5 research outputs found

    RING1 Interacts with Multiple Polycomb-Group Proteins and Displays Tumorigenic Activity

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    Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins form large multimeric protein complexes that are involved in maintaining the transcriptionally repressive state of genes. Previously, we reported that RING1 interacts with vertebrate Polycomb (Pc) homologs and is associated with or is part of a human PcG complex. However, very little is known about the role of RING1 as a component of the PcG complex. Here we undertake a detailed characterization of RING1 protein-protein interactions. By using directed two-hybrid and in vitro protein-protein analyses, we demonstrate that RING1, besides interacting with the human Pc homolog HPC2, can also interact with itself and with the vertebrate PcG protein BMI1. Distinct domains in the RING1 protein are involved in the self-association and in the interaction with BMI1. Further, we find that the BMI1 protein can also interact with itself. To better understand the role of RING1 in regulating gene expression, we overexpressed the protein in mammalian cells and analyzed differences in gene expression levels. This analysis shows that overexpression of RING1 strongly represses En-2, a mammalian homolog of the well-characterized Drosophila PcG target gene engrailed. Furthermore, RING1 overexpression results in enhanced expression of the proto-oncogenes c-jun and c-fos. The changes in expression levels of these proto-oncogenes are accompanied by cellular transformation, as judged by anchorage-independent growth and the induction of tumors in athymic mice. Our data demonstrate that RING1 interacts with multiple human PcG proteins, indicating an important role for RING1 in the PcG complex. Further, deregulation of RING1 expression leads to oncogenic transformation by deregulation of the expression levels of certain oncogenes

    The Polycomb Group Protein EED Interacts with YY1, and Both Proteins Induce Neural Tissue in Xenopus Embryos

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    Polycomb group (PcG) proteins form multimeric protein complexes which are involved in the heritable stable repression of genes. Previously, we identified two distinct human PcG protein complexes. The EED-EZH protein complex contains the EED and EZH2 PcG proteins, and the HPC-HPH PcG complex contains the HPC, HPH, BMI1, and RING1 PcG proteins. Here we show that YY1, a homolog of the Drosophila PcG protein pleiohomeotic (Pho), interacts specificially with the human PcG protein EED but not with proteins of the HPC-HPH PcG complex. Since YY1 and Pho are DNA-binding proteins, the interaction between YY1 and EED provides a direct link between the chromatin-associated EED-EZH PcG complex and the DNA of target genes. To study the functional significance of the interaction, we expressed the Xenopus homologs of EED and YY1 in Xenopus embryos. Both Xeed and XYY1 induce an ectopic neural axis but do not induce mesodermal tissues. In contrast, members of the HPC-HPH PcG complex do not induce neural tissue. The exclusive, direct neuralizing activity of both the Xeed and XYY1 proteins underlines the significance of the interaction between the two proteins. Our data also indicate a role for chromatin-associated proteins, such as PcG proteins, in Xenopus neural induction

    Distinct BMI-1 and EZH2 Expression Patterns in Thymocytes and Mature T Cells Suggest a Role for Polycomb Genes in Human T Cell Differentiation

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    BMI-1 and EZH2 Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins belong to two distinct protein complexes involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis. Using unique PcG-specific antisera and triple immunofluorescence, we found that mature resting peripheral T cells expressed BMI-1, whereas dividing blasts were EZH2+. By contrast, subcapsular immature double-negative (DN) (CD4-/CD8-) T cells in the thymus coexpressed BMI-1 and EZH2 or were BMI-1 single positive. Their descendants, double-positive (DP; CD4+/CD8+) cortical thymocytes, expressed EZH2 without BMI-1. Most EZH2+ DN and DP thymocytes were dividing, while DN BMI-1+/EZH2- thymocytes were resting and proliferation was occasionally noted in DN BMI-1+/EZH2+ cells. Maturation of DP cortical thymocytes to single-positive (CD4+/CD8- or CD8+/CD4-) medullar thymocytes correlated with decreased detectability of EZH2 and continued relative absence of BMI-1. Our data show that BMI-1 and EZH2 expression in mature peripheral T cells is mutually exclusive and linked to proliferation status, and that this pattern is not yet established in thymocytes of the cortex and medulla. T cell stage-specific PcG expression profiles suggest that PcG genes contribute to regulation of T cell differentiation. They probably reflect stabilization of cell type-specific gene expression and irreversibility of lineage choice. The difference in PcG expression between medullar thymocytes and mature interfollicular T cells indicates that additional maturation processes occur after thymocyte transportation from the thymus.</p