announced in the state.Taking into consideration the abovementioned facts, Ukraine has all prerequisites and conditions for successful decentralization. At the same time, the real situation and delay of appropriate processes in time testifies to the fact that not the prerequisites for decentralization, fixed at the legislative level, are of larger importance in our state but their practical implementationWe think that the prerequisites for performance of successful decentralization are the improvement in managerial efficiency of local self-government (these authorities shall be capable and interested in taking decisions that in fact may be fulfilled); preparation and involvement of highly skilled staff; cooperation between public authorities at all levels pursuant to equal conditions; provision with control over taking and fulfilling the decisions by self-governments.Summing up the abovementioned, we will mention the following. The decentralization of power for Ukraine was a call of the times in the 90-ies of the XX century. And in the XXI century the decentralization of power hides the aspiration of powerful subjects to receive more power, to obtain easier access to state funds. Declaring the interests of territorial communities, as well as the aspiration for solution of problems, being common with neighboring communities as the purpose of decentralization is only the shielding what Ukrainians do not want to hear, what cannot be announced as this will contradict to course of Ukraine to European integration, will contradict to the struggle against corruption, announced in the state. Besides, we think that the steps in reformation for local level of power under crisis conditions are very untimely as this may provoke the ungovernability of certain territorial communities.Исследуются проблемы децентрализации власти в Украине и отдельных зарубежных странах. Рассматриваются положительные и отрицательные моменты экономического и социального развития регионов после проведения укрупнения территориальных общин. Анализируются государственные социальные стандарты, которые обязательно учитываются при разработке программ экономического и социального развития. Исследован процесс децентрализации власти в условиях финансового, экономического и политического кризиса.Питання про зміну відносин владної субординації вже давно привертають увагу вчених та практиків. При цьому саме останні були рушійною силою, яка стимулювала відповідні зміни. Там, де є влада, там є державні ресурси; а саме державні органи займаються питаннями щодо розробки, затвердження та виконання бюджетів, кошторисів тощо. Таким чином, коли виникали питання про необхідність змін у владі, одночасно виникала потреба у зміні підходів до формування та використання публічних (зокрема, бюджетних) ресурсів.У статті розглядаються проблеми децентралізації влади в Україні та окремих зарубіжних країнах. Аналізуються позитивні та негативні моменти економічного та соціального розвитку регіонів після консолідації територіальних громад. Проаналізовано державні соціальні стандарти, які розглядаються в програмах економічного та соціального розвитку.Мета статті – вивчити, як відбуваються процеси децентралізації влади, фінансів тощо в умовах фінансової, економічної та політичної кризи, що мають місце в Україні та країнах Європи.Децентралізація влади для України була покликом часів у 90-х роках XX ст. А в XXI ст. децентралізація влади приховує прагнення потужних суб'єктів отримати більше влади, отримати більш простий доступ до державних коштів. Декларація інтересів територіальних громад, а також прагнення до вирішення проблем, спільність із сусідніми громадами як мета децентралізації є лише захистом того, що українці не хочуть чути, чого не можна оголосити, оскільки це суперечуватиме євроінтеграційному курсу України та боротьбі з корупцією, оголошеній в державі.Основна думка полягає в тому, що не варто ідеалізувати європейський чи світовий досвід, приймати поради та рекомендації закордонних експертів за їх номінальною вартістю, оскільки ЄС взагалі та його країни-члени зокрема (як і інші країни у всьому світі) перебувають у постійному стані розвитку. Досвід – це експеримент, який може мати як позитивні, так і негативні прояви. Наша держава не повинна бути "піддослідною мишею". Хоча все, що зараз відбувається, є свідчення того факту, що Україна, на жаль, певною мірою є таким піддослідним.Можна помітити, що те, що зараз в Україні подається як «децентралізація», відбулося в європейських державах майже 70 років тому. У зв'язку з цим актуальність національної децентралізації як такої, що ґрунтується на європейському досвіді, можна вважати досить спірною, оскільки ці процеси мають різне історичне коріння.Враховуючи зазначені вище факти, в Україні є всі передумови для успішної децентралізації. У той же час реальна ситуація та затримка відповідних процесів у часі свідчить про те, що засади децентралізації, закріплені на законодавчому рівні, мають більше значення у нашій державі, ніж їх практичне впровадження.Передумовами успішної децентралізації є підвищення ефективності управління місцевим самоврядуванням (ці органи влади повинні бути спроможними та зацікавленими приймати рішення, які фактично можуть бути виконані); підготовка та залучення висококваліфікованого персоналу; співпраця між органами державної влади на всіх рівнях на рівних умовах; забезпечення контролю над прийняттям та виконанням рішень органів місцевого самоврядування

    New Interstellar Extinction Maps Based on Gaia and Other Sky Surveys

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    We present new three-dimensional (3D) interstellar extinction maps in the VV and Gaia GG filters within 2 kpc of the Sun, a 3D differential extinction (dust spatial distribution density) map along the lines of sight in the same space, a 3D map of variations in the ratio of the extinctions in the VV and Gaia GG filters within 800 pc of the Sun, and a 2D map of total Galactic extinction through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic space for Galactic latitudes b>13|b|>13^{\circ}. The 3D maps have a transverse resolution from 3.6 to 11.6 pc and a radial resolution of 50 pc. The 2D map has an angular resolution of 6.1 arcmin. We have produced these maps based on the Gaia DR3 parallaxes and Gaia, Pan-STARRS1, SkyMapper, 2MASS, and WISE photometry for nearly 100 million stars. We have paid special attention to the space within 200 pc of the Sun and high Galactic latitudes as regions where the extinction estimates have had a large relative uncertainty so far. Our maps estimate the extinction within the Galactic dust layer from the Sun to an extended object or through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic space with a precision σ(AV)=0.06\sigma(A_\mathrm{V})=0.06 mag. This gives a high relative precision of extinction estimates even at high Galactic latitudes, where, according to our estimates, the median total Galactic extinction through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic objects is AV=0.12±0.06A_\mathrm{V}=0.12\pm0.06 mag. We have shown that the presented maps are among the best ones in data amount, space size, resolution, precision, and other properties.Comment: 15 pages, 4 table

    Isolated carcinomatosis of the abdominal cavity in women: the features of immunophenotypes and morphometric parameters.

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    Patients with isolated abdominal carcinomatosis are traditionally treated similarly to patients with ovarian cancer stage III/IV. Despite histological, molecular and clinical similarities, this approach leaves no room for studying the individual biology of this phenotype of cancer of unknown primary localization. In addition, some metastases of gastrointestinal, pancreatic-biliary or endometrial adenocarcinomas simulate the histological and/or immunohistochemical (IHC) characteristics of primary ovarian adenocarcinomas. Over the past three decades, understanding the biology and pathways of intra-abdominal dissemination of tumors, taking into account the protective function of the peritoneal barrier against further tumor spreading, has led many researchers to consider the concept of peritoneal carcinomatosis as a locoregional disease. In the absence of other systemic metastases, new multimodal approaches combining aggressive cytoreductive surgery, intraperitoneal hyperthermia chemotherapy, and systemic chemotherapy are considered promising for improving disease control and increasing survival. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of clinical data, histological and IHC characteristics of biopsy material of 24 women with isolated abdominal carcinomatosis at the age of 28 to 81 years (mean 56.29±14.68, median 58.5) and 46 cases of primary ovarian tumors of women at the age of 27 to 76 years (mean 52.17±12.72, median 53.5), was performed to determine differential diagnostic criteria. IHC profile of primary ovarian tumors determined the most specific markers of cytokeratin C7 and CA125 (mucin 16), which in 43 out of 46 (93.48%) and 37 of 46 (80.43%) were respectively positive at least partially. It should be noted that 1 undifferentiated carcinoma was negative for both markers, only for SC7-2 mucinous adenocarcinomas and 1 low-grade, but only for CA125-2 endometrioid, 2 light-celled, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma and 4 low-grade adenocarcinomas (the latter were regarded as primary in exclusion of other localizations on the basis of a complete survey). Receptors to estrogens were determined in 14 of 46 (30.43%) of observations, which indicates their prognostic, and not diagnostic significance. In the group of women with isolated carcinomatosis of the abdominal cavity, SK7 was identified in 21 of 24 (87.5%) observations, CA125 in 16 of 24 (66.67%), all of whom had SC7 immunoreactivity, but only 9 of them demonstrated the presence of estrogen receptors, and 6 – serous phenotype (WT-1+), and 1 – mesothelioma (CK7 +, calretinin +). It should be noted that CA125-partially positive tumor patterns were often mixed with undifferentiated and nopapillary tumor deposits. These women were older than of the entire subgroup (mean 61.4 ± 10.08, median 61), but without significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusions. Only 2/3 of the investigated cases of carcinomatosis without primary localization in women after IHC research can be convincingly attributed to ovarian metastases for the application of appropriate therapy. Other 33.33% percent in our study were divided into 1 - neuroendocrine cancer (Chromogranin +, Synaptophysin +), 3 - colorectal (CK20 + CDX2 +), 2 - moderately and 1 - low-grade carcinomas with doubtful immunophenotypes (CK20+/-CDX2-/+CK7-/+Vimentin -/+), as well as 1 mesothelioma

    Isolated carcinomatosis of the abdominal cavity in women: the features of immunophenotypes and morphometric parameters.

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    Patients with isolated abdominal carcinomatosis are traditionally treated similarly to patients with ovarian cancer stage III/IV. Despite histological, molecular and clinical similarities, this approach leaves no room for studying the individual biology of this phenotype of cancer of unknown primary localization. In addition, some metastases of gastrointestinal, pancreatic-biliary or endometrial adenocarcinomas simulate the histological and/or immunohistochemical (IHC) characteristics of primary ovarian adenocarcinomas. Over the past three decades, understanding the biology and pathways of intra-abdominal dissemination of tumors, taking into account the protective function of the peritoneal barrier against further tumor spreading, has led many researchers to consider the concept of peritoneal carcinomatosis as a locoregional disease. In the absence of other systemic metastases, new multimodal approaches combining aggressive cytoreductive surgery, intraperitoneal hyperthermia chemotherapy, and systemic chemotherapy are considered promising for improving disease control and increasing survival. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of clinical data, histological and IHC characteristics of biopsy material of 24 women with isolated abdominal carcinomatosis at the age of 28 to 81 years (mean 56.29±14.68, median 58.5) and 46 cases of primary ovarian tumors of women at the age of 27 to 76 years (mean 52.17±12.72, median 53.5), was performed to determine differential diagnostic criteria. IHC profile of primary ovarian tumors determined the most specific markers of cytokeratin C7 and CA125 (mucin 16), which in 43 out of 46 (93.48%) and 37 of 46 (80.43%) were respectively positive at least partially. It should be noted that 1 undifferentiated carcinoma was negative for both markers, only for SC7-2 mucinous adenocarcinomas and 1 low-grade, but only for CA125-2 endometrioid, 2 light-celled, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma and 4 low-grade adenocarcinomas (the latter were regarded as primary in exclusion of other localizations on the basis of a complete survey). Receptors to estrogens were determined in 14 of 46 (30.43%) of observations, which indicates their prognostic, and not diagnostic significance. In the group of women with isolated carcinomatosis of the abdominal cavity, SK7 was identified in 21 of 24 (87.5%) observations, CA125 in 16 of 24 (66.67%), all of whom had SC7 immunoreactivity, but only 9 of them demonstrated the presence of estrogen receptors, and 6 – serous phenotype (WT-1+), and 1 – mesothelioma (CK7 +, calretinin +). It should be noted that CA125-partially positive tumor patterns were often mixed with undifferentiated and nopapillary tumor deposits. These women were older than of the entire subgroup (mean 61.4 ± 10.08, median 61), but without significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusions. Only 2/3 of the investigated cases of carcinomatosis without primary localization in women after IHC research can be convincingly attributed to ovarian metastases for the application of appropriate therapy. Other 33.33% percent in our study were divided into 1 - neuroendocrine cancer (Chromogranin +, Synaptophysin +), 3 - colorectal (CK20 + CDX2 +), 2 - moderately and 1 - low-grade carcinomas with doubtful immunophenotypes (CK20+/-CDX2-/+CK7-/+Vimentin -/+), as well as 1 mesothelioma

    Osteoinductive properties of secretome of human mesenchymal stem cells, obtained with automatic cell culture system

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    The secretome of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) after osteogenic differentiation of FetMSC cells in vitro was obtained to develop tissue engineering technologies for bone tissue. For standard secretome samples a large number of FetMSC cells (7 × 108 cells) were cultured in serum-free conditioned medium (SFCM

    Compact and Loosely Bound Structures in Light Nuclei

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    A role of different components in the wave function of the weakly bound light nuclei states was studied within the framework of the cluster model, taking into account of orbitals "polarization". It was shown that a limited number of structures associated with the different modes of nucleon motion can be of great importance for such systems. Examples of simple and quite flexible trial wave functions are given for the nuclei 8^8Be, 6^6He. Expressions for the microscopic wave functions of these nuclei were found and used for the calculation of basic nuclear characteristics, using well known central-exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials.Comment: 19 pages, 3 ps figure

    Topological entropy for some isotropic cosmological models

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    The chaotical dynamics is studied in different Friedmann-Robertson- Walker cosmological models with scalar (inflaton) field and hydrodynamical matter. The topological entropy is calculated for some particular cases. Suggested scheme can be easily generalized for wide class of models. Different methods of calculation of topological entropy are compared.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev D. Minor changes, typos corrected; 29 pages with 2 eps figure