43 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of informative heat treatment parameters on the properties of hardening of the surface layers

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The change features of surface steel layer were investigated under influence of plasma source of concentrated energy. The results of research of the effect of plasma treatment process on the microstructure and the thickness distribution of microhardness of the product and the formation of heat affected zone were presented. The resulting information (informative) data and measured values of microhardness in the hardened layers, depending on the plasma processing modes allow you to manage the process of heat treatment of metals. Designed programming model that works on the basis of the solution of the heat equation, allows to predict and investigate the temperature field after exposure to the plasma stream

    Analysis of the impact of informative heat treatment parameters on the properties of hardening of the surface layers

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The change features of surface steel layer were investigated under influence of plasma source of concentrated energy. The results of research of the effect of plasma treatment process on the microstructure and the thickness distribution of microhardness of the product and the formation of heat affected zone were presented. The resulting information (informative) data and measured values of microhardness in the hardened layers, depending on the plasma processing modes allow you to manage the process of heat treatment of metals. Designed programming model that works on the basis of the solution of the heat equation, allows to predict and investigate the temperature field after exposure to the plasma stream

    Technology of overlay laser welding of durable powdery into blade edge of miller

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In this paper the laser welding technology features of wear-resistant powders on the hob's cutting edge with laser radiation (LR) focus positioning control are described. It is shown that the quality of the welding process depends on the processing regimes, the energy characteristics of the laser technological complex (LTC), the positioning accuracy of the LR focus and its perpendicularity relative to the plane of a router bit. In this paper we deal with the questions of stabilization of LTC parameters and LR positioning as well

    Management of laser welding based on analysis informative signals

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Features of formation precision weld of metal were presented. It has been shown that the quality of the welding process depends not only on the energy characteristics of the laser processing facility, the temperature of the surface layer, but also on the accuracy of positioning laser focus relative to seam and the workpiece surface. So the laser focus positioning accuracy is an estimate of the quality of the welding process. This approach allows to build a system automated control of the laser technological complex with the stabilization of the setpoint accuracy of of positioning of the laser beam relative to the workpiece surface

    Technology ability of laser bonding of compacted graphite iron

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Laser welding features of compacted graphite iron are described in this paper. An approach that allows to reduce residual stresses and the probability of occurrence of "hot" cracks in the weld seam as well as to increase the absorption coefficient of laser radiation due to the use of metal powder Ni-Cr-B-Si-Fe, BoroTec-Eutalloy® 10009-chromium-nickel alloy are proposed. Recommendations are given when conducting a welding with compacted graphite iron

    Study of processes of steels surfaces modification with highly concentrated energy flows

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    The peculiarities of steels surface layer modification under the influence of highly concentrated energies which increase the parts and tools quality have been studied. Here are the results of microstructure studies of tool steels and steel 45 samples for the analysis of strengthened steel and surface layer formation conditions. The conditions for the required quality of modified surfaces achievement using nitriding, hardening and cladding

    The impact of innovations in the production of biologically valuable food products on supply chain management in the regional economy

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    Abstract— The article shows a study of the role of supply chain management of innovative biologically valuable food products in the industrial development and economy of the region. The analysis of the process of updating the assortment of food products based on the introduction of innovative developments and production principles conducive to the release of a healthy diet product (innovative product) is presented. The main provisions of the concept of healthy food products, the category of “innovative food products” are analyzed. The article systematizes the definitions of the concept of “innovative product”. Based on the results of the study, features, functional properties and characteristic features of an innovative food product are determined. Based on the concept of “innovative food product”, the concepts of “new food product”, “improved food product”, and “modified food product” are formulated. A classification model of innovative food products is presented. Based on it, it is shown that the development, production and sale of an innovative food product two functions: economic and social. The study made it possible to formulate the main criteria that make it possible to attribute a food product to a group of innovative food products. The article describes the characteristics of an innovative food product, describes market and consumer properties. The author's definitions of concepts are given: “innovative food product”, “new food product”, “improved food product”, “modified food product”. A classification of innovative food products is proposed

    Ion-plasma nitriding of machines and tools parts instrumental steels

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    Here introduced features of formation diffusion bond during ion nitriding in glow discharge plasma in gaseous mediums (mixture of nitrogen and argon). It is shown, that argon existing in saturated medium changes the nitriding process kinetics and the phase composition of the outer zone. Here presented investigation results on ion-plasma nitriding of instrumental steels, focused on microstructure and tool areas phase composition change, operating in most difficult conditions

    Assessment of the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the contralateral joint

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    Presents the results of a prospective study of the effectiveness of Diacerein in osteoarthritis (OA) of the contralateral hip in 68 patients (age 52-70 years) who underwent hip arthroplasty of the hip joint. The results showed that 3-month course of diacerein reduces inflammation in the contralateral hip joint, stabilizing the parameters of the biomechanics of the segment of the lower limb and that further enhances the quality of life. Thus, there is a direct link between the presence of the operated limb and function of the contralateral TBS in the balance of the musculoskeletal system. The mechanism of action of diacerein is associated with a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process in the joint in the formation of a new kinematic node. Further study the influence of prosthetic limbs on the contralateral hip and prospects preoperative medication correction of degenerative-dystrophic changes.Представлены результаты проспективного исследования эффективности Диацереина при остеоартрозе (ОА) контралатерального тазобедренного сустава у 68 больных (возраст 52-70 лет), перенесших артропластику тазобедренного сустава. Результаты исследования показали, что 3-х месячный курс диацереина снижает воспалительный процесс в контралатеральном тазобедренном суставе, стабилизируя параметры биомеханики сегмента нижней конечности и что последующим повышает качество жизни. Таким образом, имеется прямая связь между наличием оперированной конечности и функцией контралатерального ТБС в балансе опорно-двигательной системы. Механизм действия диацереина связан со снижением интенсивности воспалительного процесса в суставе в условиях формирования нового кинематического узла. Требуются дальнейшие изучения влияния протезированной конечности на контралатеральный тазобедренный сустав и перспективы дооперационной медикаментозной коррекции деструктивно-дистрофических изменений в суставах

    Анализ ранних результатов оперативного лечения остеоартрита коленного сустава

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    Introduction. Accounting for 33.3 % of all the cases of large joints osteoarthritis, the knee osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is a frequent cause of temporary and long-term disability. In this regard, the main goal of this study was to analyze early postoperative outcomes in such patients, as well as to establish a relationship between the predisposing factors and the development of the disease.Materials and methods. This paper presents a retrospective analysis of outcomes in 48 cases of arthroscopic treatment of the knee joint conducted at the Kuvatov Clinical Hospital. Patient population was predominantly female (36 cases), with the age averaging at 57. All the patients underwent arthroscopic surgery on the knee joint. The procedures included the resection of the damaged part of the meniscus, grinding and shaving off the damaged lateral or medial condyle hyaline cartilage, and debridement of the joint cavity. All the patients were assessed for pain using 10-point visual-analog scale of pain (pain VAS) prior to and two weeks after the surgery; the treatment efficacy was evaluated by the change in the number of points scored. The Leken algofunctional index was used for the assessment of the severity of gonarthrosis. The clinical symptoms of the disease were assessed prior to and two weeks after the arthroscopy.Results and discussion. We established that positive changes were clearly present two weeks following the surgery. Patients reported feeling better in general, lesser pain when walking, reduced swelling. In addition, the pain severity scores halved in comparison to the initial values.Conclusion. Our findings indicate that arthroscopic surgery is a clinically effective surgical treatment method. After the surgery, the patients demonstrated a drop in the pain intensity score, their knee joints felt less stiff, the motor functions of the knee joint were partially restored.Введение. Остеоартрит коленного сустава является одним из самых распространенных заболеваний в структуре костно-мышечной системы, составляя 33,3 % от числа всех случаев остеоартритов крупных суставов, и нередко является причиной потери трудоспособности и инвалидности. В этой связи основной целью данной работы является анализ ближайших результатов оперативного лечения, а также выявление взаимосвязи предрасполагающих факторов и развития заболевания.Материалы и методы. На базе ГБУЗ РКБ им. Г.Г. Куватова проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов 48 случаев артроскопического лечения коленного сустава. В выборке преобладали женщины — 36 наблюдений, средний возраст составил 57 лет. Всем пациентам была проведена артроскопическая операция коленного сустава, резекция поврежденной части мениска, шлифовка-шейвирование поврежденного гиалинового хряща латерального или медиального мыщелков, дебридмент полости сустава. Всем больным проведена оценка болевого синдрома по 10-балльной визуально-аналоговой шкале боли (ВАШБ) до оперативного вмешательства и спустя 2 недели после операции, эффективность лечения оценивалась по динамике шкалы. Для оценки тяжести гонартроза рассчитывался альгофункциональный индекс Лекена. Проведена оценка клинических симптомов заболевания до операции и через 2 недели после артроскопии.Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что через 2 недели после оперативного лечения наблюдалась положительная динамика. Пациенты отмечали улучшение состояния, снижение интенсивности болей при ходьбе, снижение отека. При этом выраженность боли уменьшилась в 2 раза по сравнению с исходными значениями.Заключение. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что артроскопическая операция является клинически эффективным методом оперативного лечения. После проведенной операции пациенты отмечали снижение интенсивности болевого синдрома, скованности коленного сустава, частичное восстановление двигательных функций коленного сустава