14,825 research outputs found
On debugging in a parallel system
In this paper a description is given of a partly implemented parallel debugger for the Twente University Multicomputer (TUMULT). The system's basic method for exchange of data is message passing. Experience has learned that most programming errors in application software are made in calls to the kernel and the interprocess communication. The debugger is intended to be used for locating bugs at this level in the application software. It is assumed that basic blocks of the debuggee can be debugged using a traditional sequential sourcelevel debugger
Distinguishing Different Industry Technologies and Localized Technical Change
This contribution is based on the notion that different technologies are present in an industry. These different technologies result in differential “drivers” of economic performance depending on the kind of technology used by the individual firm. In a first step different technologies are empirically distinguished. Subsequently, the associated production patterns are approximated and the respective change over time is estimated. A latent class modelling approach is used to distinguish different technologies for a representative sample of E.U. dairy producers as an industry exhibiting significant structural changes and differences in production systems in the past decades. The production technology is modelled and evaluated by using the flexible functional form of a transformation function and measures of first- and second-order elasticities. We find that overall (average) measures do not well reflect individual firms’ production patterns if the technology of an industry is heterogeneous. If there is more than one type of production frontier embodied in the data, it should be recognized that different firms may exhibit very different output or input intensities and changes associated with different production systems. In particular, in the context of localized technical change, firms with different technologies can be expected to show different technical change patterns, both in terms of overall magnitudes and associated relative output and input mix changes. Assuming a homogenous technology would result in inefficient policy recommendations leading to suboptimal industry outcomes.Heterogenous Technologies, Transformation Function, Localized Technical Change, Production Economics, Q12, O33, C35,
Meson and Quark Degrees of Freedom and the Radius of the Deuteron
The existing experimental data for the deuteron charge radius are discussed.
The data of elastic electron scattering are inconsistent with the value
obtained in a recent atomic physics experiment. Theoretical predictions based
on a nonrelativistic description of the deuteron with realistic nucleon-nucleon
potentials and with a rather complete set of meson-exchange contributions to
the charge operator are presented. Corrections arising from the quark-gluon
substructure of the nucleon are explored in a nonrelativistic quark model; the
quark-gluon corrections, not accounted for by meson exchange, are small. Our
prediction for the deuteron charge radius favors the value of a recent atomic
physics experiment.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 4 Postscript figures, to appear in Few-Body-System
Heterogenous Technologies, Transformation Function, Localized Technical Change, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Q12, O33, C35,
The Subcolonization and Buildup of \u3ci\u3eTetrastichus Julis,\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) a Larval Parasitoid of the Cereal Leaf Beetle, (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Following initial establishment of the parasitoid, Tetrastichus julis (Walker), at a carefully managed field nursery, releases of parasitized Oulema melanopus larvae were made by Michigan county agents at preselected sites throughout the lower peninsula during 1970-74. A follow-up recovery program during 1971-75 revealed continued dispersion and population increase for T. julis. An independent census verified the increasing rates of parasitism
Franck-Condon Factors and Radiative Lifetime of the A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} - X^{2}\Sigma^{+} Transition of Ytterbium Monoflouride, YbF
The fluorescence spectrum resulting from laser excitation of the
A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} - X^{2}\Sigma^{+} (0,0) band of ytterbium monofluoride, YbF, has
been recorded and analyzed to determine the Franck-Condon factors. The measured
values are compared with those predicted from Rydberg-Klein-Rees (RKR)
potential energy curves. From the fluorescence decay curve the radiative
lifetime of the A^{2}\Pi_{1/2} state is measured to be 28\pm2 ns, and the
corresponding transition dipole moment is 4.39\pm0.16 D. The implications for
laser cooling YbF are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Prospects for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron using electrically trapped polar molecules
Heavy polar molecules can be used to measure the electric dipole moment of
the electron, which is a sensitive probe of physics beyond the Standard Model.
The value is determined by measuring the precession of the molecule's spin in a
plane perpendicular to an applied electric field. The longer this precession
evolves coherently, the higher the precision of the measurement. For molecules
in a trap, this coherence time could be very long indeed. We evaluate the
sensitivity of an experiment where neutral molecules are trapped electrically,
and compare this to an equivalent measurement in a molecular beam. We consider
the use of a Stark decelerator to load the trap from a supersonic source, and
calculate the deceleration efficiency for YbF molecules in both strong-field
seeking and weak-field seeking states. With a 1s holding time in the trap, the
statistical sensitivity could be ten times higher than it is in the beam
experiment, and this could improve by a further factor of five if the trap can
be loaded from a source of larger emittance. We study some effects due to field
inhomogeneity in the trap and find that rotation of the electric field
direction, leading to an inhomogeneous geometric phase shift, is the primary
obstacle to a sensitive trap-based measurement.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, prepared for Faraday Discussion 14
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