406 research outputs found

    Higher algebraic KK-theory of finitely generated torsion modules over principal ideal domains

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    The main purpose of this paper is computing higher algebraic KK-theory of Koszul complexes over principal ideal domains. The second purpose of this paper is giving examples of comparison techniques on algebraic KK-theory for Waldhausen categories without the factorization axiom

    Fibration theorem for Waldhausen K-theory

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    The goal of this note is to give a variant of the generic fibration theorem for Waldhausen K-theory without assuming the factorization axiom

    Negative K-groups of abelian categories

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    We prove that negative K-groups of small abelian categories are trivial

    Local Gersten's conjecture for regular system of parameters

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    In this paper, we show local Gersten's conjecture for regular system of parameters. As its consequence we obtain Gersten's conjecture for a commutative regular local ring and smooth over a commutative discrete valuation ring

    Gersten's conjecture for commutative discrete valuation rings

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    The purpose of this article is to prove that Gersten's conjecture for a commutative discrete valuation ring is true. Combining with the result of \cite{GL87}, we learn that Gersten's conjecture is true if the ring is a commutative regular local, smooth over a commutative discrete valuation ring

    Motivic interpretation of Milnor KK-groups attached to Jacobian varieties

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    In the paper M. Somekawa, {\it{On Milnor KK-groups attached at semi-Abelian varieties}}, K-theory, \textbf{4} (1990) p.105, Somekawa conjectures that his Milnor K-group K(k,G1,...,Gr)K(k,G_1,...,G_r) attached to semi-abelian varieties G1G_1,...,GrG_r over a field kk is isomorphic to ExtMkr(Z,G1[βˆ’1]βŠ—...βŠ—Gr[βˆ’1]){\rm Ext}_{\mathcal{M}_k}^r(\mathbb{Z},G_1[-1] \otimes ... \otimes G_r[-1]) where Mk\mathcal{M}_k is a certain category of motives over kk. The purpose of this note is to give remarks on this conjecture, when we take Mk\mathcal{M}_k as Voevodsky's category of motives DMβˆ’eff(k){\rm DM}^{eff}_{-}(k) .Comment: 29 page

    Delooping of the KK-theory of strictly derivable Waldhausen categories

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    In this short note, for a morphism of Waldhausen categories f ⁣:A=(A,wA)β†’B=(B,wB)f\colon \mathbb{A} = (\mathcal{A} ,w_{\mathbb{A}}) \to \mathbb{B} = (\mathcal{B},w_{\mathbb{B}}), we will define Cone⁑f\operatorname{Cone} f to be a Waldhausen category. There exists the canonical morphism of Waldhausen categories ΞΊf ⁣:Bβ†’Cone⁑f\kappa_f\colon \mathbb{B}\to \operatorname{Cone} f. We will show that the sequence Aβ†’fBβ†’ΞΊfCone⁑f\mathbb{A}\overset{f}{\to}\mathbb{B}\overset{\kappa_f}{\to}\operatorname{Cone}f induces fibration sequence of spaces K(A)β†’K(f)K(B)β†’K(ΞΊf)K(Cone⁑f)K(\mathbb{A})\overset{K(f)}{\to}K(\mathbb{B})\overset{K(\kappa_f)}{\to} K(\operatorname{Cone} f) on connective KK-theory. Moreover we will define a notion of strictly derivable Waldhausen categories and define non-connective KK-theory for strictly derivable Waldhausen categories

    Quasi-weak equivalences in complicial exact categories

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    We introduce a notion of quasi-weak equivalences associated with weak-equivalences in an exact category. It gives us a delooping for (idempotent complete) exact categories and a condition that the negative KK-group of an exact category becomes trivial

    Generalized Koszul resolutions

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    The main objective of this paper is to generalize a notion of Koszul resolutions and charcterizing modules which admits such a resolution. We turn out that for a noetherian ring AA and a coherent AA module MM, MM has a two dimensional generalized Koszul resolution if and only if MM is a pure weight two module in the sense of \cite{HM09}.Comment: 14 page

    What makes a multi-complex exact?

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    In this paper, we give a sufficient condition which makes the total complex of a cube exact. This can be regarded as a variant of the Buchsbaum-Eisenbud theorem which gives a characterization of what makes a complex of finitely generated free modules exact in terms of the grade of the Fitting ideals of boundary maps of the complex
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