134 research outputs found

    Evoked potentials in patients with Angelman syndrome

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    Evoked potentials were studied in four cases with Angelman syndrome. Chromosome 15ql1-13 deletion was proved in two cases and paternal uniparental disomy was proved in the rest. Prolonged photo-evoked eyelid microvibration latencies were noted in all four, while visual evoked potential latencies remained within normal limits in three of four. Interpeak latencies of wave I to wave V in auditory brainstem response were prolonged in two of four. Short latency somatosensory evoked potential was examined in two cases and prolonged interpeak latency of wave P3 to wave N1 was noted in one case. Brink reflex was examined in one case and prolonged R2 latency was noted. These findings suggest that the brainstem is disturbed in cases with Angelman syndrome

    Olopatadine Suppresses the Migration of THP-1 Monocytes Induced by S100A12 Protein

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    Olopatadine hydrochloride (olopatadine) is an antiallergic drug with histamine H(1) receptor antagonistic activity. Recently, olopatadine has been shown to bind to S100A12 which is a member of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins, and exerts multiple proinflammatory activities including chemotaxis for monocytes and neutrophils. In this study, we examined the possibility that the interaction of olopatadine with S100A12 inhibits the proinflammatory effects of S100A12. Pretreatment of olopatadine with S100A12 reduced migration of THP-1, a monocyte cell line, induced by S100A12 alone, but did not affect recombinant human regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES)-induced migration. Amlexanox, which also binds to S100A12, inhibited the THP-1 migration induced by S100A12. However, ketotifen, another histamine H(1) receptor antagonist, had little effect on the activity of S100A12. These results suggest that olopatadine has a new mechanism of action, that is, suppression of the function of S100A12, in addition to histamine H(1) receptor antagonistic activity

    Left Side Electrode of DBS Caused an Acute Mood Swing

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    No previous reports have described a case in which deep brain stimulation elicited an acute mood swing from a depressive to manic state simply by switching one side of the bilateral deep brain stimulation electrode on and off. The patient was a 68-year-old woman with a 10-year history of Parkinson’s disease. She underwent bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation surgery. After undergoing surgery, the patient exhibited hyperthymia. She was scheduled for admission. On the first day of admission, it was clear that resting tremors in the right limbs had relapsed and her hyperthymia had reverted to depression. It was discovered that the left-side electrode of the deep brain stimulation device was found to be accidentally turned off. As soon as the electrode was turned on, motor impairment improved and her mood switched from depression to mania. The authors speculate that the lateral balance of stimulation plays an important role in mood regulation. The current report provides an intriguing insight into possible mechanisms of mood swing in mood disorders

    Decelerated epigenetic aging associated with mood stabilizers in the blood of patients with bipolar disorder

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    There is high mortality among patients with bipolar disorder (BD). Studies have reported accelerated biological aging in patients with BD. Recently, Horvath and Hannum et al. independently developed DNA methylation (DNAm) profiles as “epigenetic clocks,” which are the most accurate biological age estimate. This led to the development of two accomplished measures of epigenetic age acceleration (EAA) using blood samples, namely, intrinsic and extrinsic EAA (IEAA and EEAA, respectively). IEAA, which is based on Horvath’s clock, is independent of blood cell counts and indicates cell-intrinsic aging. On the other hand, EEAA, which is based on Hannum’s clock, is associated with age-dependent changes in blood cell counts and indicates immune system aging. Further, Lu et al. developed the “GrimAge” clock, which can strongly predict the mortality risk, and DNAm-based telomere length (DNAmTL). We used a DNAm dataset from whole blood samples obtained from 30 patients with BD and 30 healthy controls. We investigated Horvath EAA, IEAA, Hannum EAA, EEAA, Grim EAA, DNAmTL, and DNAm-based blood cell composition. Compared with controls, there was a decrease in Horvath EAA and IEAA in patients with BD. Further, there was a significant decrease in Horvath EAA and IEAA in patients with BD taking medication combinations of mood stabilizers (including lithium carbonate, sodium valproate, and carbamazepine) than in those taking no medication/monotherapy. This study provides novel evidence indicating decelerated epigenetic aging associated with mood stabilizers in patients with BD

    Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion of [ 14 C]Imidafenacin, a New Compound for Treatment of Overactive Bladder, After Oral Administration to Healthy Male Subjects

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    ABSTRACT: The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of imidafenacin [KRP-197/ONO-8025, 4-(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-2,2-diphenylbutanamide], a new antimuscarinic drug developed for treatment of overactive bladder, were assessed in six healthy male subjects after a single oral administration of 0.25 mg of [ 14 C]imidafenacin (approximately 46 Ci). The highest radioactivity in the plasma was observed at 1.5 h after administration. The apparent terminal elimination half-life of the total radioactivity was 72 h. Approximately 65.6 and 29.4% of the administered radioactivity were recovered in the urine and feces, respectively, within 192 h after administration. The metabolite profiling by high-performance liquid chromatography-radiodetector and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry demonstrated that the main component of radioactivity was unchanged imidafenacin in the 2-h plasma. The N-glucuronide conjugate (M-9) was found as the major metabolite and the oxidized form of the 2-methylimidazole moiety (M-2) and the ringcleavage form (M-4) were detected as the minor metabolites in the 2-h plasma, but M-4 was found to be the main component in the 12-h plasma. Unchanged imidafenacin, M-9, M-2, and other oxidized metabolites were excreted in the urine, but the unchanged imidafenacin and M-9 were not found in the feces. Two unique metabolites were found in the urine and feces, which were identified as the interchangeable cis-and trans-isomers of 4,5-dihydrodiol forms of the 2-methylimidazole moiety. These findings indicate that imidafenacin is rapidly and well absorbed (at least 65% of dose recovered in urine) after oral administration, circulates in human plasma as the unchanged form, its glucuronide, and other metabolites, and is then excreted in urine and feces as the oxidized metabolites of 2-methylimidazole moiety. Imidafenacin [KRP-197/ONO-8025, 4-(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-2,2-diphenylbutanamide] In the pharmacokinetic assays in the preclinical toxicology studies, imidafenacin was absorbed rapidly with absolute bioavailability of 5.6% in rats and 36.1% in dogs after oral administration (Masuda et al., unpublished observations). Orally administered [ 14 C]imidafenacin was excreted as many metabolites in the feces, and the total recovery in the urine and feces were more than 95% of the administered dose in rats and dogs (Sato et al., unpublished observations). In phase I clinical trials, the plasma concentration and urinary excretion of imidafenacin increased dose dependently in the range from 0.025 to 0.5 mg of single oral dose, and the apparent elimination half-life ranged from 2.6 to 3.0 h Article, publication date, and citation information can be found a

    Epigenetic clock analysis of blood samples from Japanese schizophrenia patients

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    The accelerated aging hypothesis of schizophrenia (SCZ) has been proposed. DNA methylation profiles were developed for determining “epigenetic age.” Here, we assessed intrinsic and extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (IEAA and EEAA, respectively) in SCZ. We examined two independent cohorts of Japanese ancestry. The first cohort consisted of 80 patients with SCZ under long-term or repeated hospitalization and 40 controls, with the economical DNA pooling technique. The second cohort consisted of 24 medication-free patients with SCZ and 23 controls. Blood of SCZ subjects exhibited decreased EEAA in the first cohort (p = 0.0162), but not in the second cohort. IEAA did not differ in either cohort. We performed replication analyses using publicly available datasets from European ancestry (three blood and one brain datasets). One blood dataset showed increased EEAA in SCZ (p = 0.0228). Overall, our results provide evidence for decreased EEAA in SCZ associated with hospitalization in the Japanese population