18 research outputs found

    Metode EDAS untuk Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Berbasis Web dan Real Time

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    This research has discussed the design of a decision-making system for selecting new employees at KSP CU. Harapan Kita is currently running and implementing a decision support system for selecting new employees at KSP CU. Harapan Kita (Case Study) is to use the Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS) method. The scope of research is only centered on the Fishing Branch Office which is located at Jl.Williem Iskandar No.17 Medan. The data processed in this system is data on the acceptance of new employees in the IT section using 5 criteria which are the terms and conditions issued by the institution, namely age, work experience, assembly, office skills, design skills. This support system is only to support the decision to recruit new employees and does not discuss how to get prospective employees. With this system testing table running well which is applied directly by creating applications that are designed using the PHP language and the MySQL Management System Database.Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan sistem pengambilan keputusan pemilihan pegawai baru di KSP CU. Harapan Kita saat ini sedang menjalankan dan menerapkan sistem pendukung keputusan seleksi pegawai baru di KSP CU. Harapan Kita (Studi Kasus) menggunakan metode Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS). Ruang lingkup penelitian hanya dipusatkan pada Kantor Cabang Perikanan yang beralamat di Jl.Williem Iskandar No.17 Medan. Data yang diolah dalam sistem ini adalah data penerimaan pegawai baru di bagian IT dengan menggunakan 5 kriteria yang merupakan syarat dan ketentuan yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga yaitu usia, pengalaman kerja, perakitan, keahlian perkantoran, keahlian desain. Sistem pendukung ini hanya untuk mendukung keputusan perekrutan karyawan baru dan tidak membahas bagaimana cara mendapatkan calon karyawan. Dengan adanya tabel pengujian sistem ini berjalan dengan baik yang langsung diterapkan dengan membuat aplikasi yang dirancang dengan menggunakan bahasa PHP dan MySQL Management System Database


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of personality, organizational culture and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior and teacher performance in high schools in Indra Makmur District, North Aceh Regency. The number of samples in this study were 126 teachers obtained by saturated sample technique. The data analysis method used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21 software. The results of this study found that directly, personality and organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, while organizational culture has no significant effect. Furthermore, the results of the study found that personality and organizational citizenship behavior had a positive effect on teacher performance, but organizational culture had a negative effect and organizational commitment had no significant effect. The results of the mediation effect test found that organizational citizenship behavior is able to fully mediate the influence of organizational culture and personality on performance, but not to be a mediator on the effect of organizational commitment on theacher performance.Keywords      :    Personality, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commintment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Theacher Performanc

    Efektivitas Pembebasan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Bahan Pakan Ternak yang Diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the exemption of value added tax on animal feed ingredients regulated in the regulation of the minister of finance. This type of research is descriptive research, using a qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data and other information is done by searching, collecting, and studying various kinds of textbooks, laws and regulations and field research. Based on the research conducted by the author, it was found evidence that the purpose of providing facilities in the form of exemption from value added tax on animal feed ingredients was not achieved because the price of animal feed did not change. Exemption of value added tax is actually enjoyed by animal feed entrepreneurs. Therefore, it can be concluded that the provision of value added tax exemption facilities for animal feed raw materials is not effective. The implication of this research is as a regulator evaluation

    Quo Vadis Head of Local Government Authority: Products of Local Elections within the Principle of Decentralization

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    Pattern by forming regional governments at the first level (provinces) and the second level (Districts/Cities). This is solely to achieve the optimization of national goals and development. However, the division of tasks and relationships between central and regional government authorities continues to experience dynamics. This issue needs to be deeply examined, specifically related to how to obtain and at what level of legitimacy strength, before determining how the working relationship and authority between the Central Government and the regions should be. This research employs a qualitative type, utilizing focused literature studies by taking relevant literature and legal provisions related to the position of regional leaders' authority in decentralization and provincial elections. The analysis used in this study applies the theory of the regional household system proposed by K. Tresna and Bagir Manan, the theory of the relationship model between the Central Government and regions by Clarke and Stewart, as well as the theory of people's sovereignty by John Locke, further emphasized by JJ Rosseau's social contract theory. The findings of this research assume that the methods and strengths of legitimacy regarding the people's sovereignty held by both the Central and regional governments are the same; the difference lies only in the scale of the election/governance areas. Local governments must have extensive autonomy and independence in conducting their regional governance affairs


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    Perkembangan Teknologi semakin canggih seiring dengan maraknya persaingan di dunia bisnis yaitu bidang E-commerce membawa dampak positif bagi para pengusaha untuk memajukan perusahaannya, yaitu dengan membuat website online agar penjualan lampion mudah dikenal di kalangan masyarakat luas. Jati jaya adalah sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai jenis lampion  berbahan dasar dari kayu yang berlokasi di sekitar pringsewu. Sistem penjualan, pemasaran dan promosi yang dipakai saat ini masih menggunakan sistem penjualan secara manua sehingga menyita banyak waktu dan tenagal. Sangat perlu adanya kemudahan pelayanan untuk memudahkan pelanggan yang jauh dari jangakauan agar bisa mendapatkan info atau barang yang akan dibeli. Untuk itu dirancang sistem penjualan online pada jati jaya  berbasis web dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL secara online yang dikenal dengan istilah E-Commerce (Elektronic commerce) .Aplikasi ini mempermudah pelanggan membeli produk lampion secara online kapan saja dan dimana saja tanpa menyita waktu,dan pelanggan juga dapat mengetahui informasi produk apa saja dan bagaimana disain yang tersedia di  toko jati jaya

    Validity of the Expert System based VIT Model (Vocational Interest Test)

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    The purpose of this study was to produce avalid expert system-based VIT (Vocational Interest Test)model. Recruitment or student admission plays animportant role for the success of a vocational education.Therefore, using a valid student admission tool isimportant which will result good and quality students,and this can be seen in the admission process through theright means and tools. The novelty of the productdeveloped was to be able to calibrate vocational interestinstruments developed from Holland's theory withinformation technology and knowledge based system. Thisresearch product is in accordance with the VocationalEducation Spectrum which consists of 9 Areas ofExpertise, 48 Expertise Programs and 142 ExpertCompetencies that are in line with 21st CenturyCompetencies to produce a vocational interest test modeland a vocational interest software based on innovativeexpert system and in supporting the right decision making(Decision Support System). The type of research used isResearch and Development (R & D) using the Four-D(4D) model. To produce valid products, expert validity isused. Based on the data analysis, the results of the studywere obtained: (a) Book of Vocational Interest Testmodel, (b) Vocational Interest Test Software Product, (c)Application Usage Handbook, (d) Vocational Interest TestSocialization Handbook that has fulfilled the valid termsand conditions

    Determinan Keikutsertaan Ibu Sebagai Akseptor Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang Pasca Persalinan (Studi Kasus di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Lanjutan Kabupaten Dharmasraya)

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    Postpartum family planning programs are effective and efficient measures to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality due to unwanted pregnancies which have the potential to cause direct maternal death (abortion, eclampsia and prolonged labor) and indirectly to one component "4 Too "(too young, too old, too much and too close). The Sungai Dareh is the only advanced health facility in Dharmasraya Regency in Dharmasraya Regency with acceptors of long-term contraceptive method acceptors in a very slow or stagnant condition. The purpose of this study was to determine the most dominant factors related to the participation of postpartum mothers using long-term contraceptive methods. The research design was cross sectional. Primary data is taken during 2017, which is between February and Desember with a sample of  99 people in the Maternity Room at the regional public hospital Sungai Dareh. The analysis model used is a regression of the backward likelihood ratio method. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Based on the test results, the variables of poverty level, number of surviving children, health status, age level of respondents, level of education, purpose of using family planning methods, husband support and attitudes have a significant relationship with the participation of postpartum long-term contraceptive methods. While unrelated factors are the age of first marriage and the level of knowledge of the respondents. From the regression model produced, husband's support is the most dominant factor (p = 0.001, OR = 19.591 (95% CI: 3.227 - 118.927), so it can be concluded that husband's support influences the wife's decision in the participation of the postpartum contraceptive method.

    Legenda Aek Sipaulak Hosa di Kecamatan Silahisabungan Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    Legenda Aek Sipaulak Hosa merupakan salah satu cerita prosa rakyat yang berkembang di desa Silahibungan, kecamatan Silalahi Nabolak, kabupaten Dairi. Pada penelitian ini teori yang digunakan adalah sosiologi sastra. Metode yang dipakai pada penelitian ini merupakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah unsur-unsur intrinsik serta nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam cerita. Hasil dari pembahasan pada penelitian ini, didapati sebanyak enam unsur-unsur intrinsik, antara lain: tema, tokoh dan penokohan, alur, latar, sudut pandang dan amanat. Kemudian, untuk nilai-nilai yang terkandung pada cerita, penulis menjelaskan empat nilai yang terkandung. Pertama, kasih sayang yang terdapat pada cerita Aek Sipaulak Hosa, yang menunjukkan adanya cinta kasih pada sifat masing-masing tokoh. Kedua, tanggungjawab yang merupakan bentuk kewajiban dari para tokoh untuk menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seseorang pada perannya masing-masing dalam cerita. Ketiga, rasa hormat yang dimiliki para tokoh menunjukkan kerendahan hati yang tulus. Keempat, sistem kekerabatan yang terdapat pada cerita menjelaskan bahwa tokoh Putri Pinggan Matio menganut sistem kekerabatan yang patrilinear dan Raja Silaisabungan memegang teguh sistem kekerabatan Batak yaitu Dalihan Natolu yang salah satunya bermakna menghormati Hulahula atau pihak pemberi perempuan

    Belas kasih diri (self-compassion) dan pengorbanan (altruism) pada suku Tengger

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    Suku Tengger diketahui memiliki rasa kasih sayang kepada orang miskin, memberi pertolongan kepada orang yang susah, tidak mempunyai rasa benar, pandai, kaya, dan harus mengakui bahwa semua itu milik Tuhan. Self-compassion yang rendah membuat altruism menjadi rendah hal ini berarti individu memiliki keterpaksaan dalam peduli pada lingkungan sekitarnya yang dapat berujung pada tindakan negatif dan agresif. Altruism yang rendah membuat individu tidak bisa bertindak secara kooperatif dan berujung dengan hidup yang tidak bahagia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa belas kasih diri (self-compassion)dan pengorbanan (altruism) pada Suku Tengger. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus ins-trumental. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik purposive sampling, dan teknik pe-ngumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik. Adapun kriteria partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat suku Tengger, berusia 25 sampai 45 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa belas kasih diri (self compassion)dan pengorbanan (altruism) merupakan nilai yang penting bagi Suku Tengger. Belas kasih diri (self compassion)dan pengorbanan (altruism) tidak bisa dihilangkan dari kehidupan suku Tengger karena merupakan nilai adat yang dijunjung tinggi. Saran dari riset iniadalah untuk menjaga nilai budaya pada suku Tengger sebagai manifestasi stabilitas kesehatan mental

    Two Versions of Lah Bako Dance: Representing Agricultural Working Class and Identity Creation

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    This article discusses the politics of identity in dance representations. Lah Bako dance is one of the Jember icons that was created to build an image of the tobacco farmers' culture. This dance is performed by women who represent the tobacco production process. However, the practical needs that are framed through aesthetic motions present a new form of how women are positioned in agricultural societies. In this context, the Lah Bako dance becomes an instrument to create new meanings for women and also becomes an imaginary space for tobacco farming. The article discusses two main points: first, the Lah Bako dance became an integral part of government’s project to construct mass memories in the relations of production in the tobacco sector, and the second is women as subjects representing a farmer’s spirit which is formed as a new figuration that fluid and changeable as political image that transcended existing experimental conditions. An addition point highlighted in this article was the emergence of Islamic values in a dance version which is accomodated the elite interest of Jember’s identity slogan formation. Reseachers use Stuart Hall’s cultural representation and ethnography method to narrate the identity. This research found that the Lah Bako dance is constructed in dominant cultural formations that are legitimized by the structure of the regional government bureaucracy. Furthermore, it is crucial to criticize the space for voicing farmers’ subjectivity and class politics, which has been muddled from the elite network. The problem appears as a paradox for creating aesthetic reality through art, where the symbolic form can be enjoyed without touching inequality that continually arises